Ever wonder whenever you visit a particular business establishment in a particular time and day then if you go back in another time you find out another set of employees are there to assist you? This is because some establishments that remains open for more the typical 8 hours schedule need to shift their employees. As employees often have a standard hours in work, for full time employees the typical work schedule should not exceed 8 hours. To make sure that the work flow process goes as smoothly as possible, Shift Change Checklist are drafted by Managers. Read more about this in our article and check out below our free Shift Change Checklist samples.

7+ Shift Change Checklist Samples

1. Managers Shift Change Checklist Template

managers shift change checklist template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Pages


2. Shift Change Hourly Skills Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 108 KB


3. Operations Shift Change Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 66 KB


4. Shift Change Cleaning Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 249 KB


5. Daily Shift Change Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 162 KB


6. Bar Manager Shift Change Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 92 KB


7. Restaurant Manager Shift Change Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 3 KB


8. Bartender Shift Change Checklist

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 16 KB


What Is a Shift Change Checklist?

A Shift Change Checklist is a comprehensive list which contains names of the employees, their weekly task, equipment or materials that are needed in a particular shift and reports if applicable. Depending on the nature of an employee’s job or workload, a shift change checklist is basically an aid used to helps to ensure consistency and completeness in carrying out a task.

How to Create a Shift Change Schedule?

There are a number of things to be considered during a Shift Change. It’s a juggling act of anticipating workforce needs, managing employee requests and preferences, and ensuring shift coverage. Not only that certain resources needs to be on the checklist once a change of shift occurs. Such as in the restaurant industry, several factors has to be considered aside from scheduling work load of an employee. To learn more about this, here are some general steps to follow when creating a shift change schedule:

I. Assigning Employees

If the shift change involves a total rotational change of employees, make sure to inform your employees of the change, define the working schedule available and what task are to be accomplished per shift.

II. Endorsement of Task

If the shift change is about an endorsement of task or work, make sure that the checklist contains detailed and coherent information so the next employee would understand what needs to be accomplished.

III. Materials, Equipment or Resources

There are some business that requires checking of company assets and resources during a shift change. An example are those in the restaurant industry where there is a need to inspect kitchen equipment and tools, restroom area, dinning area and even the parking lot. Or in a cleaning company services, a change of shift would require checking of cleaning materials and other relevant task.

IV. Reports

Daily reports are needed to ensure a proper and consistent flow of work between employees. This is also to help the manager check if there were any challenges encountered, problems that needs to be resolved or if something needs improvement.


What Is a Shift Handover Report?

A Shift Handover Reports is a document that summarizes the processes for passing on of information and the transfer of responsibility and accountability between support workers and others.

What Is a Shift Supervisor?

A shift supervisor is tasked to assign shift schedules and ensure that enough staff members are present for the shift and that all operations are carried out safely and on time.

What Is an Employee Work Schedule?

This is the number of days and hours an employee is schedule to work or be on the job. Depending on a company policies an employee’s work schedule can vary from time to time.

A Shift Change Checklist can be very beneficial to a business organization in order the flow of work from one employee to another does not get disrupted. Concerns can be easily addressed, improvements can be made, employees can get a sense of security and peace of mind that they could be guided as they work to fulfill their task and lastly employers have a reference they need if ever something is amiss.



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