Trade shows are one of the ways to promote certain businesses or organizations, especially the startups and the small owners, to get exposed to different types of potential investors or clients to help them get more revenue and possibly expand their business. They can also learn new information from other businesses and even network with them to partner on certain aspects of the business. If you’re a business owner and you get the opportunity to participate in a trade show, it can be exhilarating especially if the trade shows are held in other cities where you can have the opportunity to travel but to also expose your business in various locations. However, to successfully draw in clients to your business, your trade show booth must be attractive for people to flock over and you must have the confidence and knowledge to invite them to patronize your business. To do that, you need a checklist to help you smoothen out all the things you need to prepare. Read the article to know how to make a trade show planning checklist.

10+ Trade Show Planning Checklist Samples

1. Trade Show Planning Checklist Template

trade show planning checklist template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs


2. Trade Show Planning Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 490 KB


3. Trade Show Planning Client Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 175 KB


4. Trade Show Event Planning Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 391 KB


5. Sample Trade Show Planning Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 191 KB


6. Standard Trade Show Planning Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 677 KB


7. Professional Trade Show Planning Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 48 KB


8. Trade Show Promotion Planning Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


9. Trade Show Participation Planning Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 191 KB


10. Trade Show Community Event Planning Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 521 KB


11. Meeting Trade Show Planning Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 150 KB


What is a Trade Show?

A trade show is an event where people come together to display, demonstrate, and discuss their latest products and services all related to a particular industry such as tourism or automobiles. Trade shows usually take place in convention centers in big cities and last for a few days.

How to Make a Trade Show Planning Checklist

1. Create a Primary Goal

One of the things you should do first before making and listing things needed for the trade show, come up with a primary goal that you want to achieve in your trade show. Are you aiming for at least a few investors to do business with you? Make sure your primary goal can be measured to let you know whether your trade show was a success or not.

2. Decide on Your Main Message

To attract the guests to your booth, you need to create a catchy, quirky, and engaging message to be plastered around your booth. Make sure your message is straight to the point and understandable enough for everyone.

3. Have a Vendor Presentation

If the trade show organizers allow exhibitors to hold a presentation, take this opportunity for you to do one. It will help you bolster your presence towards many guests and even attract prospects.

4. Choose Your Exhibiting Space

Choosing a space where you can exhibit your company’s products to guests needs to be strategically planned. Location matters a lot so make sure to be quick enough on registering for the trade show as soon as possible to secure a space perfect for you. The space near the front, near the center, and at the end of the aisles are good spots for exhibition spaces.

5. Design Your Booth

Make sure to prepare printing banners, decorations, and handouts to use to embellish your booth to make it more appealing to the guests.

6. Select Your Booth Team

Assemble the right team for your booth.  Have at least three staff to man the booth and assign roles to each one so they know what they need to do during the trade show.

7. Make Travel Arrangements

No matter where the trade show is going to be held, make sure to complete all travel arrangements before the day comes for you to travel to the location. Book plane tickets, hotels rooms, and rental cars in advance to get cheaper rates.

8. Decide How Your Exhibit is Going to Look Like

Envision how you want your exhibit to look. Make sure it is on-brand with your business and it is easy for you and your staff to execute. Don’t forget to pack all in-booth essentials that you’re going to need during the exhibit. Make sure to plan what promotional items you’re going to present to the trade show and know that they should be in line with your brand as well.

9. Schedule Meetings With the Prospects

To ensure you get to draw in prospective clients, schedule meetings with existing clients, pre-qualified prospects, potential vendors and partners, and members of the media to help you gain more exposure.


What are some trade show examples?

Some examples of trade shows that are common to happen are arts and crafts, restaurant and food, healthcare, manufacturing, and technology just to name a few.

How do trade shows make money?

Trade shows make money through attendance fees from guests, exhibition fees from exhibitors to market their products, sponsorship deals with brands, and revenue shares to the event organizers through the sales made by exhibitors in exchange for not having any contractual or exhibition fees.

When you’re done creating the checklist, you can go ahead and print out copies of your checklist. Provide your staff with the copies so they will know what to prepare for the trade show. To help you get started on creating a checklist, download our free sample checklist templates above to use as your guide.

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