Company policies are necessary to enforce the rules of conduct in an organization. They outline the role of both the employees and employers. They have various advantages like protection of employee’s rights and also the business owners’ interest in the business. Simply put, company policies keep each member of an organization in line and on the same page. As an HR manager in your company, it’s your job to impose such policies. So to give you a hand, we invite you to view our Sample Company Policy Templates! We listed them for you below.
FREE 19+ Sample Company Policy Templates
Company Policy Template

Company Overtime Policy Template

Company Cyber Security Policy Template

IT and Software Company Work from Home Policy

Cloud Computing Policy Template

Software Copyright Policy Template

Free Warning Letter for Violation of Company Policy

Free Simple Company Freelance Policy Template

General Company Policy Template in Word

Company Privacy Policy Sample Template in Google Docs

Employee Attendance Policy Template

Rehire Policy Template

Work Hours and Reporting Policy Template

Privacy in the Workplace Policy Template

Construction Company Policy Sample
Restaurant Company Policy Sample
Corporate Company Policy Sample
Sample Company Values & Policies
Company Employee Privacy Policy
Model Company Child Labour Policy
Why Is a Company Policy Needed?
Setting up a company policy for employees is what you need to do to ensure that they will follow the organization’s standards and rules. It educates them on the dos and donts as a member of the workforce and the company organizational chart. With an established list of company policies, incidents such as insubordination, misconduct, workplace harassment, and others that ruin the company’s culture will occur less. And keep in mind, a negative culture can affect your company’s recruitment for new employees. According to an article from BuiltIn, 46% of job applicants assess a company’s culture before submitting their applications. And that’s just one among many examples why a company policy is vital.
How to Create a Company Policy
Without a company policy, your organization will surely face a lot of problems—problems that can be the cause of its downfall. That said, you should take time to establish one. To help you get started, we’ll show you our quick guide in creating a company policy.
1. Study Your Company Goals and Values
You need to study the company goals and values in creating a policy. That’s because you should base the aspects of it using those two. The policy and the company goals and values should complement each other.
2. Analyze the Company’s Operations
A lot of what the employees will be doing is centered around the company’s operations. So in creating a policy, you should analyze it as well. What you need to know is what the operations need to run its course successfully. That way, you can set rules and standards that employees must follow to enable smooth operations.
3. Emphasize the Purpose of the Policy
You have to let members of the organization understand the policy’s purpose. When they do, they’ll be more inclined to follow it, especially if the purpose it serves benefits not only the company but to them as well.
4. Integrate the Policy to the Employee Handbook
To make the policy official, add it to the company’s employee handbook, employee manual, or policy and procedure manual. It’s an indication that employees must follow it strictly. And that if they violate it, the management will issue a warning letter to them. For grave offenses, they could face severe sanctions, such as employment termination.
What are the types of policies that my company should have?
These are the types of policies that your company must have:
- Safety and security policy
- Attendance policy
- Vacation or time-off policy
- Privacy and confidentiality policy
- Dress code or uniform policy
What are the characteristics of an excellent policy?
An excellent policy shouldn’t contradict with other policies in your company. That only creates confusion among employees on which they should follow. And also, it should be biased or one-sided. All members of the organization must follow it, from the higher-ups down to the subordinates.
What are a policy’s critical components?
Here’s a short list of the components of a policy:
- Description and purpose of the policy
- Warnings
- Sanctions or disciplinary action for violators
- Due process to compensate for the damage caused by the violator
Consider a company policy as one of the pillars to keep your organization standing. Without it, it’ll be impossible to achieve the goals set by its founders and you as its HR manager. So start drafting one now using our company policy templates. And you can use our employee handbook template as well!
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