They say first impressions last a long time. The first experience you have with a person can influence what they feel and think about you. You can’t dictate how someone sees you; all you can do is hope for the best. But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do about it. If their perception of you is positive, all you have to do is make sure it stays that way. If it’s negative, you need to show them your good side. Even in the corporate world, what a client thinks about your business is crucial for your reputation and personal brand. That is why companies conduct customer perception surveys.

Understanding Customer Perception Surveys

Every business owner knows that the way a customer sees your company can affect so many aspects of the business. It could affect your sales, branding, and reputation. That’s why you should understand how your customers feel about you to help you provide them with better customer service. One way for you to do that is through a customer perception survey. This method is a way of gathering data about your customers. Once your customer gives your company feedback, you can then use that information for your customer analysis. By getting to know the impression your customers have of you, you can build a better customer relationship.

Importance of Customer Perception

Client satisfaction is now a more vital factor for people to choose what you offer over other products. That is why your customer’s brand perception must be positive. Customer perception helps you see what the customer sees. This allows you to make improvements to your branding strategy. Customer perception also helps you understand general brand awareness. A good business owner knows that a satisfied customer can become a loyal client. Keeping customer perception on the good side can boost your market value. And continually checking up on it through product surveys and whatnot can also increase your customer engagement.

Questions for Your Customer Perception Survey

When you are in the service industry, you would want to know if the work you are doing is sufficient. How will you know how to improve if you don’t get any response about your services? That’s why you need to conduct a customer perception survey. In this survey, you can’t just ask random questions; there needs to be a structure and category for everything.

Overall Satisfaction and Rating Questions

One of the most important questions to ask your customers is how satisfied they were with the overall experience. The way they feel about your product and service as a whole can make or break your company. Making them rate the whole thing to see if they were “highly satisfied” or “unsatisfied” could help you define your performance.

Dimension Factor Rating Questions

After getting their impression on the overall experience, you also need to know their thoughts on individual elements. That means that you need to provide questions regarding the specifics of your service. Here, you can tackle things such as customer service, product quality, ambiance, etc. this will help you find out which parts need improvement.

Behavioral Questions

One factor of customer satisfaction is how the customer behaves after they have experienced what you offer. You can ask them questions like if they are going to suggest your products to their peers. This could be the part where you establish a marketing plan like word of mouth marketing.

Open-Ended Questions

When asking your customer product survey questions, it would be best if you didn’t try to limit the possible answers they can give you. Ask them open-ended questions to provide them with enough freedom to give you a reason for this and that. This can guide further understanding of what the customer is looking for.

Demographic Questions

You could, or should also ask which demographic the customer belongs to. This will help you understand how a certain type of customer’s feelings about your goods and services will differ from another type. With information like this, you can also use customer segmentation to get specific data from each group.

5+ Customer Perception Survey Samples

A good business strategy will always involve the customer’s perception as one of its primary concerns. The customers are the ones that bring in the sales after all. That is why companies make sure to have a well-made customer perception survey. To give you a clearer idea of this survey, here are a few customer perception survey samples you can check out.

1. Customer Perception Survey Sample

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  • PDF

Size: 307.6 KB


2. Basic Customer Perception Survey Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1.4 MB


3. Customer Perception Survey in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 166.7 KB


4. Printable Customer Perception Survey Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 485.5 KB


5.  Conducting a Customer Perception Survey Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 122.3 KB


6. Customer Perception Survey in DOC

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 624.5 KB


Improving Customer Perception

A company will last long if its audience stays loyal to it. The best way to do that is by making sure that they always think the best of you. For you to grow with your customers, you need to know how to improve your customers’ perception of you. Here’s how you can do that.

1. Look Inward

Before you try to understand your customers, you first need to see if you have things to say about your company. A little self assessment never hurt anybody. You need to check yourself out for possible areas you think might need improvement.

2. Get Emotional

To make sure you are always on your customer’s good side, you need to create an emotional connection with them. Try to tap into their most profound emotional need and move forward from there. Show them you can provide more than just boring old customer satisfaction.

3. Lean on Positive Language

Nothing beats positivity. When communicating with your client, it’s always best to use positive language. Don’t sound too pushy and aggressive. Have a conversation with them and talk to them like you’ve known them your whole life. Positivity can help them open up to you.

4. Commit to Consistency

If you don’t want them to change their minds about you, you need to be consistent with your service and product quality. This also means you need to always be on point with your professional ethics and quality standards.

5. Fill Gaps

For your clients to see the best of you, you need to be perfect or at least try to look perfect. The best way to do that is by making sure you have no gaps left to fill. Gap analysis will do you so much good, so try that one out.

6. Collect Feedback

Here is where the main star of this article comes in. To fully understand what the clients want to see, you need to conduct a customer perception survey. This could be your market research strategy to get to know your clients well.

7. Follow up

Follow up on what the customer needs. No need to say more. Just do what you think will please your customer based on what they said.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, but it burned in one. Make sure to stay on your customers’ good side. Any wrong move can be your downfall.

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