10+ Design-Build Scope of Work Samples

Design-build is a project delivery approach in which a single entity, the design-build team, operates under a single contract with the project owner to offer design and construction services. Design-build is sometimes referred to as design/build and single-source responsibility. When working as a team, a Design-Build project offers several benefits for guaranteeing a successful project completion. According to studies, adopting a design-build approach instead of traditional construction saves clients anywhere from 6%-10% on projects. If you’re interested in applying design build in your construction or design services, you need to lay down the work clearly. All of it could be stipulated in a scope of work– which includes any milestones, reports, deliverables, and final products that the performing party is required to supply. Look no further! In this article, we provide you with free and ready-to-use samples of Design-Build Scope of Work in PDF and DOC formats that you could use for your convenience.

1. Design-Build Scope of Work

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 215 KB


2. Design-Builder Scope of Work

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  • PDF

Size: 142 KB


3. Design-Build Engineer Scope of Work

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  • PDF

Size: 183 KB


4. Design-Build Contractor Scope of Work

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  • PDF

Size: 637 KB


5. Design-Build Services Scope of Work

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  • PDF

Size: 853 KB


6. Design-Build Project Scope of Work

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  • PDF

Size: 58 KB


7. General Design-Build Scope of Work

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  • PDF

Size: 242 KB


8. Design Bid Build Scope of Work

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  • PDF

Size: 14 KB


9. Design-Build Contract Scope of Work

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  • PDF

Size: 71 KB


10. Design-Build Scope of Proposed Work

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 116 KB


11. Design-Build Construction Scope of Work

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 137 KB


What Is a Design-Build Scope of Work?

The Design-Build Scope of Work describes the project’s broad aims and goals, as well as the key deliverables and milestones. It is a section of a contract that details the work to be done on a construction project. A well-written scope of work establishes expectations for all parties, including duties, milestones, and technical information necessary to accomplish the project. It also offers an overview on architectural, engineering, and related design services, as well as labor, material, and associated construction services for the project, while maintaining an emphasis on quality, cost, and delivery time. The scope of labor might differ substantially from one project to the next. It may just provide a very basic overview of the work necessary, or it may contain a detailed description of the project, major milestones, a work plan with estimated delivery dates, reports, price, deliverables, roles and responsibilities, and the final products to be delivered.

How to Make a Design-Build Scope of Work

The scope of work is the most important component of any construction contract. Payment conflicts and project delays may skyrocket without a clear and defined SOW, and project completion may become impossible. To ensure that your design-build scope of work includes all aspects that should be included, select one of the excellent templates listed above so that you don’t have to go through with the hassle of drafting one from scratch. If you want to write one of your own, however, follow these steps to guide you:

1. Include an overview of the Project

A brief overview of the project’s main goals and a project synopsis are required to be included in this section. The statement that summarizes the project description should be brief yet to the point. As a result, there will be a guarantee that the job will be effectively finished.

2. Provide milestones and deliverables for the project.

This section should provide a list of all planned project objectives that must be met. These objectives must be met during the building project’s lifespan. The deliverables will contain enough information and insights to provide the project manager and contractors with a clear and comprehensive knowledge of the project’s requirements.

3. Include a timeline and a schedule.

This section isn’t a comprehensive construction timetable, but rather a summary of all completed activities for the project. Contractors must plan around the deadlines during this phase. Contractors must be aware of the project’s overall schedule, timeframe, and other completion milestones in order to do so.

4. Create a scope and technical details for your project.

The project’s scope will provide crucial details regarding technical elements and other duties to the participants. The strategies and procedures that must be used to complete the task are mentioned. Along with the assessment criteria, these are the parts that have a substantial impact on the contractor’s performance.


What exactly does a design-build company do?

These companies plan and construct the project. The majority of design-build businesses will use the same construction crews to complete their projects or will retain them on staff indefinitely. This allows a remodeling or other construction job to proceed smoothly.

What’s the difference between construction management and design-build?

A contract with the owner and a General Contractor (GC) to oversee all elements of the construction is required for the Contractor-Led-Design-Build method. During pre-construction, the contractor serves as a construction manager in conjunction with the architect, and when the price is agreed upon, the contractor becomes the general contractor.

Is it preferable to design or build?

The customer will benefit from the possibility of a cheaper final project cost, a faster timetable, and a considerable decrease in risk. It’s feasible to use the design-build method on only a piece of your project.

Above all, a well-formulated SOW may give a substantial amount of assurance and security. As a result, determining the scope of work has become one of the most important aspects of completing projects. The breadth of the building project papers is anticipated to be completed with a great deal of thought. To help you get started, download our easily customizable and comprehensive Design-Build Scope of Work today!

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