If you feel sick and unable to go to work, then you’ll need to see a doctor and get yourself checked. When it comes to your priorities, your health should come first. And your absence from work shouldn’t stress you out. The doctor will take care of that for you through a doctor’s excuse note. If you should know, it’s the only document that you need to be excused from work. In this article, we have reliable samples that will help you learn and understand what a doctor’s excuse note is all about.
FREE 6+ Doctor Excuse Samples
1. Doctor Excuse Note Template

2. Free Doctor Excuse Note Sample

3. Sample Covid-19 Doctor Note for Non-Travel
4. Sample Medical Excuse Form
5. Doctor/Dentist Excuse Note Sample
6. Doctor/Dentist Excuse Sample
7. Medical Excuse Slip Template
What Is a Doctor’s Excuse?
A doctor’s excuse note for work, also called a doctor’s note or a medical certificate, is a document that explains an employee’s absence from work. A doctor or physician issues the note upon the employee’s request. It is a short document providing information such as the employee’s name, age, gender, date of birth, the reason for seeking medical attention, a medical diagnosis, the name of the hospital or clinic, the rest days needed by the employee, and the attending doctor’s name and signature. A doctor’s excuse note is required to prove an employee’s claims of being sick. It is also used as a supporting document to file for paid sick leave.
You can get a doctor’s excuse note for work from hospitals or a dentist. If an employee’s absence is because of their child’s checkup or hospitalization, they may get a doctor’s excuse note from a children’s hospital.
How to Make a Doctor Excuse
Ever wonder how a doctor’s excuse note is made? Well, you’ll find out soon. Below are the steps on how to make a doctor’s excuse note for work.
1. Review of Health Records
Before the doctor sees you, they’ll first study your previous medical records, if there are any. If you have received urgent care in the same hospital or emergency room before the consultation, they’ll see the details in the urgent care doctor’s note on your patient record.
2. Interview and Health Assessment
During the checkup, the doctor will ask you a lot of relevant questions, such as where you work, what’s the nature of your job, what do you do, etc. They’ll also observe your current health condition and conduct basic tests or health assessments. This will help them identify your illness or current health condition.
3. Prescribe Laboratory Tests
Laboratory tests are done to confirm the doctor’s speculations about your condition. Once the lab results are out, the doctor then decides on your final medical diagnosis and prescribe the medicine that you need.
4. Fill Out Doctor’s Note Template
After the procedure, you can request a doctor’s excuse note. The doctor will then get a standard doctor’s excuse note template that the hospital uses. They’ll fill out the template with your basic information and provide details of your condition, including your medical diagnosis. The doctor will also prescribe several days for rest based on your condition. It will help you regain your health.
5. Return to Work
You may need to get a return to work form upon reporting to work. To get this form, you’ll need to present your doctor’s excuse note to the nurse or doctor on duty in your company’s clinic.
Is it easy to get a doctor’s excuse note?
It is fairly easy to get a doctor’s excuse note depending on one’s situation. You’ll need to see a doctor in the hospital to get a doctor’s excuse note or medical certificate. If you are really sick or feeling unwell, the doctor will know based on the medical evaluations during the checkup. If the doctor determines that you’re healthy, they’ll find no need to issue a doctor’s excuse note.
How many times can I get a doctor’s excuse note?
There is no limit as to how many times an individual is allowed to get a doctor’s note. However, showing up for a checkup is not something a healthy person would do. If you went to see the doctor too often, your manager or teacher might think that you may not be capable of doing your job or healthy enough to go to school. Your absence from work or school may also be seen as a sign of laziness and mat lead your boss to think that your doctor’s excuse note is fake.
The doctor forgot to sign the doctor’s excuse note. What should I do?
The doctor’s handwritten signature is an indication of a valid doctor’s excuse note. Doctors often stamp their names and license number on the note before affixing their signature on it. If your doctor forgot to sign the note, go back and have it signed. You should check this information before actually leaving the doctor’s office.
Can I get paid sick leave credits without a doctor’s excuse note?
Every company has its set of rules or requirements for doing things. Most companies would require a valid doctor’s excuse note or medical certificate for an employee to file a paid sick leave. Some companies only allow checkups in hospitals or institutions that are affiliated with the company’s health insurance provider. Check with the appropriate department in your company on the process they follow concerning filling a paid sick leave.
What happens if I get a fake doctor’s excuse note?
It’s never a good idea to use fake documents in any given transaction. That is why you should never include it as an option if you need to be absent from work or school. If your employer finds out that you submitted a fake doctor’s excuse note, you’ll be asked to explain your side. But it doesn’t mean you’re safe. Forging or faking documents is a terminable offense. It will give you a bad reputation, and word about it will spread. It may cause you to have difficulty finding a new job.
Now that you know how a doctor’s excuse note works, you can easily tell when you’ll be needing one for work or school. And with the samples above, familiarizing the different doctor’s excuse note format is a breeze.
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