Most of the time, hard work really pays off. Months of overtime, closing a huge business deal, dealing with customers, and many more are some of the things employees work hard for. The success of a company is mostly due to its hardworking employees and to make sure this success stays constant, the management gives credit where it’s due. This is done by recognizing who best performed within a given period which is popularly known as an employee of the month. To learn more about this let us discuss this further below. And don’t forget to check out our free employee of the month samples that are downloadable on this page.

10+ Employee of the Month Samples

1. Employee of the Month Award

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Size: 132 KB


2. Female Employee of the Month

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Size: 242 KB


3. Employee of the Month Protocol

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Size: 354 KB


4. Student Affairs Employee of the Month

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Size: 110 KB


5. Sample Employee of the Month

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Size: 704 KB


6. Employee of the Month Letter of Support Form

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Size: 173 KB


7. Basic Employee of the Month

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Size: 1 MB


8. Employee of the Month Nomination Form

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Size: 13 KB


9. Criteria for Employee of the Month

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Size: 56 KB


10. Formal Employee of the Month

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Size: 82 KB


11. Professional Part Time Employee of the Month

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 22 KB


What Is an Employee of the Month?

A good company makes sure their employees are not only properly paid, but are highly appreciated as well for their hard work. Appreciation is known to boost morale, encourage an employee to go the extra mile, and increase motivation all of which can be beneficial to any business organization. To encourage all these traits, a lot of companies would endeavor to implement a monthly employee recognition program that can help them select their top employee which is known as an employee of the month.

Certain criteria are followed in order to choose that deserving employee and in some cases mere recognition isn’t the only thing offered, there may be incentives as well. This kind of program would also encourage other employees within the company to work hard to be recognized as well. Certain parameters must be set for the employee of the month so everyone would know how to achieve the award. But it always boils down to the most common things, an employee’s key performance and how well they have contributed to the company.

How To Select An Employee of the Month

Depending on what type of business, each company has its own criteria for selecting an employee of the month. Performance, work attitude, and productivity may play a vital role, but there are still other things to consider especially if there are incentives being offered. In order to create a proper employee recognition program, there are several factors that may help in the selection process.

I. Goals

As you begin to develop the program, it is important to identify its goals and objectives. How this could help both the company and the employees. What can the program achieve? Yes, it can increase employee morale, but should it also increase customer ratings? Or perhaps improved employee retention?

II. Criteria for Selecting Employees

An employee’s KPI(key performance indicator) is one of the many factors that would help the management gauge an employee’s accomplishments. Another factor to consider is the employee’s tenure, the delivery of high-quality work, his or her work attitude, leadership skills, taking initiative and etc. These are some of the criteria that can be considered when choosing an employee for the month.

III. Rewards and Incentives

Aside from an internal and external announcements, companies offer rewards and incentives to their best employees as a token of appreciation for their hard work. This could be in a monetary form, a plaque, a gift card, and many more.

IV. Setting Up Certain Rules

Aside from the criteria for selection, it is important to set up rules in regard to certain aspects of the program. For example, what happens if there is a tie between two or more employees? Can part-time employees take part in the program? This and other things must be carefully thought about in order to keep up with the consistency of the program.

V. Communication

It is essential that employees are aware of the monthly recognition program and its criteria for selection as this may inspire them to work harder. Also, this will promote transparency knowing what they should do to achieve the monthly award.


What is Employee Incentives?

These are various rewards based on programs set by the company for example loyalty awardees are given cash rewards, free trips abroad, or compensation incentives may include items such as salary increase, bonuses, profit sharing, signing bonuses, etc.

What Is an Employee of the Year?

This is one of the highest recognition for employees for their exemplary contribution to the company during the 12-month period.

Can you have more than one Employee of the Month?

In most cases, it is possible as there are no general rules to it. Some companies for example fast-food chains, do recognize more than one well-performed employee.

Overall, an employee of the month may bring positive results to the company and its employees. Organizations are able to improve their sales and productivity and employees feel appreciated to be recognized for their hard work and dedication.


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