There have been a lot of benefits that we can get out of conducting self evaluation and assessment. Although there are times that it is not quite clear for us especially those who find it awkward to talk about themselves, it is still an essential part in making ourselves grow and improve into a better performing employee. There have been a lot of researches that say managers and employees alike are definitely sick of having an annual charades. This would quite mean that companies who are experiencing more pressure tend to focus more to their talent management efforts.

10+ Appraisal Self Evaluation Samples

1. Employee Performance Self Appraisal Evaluation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 159 KB


2. Executive Performance Appraisal Self Evaluation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 10 KB


3. Appraisal Self Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 204 KB


Self evaluation and assessments are one of the new ways of managing and dealing with employee reviews. For the past years and even up to now, there are actually quite a number of companies who cancels out annual appraisals to be in favor of a regular feedback. Now, self evaluation has been proving to be far more successful in its result compared to the annual review. There has been an emphasis on the shift of the performances of most employees especially that they have more opportunity to assess themselves in order to grow and develop. Self assessment has been proven to be essential to this kind of change.

4. Management Appraisal Self Evaluation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


5. Student Employment Appraisal Self Evaluation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


6. Work Performance Appraisal Self Evaluation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 318 KB


Speaking of benefits, appraisal self-evaluation has a lot to offer. Through this, employees can feel that they can be more engaged in the appraisal process, have greater insights and can set goals for improvement, feel more confident about themselves and their abilities, enhance their learning capacity and learn how to make corrections quickly, select training programs that are suitable to their needs, enhanced problem solving skills, more accountable, more valued, and more motivated to be able to learn another set of skills.

7. Staff Performance Appraisal Self Evaluation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 986 KB


8. Teacher Performance Appraisal Self Evaluation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 35 KB


9. Employee Appraisal Self Evaluation

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 266 KB


10. Administrative Staff Appraisal Self Evaluation

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 35 KB


11. Annual Performance Appraisal Self Evaluation

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 8 KB


Whenever employees feel that they are being heard through the process of self-evaluation, they will more likely to listen to the feedbacks that their managers would give them. The process of appraisal would become more of a two-way discussion. One of the most essential part in dealing with self-assessments to employees is the type of autonomy it provides. The process itself discourage micromanagement that they believe would drain the productivity of work. Employees who evaluate themselves and can make their choices freely are tend to be happier, more contended, more loyal, and more productive to the workforce.

Writing Appraisal Self Evaluation

  1. Find time to reflect on the feedback. This would help you understand how your actions would affect others. During performance reviews, it is important to be observant when you are collaborating with others. Take note if there are any feedbacks so that you will have more time to reflect on the information.
  2. Have a list of your top accomplishments and try to identify the areas that need more improvement. Writing an evaluation allows you to highlight your strengths to help you accomplish your goal. Before you are going to start writing the evaluation, take time to go over with your job description first and compare it with your recent performance. Once you have figured things out, compare them to your organization’s goals, values, and missions and see if they actually are align.
  3. Consider gathering some analytics to show an impact. Using a valuable data will show you the real value. For best results, try to ensure that the numbers and some action words are included. In addition to your accomplishments, you can also make use of them to create SMART goals in which you can apply for the next review period.


How to write a self-appraisal?

You have to highlight your accomplishments first then gather the necessary data to showcase your achievements. Have yourself aligned with the company that you are in and reflect on any possible mistakes objectively. Set your goals. Don’t be hesitant to ask anything about how to improve. Lastly, get a second opinion.

How to address weaknesses in a self evaluation?

You have to make a commitment to improve. Set a SMART goal that you can apply within yourself. After doing all that, you may create an action plan to make it all happen.

If you want to see more samples and format, try to check some of the appraisal self-evaluation samples and templates in the article to be guided.