Many industries commonly require their employees to write self-evaluations. It’s been a part of a supervisor’s report how an old or new employee assesses their quality assessment to pinpoint issues. At the same time, it encourages them to self-awareness. Perhaps, it can improve their professional growth and how to deal with the company’s culture and diverse colleagues. With an employee self-evaluation, the company will get to know particular aspects of their employee and can determine how to help them.

10+ Employee Self-Evaluation Sample

1. Employee Performance Self-Assessment Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 104 KB


2. Employee Self Evaluation Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 59 KB


3. Employee Self-Evaluation Worksheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 336 KB


4. Employee Self-Evaluation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 116 KB


5. Sample Employee Self-Evaluation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 4 MB


6. Employee Self-Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


7. Employee Self-Evaluation for Review

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 234 KB


8. Employee Self-Evaluation Process

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 857 KB


9. Employee Completing Self-Evaluation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 716 KB


10. Simple Employee Self-Evaluation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 47 KB


11. College Employee Self-Evaluation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 637 KB


What Is an Employee Self-evaluation?

An employee self-evaluation is a written document in which an employee sets out their feelings and what they think about their quality of work, performance appraisal, abilities, and goals. It also goes hand in hand with the company’s performance review and other work instructions. This document will also allow all the employees to reflect on their performance. It is commonly required once a year or a month and can be submitted via email or hand in a document. Besides, it can be a great motivation for all to improve their work performance.

How To Make an Employee Self-evaluation?

Crafting a self-evaluation allow employees to provide feedback evaluation to their superiors. Once good feedback comes from a comprehensive evaluation, it will promote better performance and motivate total employee attendance throughout the working period. In other words, it increases productivity. So, make sure to construct a well-written employee self-evaluation to make a significant impact on your managers and supervisors. You may read the following the steps below to be guided.

1. Promote Your Triumphs

In any case, writing a self-evaluation means highlighting your strengths and successes. Cite any milestones you passed, plans you accomplished, or progress you have made since your previous evaluation. Particularity will maximize your self-evaluation’s impact. Define specific tasks and projects you finished that contributed to your overall success.

2. Determine Areas For Improvement

Next, you will also need to identify your own mistakes. Your manager is aware of your shortcomings, so taking accountability will show your professionalism and integrity. Aside from that, you can also provide some constructive feedback on how your supervisor’s strategies or actions may have affected your performance. Remember, it’s essential to always frame your weaknesses as opportunities to grow.

3. Document Your Accomplishments

You can record your accomplishments and, at the same time, keep a list of your successful tasks, completed assignments, and any new responsibilities you might take on. If you set aside just a time every week to record the highlights of your performance, you should have plenty of data to draw on when the time comes for self-evaluation.

4. Set Your Goals

Setting goals is one of the purposes of self-evaluation. Examining your successes and failures is ineffective unless you use your self-awareness to inform your plans for the future. Discover what the company hopes to accomplish, and set personal goals to help you contribute to that objective.

What are the other components I need to include in my employee self-evaluation?

Aside from the mentioned steps above, you can also add a component for your positive qualities. This is your way to sell yourself and prove to them that you have improved from the last evaluation.

What are the other ways to construct a self-evaluation?

You can write a self-evaluation from scratch or avail of some evaluation samples available on our site.

Why is an employee self-evaluation essential?

It is important because it can help assess any employee regarding their capabilities and other traits within the workplace.

Self-awareness has become essential, especially among the employees. A self-evaluation will help them keep up with their performance and goals in the company. Hence, it’s essential to impose such a strategy within industries and companies as an effective employee becomes an asset to a company.