Why is there a need to do an evaluation within a company? Company standards are being set so that the business can operate and function based on how the company wants it. This is done to ensure that they only offer the best services or high-quality products. One way of determining if the provided standards are being followed is by performing quality checks and evaluations.

Who gets evaluated? The people who are working in a company or organization gets evaluated using the specific company standards where they are under. This is called an employee performance evaluation. Employee evaluations are done from the lowest to the highest ranking official within the company; some even include their CEO, to make sure that the entire company is aiming for the goals and objectives that they have set.

Employee performance evaluations can be made easier with the use of employee performance evaluation forms that are available for free online download. We have made sure to include in this article 10+ different sample evaluation forms and templates that will definitely be of great help to you. You can check out and download the samples that we have provided below.

Performance Appraisal Form

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  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


New Employee Performance Evaluation

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  • PDF

Size: 198 KB


What Are the Benefits of Having an Employee Performance Evaluation?

Some employees think of employee evaluations as some tool used against them to find fault and by telling them how badly they did for that specific period of time. They think that employee performance evaluations only benefit employers and not them. I won’t blame them for feeling that way, especially if the company you work for have outrageous and almost unrealistic set standards. Unknown to some, employee performance evaluations actually benefit both employer and employee. Below is the list of benefits that you need to know.

  • By conducting an employee performance evaluation, employers are able to find out who among their employees are doing their jobs and who are doing them right.
  • Employers are able to identify and give credit to performing employees who have not only met the company’s expectations but also those who have exceeded expectations.
  • Through employee evaluations, the strengths and weaknesses of every employee are being addressed, and this helps in boosting their confidence as well as improve their performance by finding ways on how to make their weaknesses into their strengths.
  • It helps clarify the roles of each employee within the company so that they can function the way they should be. This ensures that there are no overlapping of duties and responsibilities. It makes it easy to identify the employee who is responsible for the said task.
  • It fosters having an open communication within the company. Even if the reason for providing feedback is good, it might not always be taken that way by all of the employees, unless they can provide their own feedback to the higher-ups.
  • Employee performance evaluations help employees learn from their mistakes through one-on-one sessions with their immediate superiors.
  • It helps keep track of how well or how poorly an employee is doing over a specific period of time.
  • This evaluation can be the basis of the employee’s promotion and appraisal. It serves as their qualifications for getting bonuses and incentives.

Employee Performance Appraisal

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  • PDF

Size: 3 MB


Employee Performance Evaluation Form

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  • PDF

Size: 50 KB


What Should Be in an Employee Performance Evaluation Form?

If you have not seen an employee performance evaluation form before, you might want to take a look at the employee performance evaluation samples that we have provided in this article. You will also notice that not one of them look alike. This is because each evaluation form is designed and created based on the nature of the job it is going to evaluate. But don’t worry, because no matter how different they may seem, they will always have similarities. Below, we have listed the things that you can commonly see in an employee performance evaluation.

  • The company name and address in the heading
  • The indication that it is an employee performance evaluation form
  • The instructions on how to use and fill out the form
  • The name of the employee being evaluated
  • The name of their immediate superior or manager
  • The position of the employee being evaluated
  • The coaching or evaluation being done
  • The metrics on which the evaluation is based
  • The supervisor or the manager’s feedback
  • The employee’s feedback about the evaluation
  • An action plan based on the findings or results of the evaluation
  • The acknowledgment statement
  • The signature and printed name of both employee and their superiors or managers

School of Business Performance Evaluation Form

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Size: 134 KB


Annual Employee Performance Evaluation Forms

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  • PDF

Size: 134 KB


Employee Performance Review

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 6 KB


Ways on How to Evaluate an Employee’s Performance

After having a fill of what you should see in an employee performance evaluation form, you are now ready to know the ways on how an employee’s performance is evaluated. There are a number of ways on how it can be done, which still depends on the type of job being evaluated and the company’s demands. So here we present to you the many ways on how to evaluate an employee’s performance.

  • Random Quality Checks – Announcing quality check schedule is good, but doing random quality checks also has its advantages. Prepared employees will have time to do good during planned quality checks, but random checks will allow you to identify if the employees follow company standards and protocols. It does not give the employee time to prepare so their actual performance is better understood.
  • Monitor Office Practices and Personal Habits – The use of the mobile phones and the Internet for nonwork-related stuff in the office during work hours should be prohibited. Good office practices should be explained to all of the employees within a company so that everyone will comply with it. Indulging in gossip and other forms of distractions should be controlled strictly.
  • Client Survey – Conducting a client survey allows you to determine the level of satisfaction that your client gets from your employees. Having satisfied clients means that your employees are following the standards and are doing their very best. If this is the case, then you know that your employees are on the right track.
  • Evaluate Personal Presentation – Employees directly represent the company, so how an employee represents themselves greatly affects how the people would view the company. Employee presentation includes how they adhere to the dress code and their attitude toward work and their clients.
  • Absenteeism – This is a major issue within the workplace as it can greatly influence the productivity of the company. Employee absences could be because of issues with the manager or the management, having a toxic work environment, or low employee morale. Regardless of the cause, absenteeism greatly affects the productivity of the company. It should be properly evaluated so that the cause can be identified and fixed.
  • Cost-Effectiveness – Another way to measure an employee’s performance is to calculate the cost of the work that they have produced. Say, for example, you measure their productivity within a specific time frame.

Optical Employee Performance Review Form

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  • PDF

Size: 80 KB


Employee Performance Appraisal Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 127 KB


The Goals of Employee Performance Evaluation

Companies use employee performance evaluations as an essential tool in a assuring that they are aware of the level of productivity of their workers. Here are some of the goals that companies have in mind that can explain why they use employee performance evaluations.

  • To identify the strengths of the workforce. Knowing the strengths and the abilities of the people who are working within a company can provide a lot of advantages to business operations so the management can fully utilize these strengths, which can further improve the condition of corporate processes.
  • To be aware of the weaknesses or the areas of improvement of different employees from various departments. Since it is not always strengths that employees can present all the time, there is also a need for businesses to know and evaluate the gray areas of operations. This is important as it can start the development of training programs, which can harness the skills and competencies of employees that will then result in the betterment of the operations of the company.
  • To state the current condition of a particular employee who is up for regularization or promotion. Most employee performance evaluations are created when there is already a new face or stage of employment that the employee will be subjected to.
  • To identify the new steps or call to actions that the management can take and implement depending on the results of the performance evaluations of their employees. There should be an objective assessment of the results of the performance evaluations to fully identify whether a weak performance is due to management lapses or the personal issue of the employees. Knowing this is the start of providing the employees with the things that they need to ensure that they will be productive within the entirety of the operations procedures that they will do in the workplace.
  • To assure the effectiveness and efficiency of the programs being implemented based on the previous results of employee performance evaluations. It is up for the management to be reminded of the call to action that they have curated and put them together from previous employee evaluations. It should still be tested to ensure its effectiveness with the current condition of their workforce.

Civil Service Employee Performance Evaluation

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Size: 1 MB


Job Performance Evaluation Form

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  • PDF

Size: 233 KB


Advantages and Disadvantages of Performance Evaluation

Performance evaluation is necessary to assure the effectiveness of an individual’s performance or the efficiency of the process being followed by an organization or a business entity. Here are some of the advantages of using performance evaluations.

  • This document allows entities to be aware of the loopholes within the processes where they are currently involved in. Hence, this allows them to change the areas where they are weak at and develop management protocols, which can help them attain the goals and objectives of the organization.
  • The usage of performance evaluations can assure that there is an objective assessment of the performance of the workforce or the management. This can only be possible if there are measures that are predetermined and followed within the entire execution of the procedures present in the performance evaluations.
  • One of the advantages of using a performance evaluation is that there is a physical record that can be seen by the entity on how they have been assessed so they can be well aware of how their performance has been measured by a variety of metrics. Understanding the results of a performance evaluation is truly essential to avoid misunderstandings between the person being evaluated and the entity who did the performance evaluations.


Though there are a lot of advantages that the performance evaluations can provide, there are also some disadvantages that using this document can provide. They are as follows:

  • The content of the performance evaluation may actually not be suitable for the person who will be evaluated. This can happen if a general template of performance evaluation is used throughout the different department of a business. This is the reason why it is essential to make sure that the performance evaluations should be based on the functions of an individual, and how he or she is expected to put these functions into actions.
  • The result of the performance evaluation may also depend on the person who is tasked to do the evaluation. Though the performance evaluation has been curated accordingly, there may be times that a subjective assessment may occur because of the personal issues of the evaluator. With this, the purpose and objective of creating the specified document may not materialize.
  • One of the disadvantages that may also occur is when metrics are improperly incorporated within the performance evaluations. It is essential to do further research on the tools and systems that may be applied to assure that the methods of assessment and evaluation are relevant to how the performance of an individual or an organization will be rated.

Employee Self-Appraisal

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  • PDF

Size: 304 KB


360-Degree Performance Evaluation Form

File Format
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Size: 68 KB


Annual Performance Review Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 92 KB


University Employee Performance Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 86 KB


What Are the Positive Words to Use in an Evaluation?

Positive words will always have an impact on any person, especially if it is used during an employee evaluation. It does not only lighten the mood while feedback is provided, it also makes the employee feel better about themselves and motivates them to work harder. Of course, not all of us can easily utter positive words and give a positive feedback. So here are positive words that you can use in an evaluation.

  • Dependable – being able to meet deadlines, responsible, and reliable
  • Dedication – shows perseverance in doing the job, loyal, honest, and able to achieve goals
  • Able to adapt – can handle change, able to do a variety of work
  • People Skills – able to make a positive environment, cooperative, can work with in harmony together with other employees
  • Creative – open to change and is willing to accept new ideas
  • Computer skills – able to operate the computer well or is computer literate, easily learns and does not find it difficult to work on new technology
  • Organizational Skills – able to keep things well organized, gets the job done in a timely manner, systematic, able to identify productive and nonproductive tasks.
  • Personal Qualities – able to handle stress well, avoids having grave confrontations within the workplace, is calm even when under pressure, stays composed and is sincere
  • Personal Development – desires improvement and is eager to learn, has their personal goals set