Companies must regularly find time to evaluate their employees if they want their business to grow and develop. Also, this would provide management with information to use when making employment decisions, such as promotions, pay raises, and layoffs. This will help them gauge if an employee would need training, seminars, and other options that can improve his or her work performance. There are a lot of ways to evaluate an employee, at times the problem does not lie with skills but how much knowledge does an employee possess to make his or her job better. To do so, a job knowledge evaluation is conducted. To know more about this, let us discuss this further below. If you need templates as a reference, then check out our free job knowledge evaluation samples that are available for download on this page.

10+ Job Knowledge Evaluation Samples

1. Job Knowledge Interview Evaluation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 9 KB


2. Job Knowledge System Evaluation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 52 KB


3. Job Knowledge Performance Evaluation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 72 KB


4. Employee Job Knowledge Evaluation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 38 KB


5. Job Knowledge Supervisor Performance Evaluation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 202 KB


6. Job Knowledge Skills Evaluation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 106 KB


7. Job Knowledge Supervisor Evaluation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 98 KB


8. Job Knowledge Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 36 KB


9. Employee Job Work Knowledge Evaluation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 96 KB


10. Student Employee Job Knowledge Evaluation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 92 KB


11. Staff Job Knowledge Evaluation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 25 KB


What Is a Job Knowledge Evaluation?

Employee evaluation is the method of appraising an employee’s performance this would give management feedback on an employee’s progress and would help them assess if there are any issues that need to be addressed. And one very important component in the whole evaluation process is to assess how knowledgeable an employee is when it comes to his or her job. This is particularly essential when an employee’s job relies on his or her ability to use the knowledge learned in school, from years of experience, or from specialized training programs. A job knowledge evaluation is conducted to measure the expertise and proficiency they are in their field of work. Once these are properly measured, managers can then assess if they need to fill in any gaps in the knowledge.

How To Conduct a Job Knowledge Evaluation?

Without a proper employee evaluation, companies may risk a lot of things such as creating a negative impact on how they manage their employees, may ruin finances since they might be paying too much for such an incompetent employee, and lowering everyone’s morale. Ideally, this is an employer’s responsibility to conduct these evaluations, no matter how small or large the business may be. And this is also particularly relevant if you have employees whose knowledge is critical for your company’s success. So, to conduct a job knowledge evaluation for your employee here are several helpful tips below.

1. Method to Assess an Employee

Conducting a job knowledge assessment would mean trying to implement various reliable methods in order to gather the data and information you need to come up with recommendations. This could be done through tests, interviews, feedback, or even observation from managers and peers.

2. Self-Assessment

Self-assessment is a personal way of appraising oneself, which can be beneficial for management to gauge how optimistic or pessimistic the employee is in regards to his or her job knowledge. But understanding their point of view may add to the data you need so you are to understand them better as well.

3. Real-Life Situation

One way to appraise an employee’s job knowledge is by observing how they work in real life, without constraints. This will help you gauge their level of proficiency.

4. Feedback

Feedback from clients and even those within the management is quite beneficial when it comes to evaluation. Particularly from clients, since their level of satisfaction would determine how well the employee had done his or her job.

5. Recommendations

After each and every evaluation, management will be able to determine how well an employee is doing. This is where recommendations are formulated and decisions are made whether to further train the employee or in the worst-case scenario fire them.


What Is an Evaluation Form?

This is one method to appraise an employee’s workplace performance. It contains specific questions or criteria needed for assessment.

How many times should Employee Evaluations be conducted?

Employee evaluations or performance are conducted every 6-12 months. This will give management ample to check if there are changes in an employee’s performance.

What are some criteria used for Employee Evaluations?

Some criteria used in employee evaluations are as follows:

  • Goal achievement
  • Productivity
  • Quality of Work
  • Ability to Problem Solve
  • Written and Verbal Skills
  • Teamwork

A job knowledge evaluation is an important part of appraising an employee’s work performance. Being knowledgeable of your job will help you efficiently get your work done and increase productivity.