Evaluation or performance reviews are done in organizations to help employees know their work progress and productivity in the workplace. But sometimes giving judgment reviews are not too easy; different people take reviews differently from what you expect them to understand. They might take offense to your evaluation and refuse to even focus to make changes in their work performance. When writing a judgment evaluation, it’s important to word it well. Read the article to find out how to write a judgment evaluation.

8+ Judgement Evaluation Samples

1. Judgement Assessment Evaluation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 60 KB


2. Student Judgement Evaluation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 88 KB


3. Judgement Device Evaluation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 407 KB


4. Judgement Method Evaluation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 579 KB


5. Judgement Decision Making Evaluation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 278 KB


6. Judgement Evaluation Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 130 KB


7. Judgement Presentation Evaluation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 233 KB


8. Teacher Judgement Evaluation

  • 1 MB

Size: 478 KB


9. Employee Judgement Performance Evaluation

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 25 KB


What is Judgment Evaluation?

A judgment evaluation is a documented performance review of how an employee is effectively meeting their goals and responsibilities. Managers or supervisors conduct these reviews by giving comments related to the employee’s work performance by using various work competencies characteristics as their basis. The comments must give clear examples of the successes and challenges of the employee. Giving thoughtful performance review comments can show your employees you are invested in their growth and development.

How to Write an Effective Judgment Evaluation

The comments you provide on your judgment evaluation performance review need to be more specific and personal for each employee. Here are some tips to guide you on writing effective judgment evaluation comments:

1. Note Your Employees Performance Regularly

Employee evaluation may depend on your company; they might want you to do it every quarter or every year. To effectively give your judgment evaluation to your employees, take some time to take note of any important moments or achievements of every employee. It will help you know what to put in your evaluation and it can also make it more personal and significant for your employees.

Focus on the areas of attendance, creativity, leadership, communication skills, teamwork, time management, problem-solving, customer experience, and work ethic.

2. Be Honest

Evaluations are not always the easiest and most fun thing to do in your work; you need to be honest about your observation about each of your employees’ performance; however, you need to be honest in your evaluation. It is the right opportunity to address issues that could be affecting the employee’s performance. To make it easier, be honest with them, keep your communication open and clear. Both you and your employee should discuss their performance, what you expect from them, and what they expect from you to move forward.

3. Give Concrete Examples

Use specific and solid examples to support your comments. Address issues by offering ways you’d like the employee to do to address their shortcomings and improve them in the future.

4. Filter Your Words

Word out your evaluation in a way that you are giving positive and constructive feedback. Make your tone friendly and avoid being too harsh in your evaluation even if you’re addressing the areas that your employee needs to improve.

5. End on A Positive Note

It’s important to end on a positive note. Don’t fail to express appreciation to your employees. By doing this, it will make your employees feel respected. Remember, a judgment evaluation is to provide constructive feedback and positive reinforcement.

Examples of Positive and Negative Review Judgement Phrases


Below are some positive performance review phrases for judgment that you could use for your evaluation:

  • You use appropriate research and knowledge to make appropriate decisions
  • You use impartial judgment when faced with a problem
  • You don’t let his emotions cloud his decisions
  • You are level-headed even in trying times
  • You are persuasive and assert your own ideas with confidence

Always focus on the strengths and positive characteristics of the employee.


Below are some positive performance review phrases for judgment that you could use for your evaluation:

  • Your lack of communication causes a lot of misunderstanding among your team members.
  • Your inability to work well with others has caused your team to fall behind.
  • To make the most of scheduled meetings with others, make it a practice to prepare an agenda to ensure you stay on track and take full advantage of the time you have with colleagues and supervisors.
  • You lack problem-solving skills and often disrupt your team members by expecting them to help you complete simple tasks.

Avoid using negative words such as ‘not’, ‘don’t’ ‘no’, etc. to prevent your evaluation from sounding too negative.


What are thedifferent types of evaluation?

The main types of evaluation are process, impact, outcome, and summative evaluation.

What are the tools of evaluation?

Some tools used for evaluation are achievement tests, anecdotal records, cumulative records, checklists, rating scales, and questionnaires.

To make your judgment evaluation more personal and meaningful to your employees, discuss the evaluation one-on-one and privately. Be sure to invite your employees to discuss and open up to you regarding their concerns over their work. Listen to them talk and give them advice if they need it. Take note of their concerns and do the necessary actions to address them. To help you further on making evaluation comments, download our free sample templates above to serve as your guide.