There are types of health institutions that offer comprehensive mental health evaluation and assessment for all kinds of patients. Most people experience mental illness during their lifetime, however, they chose not to get a treatment plan for their condition. The common reason for this is their mental health conditions are undiagnosed. Therefore, their families and friends find it difficult to determine whether they are just moody or a more serious problem being experienced by their loved ones.

20+ Mental Health Evaluation Samples

1. Mental Health Evaluation Form

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Size: 200 KB


2. Sample Mental Health Evaluation

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Size: 89 KB


3. Mental Health Education Evaluation

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Size: 69 KB


4. Mental Health Mobile Application Evaluation

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Size: 8 MB


5. Mental Health Court Evaluation Report

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Size: 944 KB


6. Psychiatric Mental Health Evaluation

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Size: 21 KB


7. Child Mental Health Assessment

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Size: 174 KB


8. Personal Mental Health Evaluation

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Size: 574 KB


9. Mental Health Evaluation Survey

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Size: 448 KB


10. Initial Mental Health Evaluation

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Size: 469 KB


11. Mental Health Exam Evaluation

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Size: 576 KB


12. School Mental Health Program Evaluation

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Size: 330 KB


13. Mental Health Medical Evaluation

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Size: 310 KB


14. Family Mental Health Evaluation

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Size: 2 MB


15. Mental Health Evaluation Team FAQ

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Size: 394 KB


16. Mental Health Interview Evaluation

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Size: 126 KB


17. Mental Health Support Evaluation

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Size: 808 KB


18. Adult Care Facility Mental Health Evaluation

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Size: 195 KB


19. Mental Health Evaluation Policy

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Size: 104 KB


20. Mental Health Treatment Evaluation

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Size: 260 KB


21. Mental Health Program Evaluation Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 200 KB


What is a Mental Health Evaluation?

Mental health evaluation or assessment is a procedure that a patient undergoes to identify any mental disorders and help them connect with mental health providers who can give them the care they need. Medical practitioners also use client treatment plans, mental health discharge summaries, client progress notes, mental health assessment plans, and health care action plan templates to create an effective strategic action plan that patients can take to improve their health conditions.

How to Create a Mental Health Evaluation

Medical professionals such as psychiatrists, psychologists, or family doctors perform mental health evaluations or also referred to as psychological assessments. It involves components such as verbally responding to questions, taking a physical examination, and completing assessment surveys or assessments. A mental health assessment contributes to the mental health history of a patient along with their medical history and social history.

Step 1: Provide the Background Information of the Patient

Start by gathering relevant background information from your patient like their age, gender, and ethnicity. Then keep a record of the patient’s medical history, mental health history, and cultural factors in your assessment like their immigration religion, and sexual orientation.

Step 2: Write Your Assessment

Include a narrative note or summary of your findings and how the elements you have recorded contributed to your patient’s current health condition. Write a description of the patient’s current symptoms and behavior then assess their psychosocial history. Make sure that they have completed their mental status exam and medical necessity criteria.

Step 3: Explain Your Diagnosis and Proposed Treatment Plan

You can categorize the psychiatric diagnoses of your patients by utilizing the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Then recommend a mental health treatment plan that is most appropriate for your patient based on your narrative assessment or summary.

Step 4: Make Sure That The Patient Understands Your Treatment Plan

Conclude your evaluation by providing a statement about your patient’s understanding of their treatment plan and its corresponding goals. This section will show that your patient is aware of the treatment’s proceedings and is willing to continue and work with it.


What are the mental disorders that can be diagnosed with an evaluation?

The mental disorders that can be diagnosed with a mental health evaluation are depression and mood disorders, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, ADHD, PTSD, substance abuse, bipolar disorder, and psychotic disorders.

What should be considered when evaluating a mental health condition?

The factors that should be considered during mental health evaluation are the mental health symptoms, troubling thoughts and behaviors, events that could make the symptoms worse, how long the symptoms last, and how often it occurs.

What happens during a mental health evaluation?

During a mental health evaluation, an interview will occur between the patient and the doctor or therapist. The doctor might use a combination of interview questions and written questionnaires as well as physical examination and basic laboratory tests.

Mental health evaluations are procedures in which professionals can get an overview of an individual’s mental health condition with the use of written and verbal questions, physical examinations, and lab tests. The evaluation or assessment will help the mental healthcare provider to understand the patient’s needs and determine the most appropriate treatment or healthcare plan for their mental health condition.