Today as every celebration become bigger and painstakingly prepared, an event planning will help any event organizer to have the initial proposal for the required resources, workforce and time to make the celebration or convention memorable to audiences once they attend it. A Event Planning Templates tool that sets the standards in event management in order to allocate the resources for every requirement needed for the occasion.

Event Planning Budget Worksheet Template

File Format
  • Photoshop
  • Google Docs
  • Google Sheets
  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • PDF


Sample Event Planning Checklist Template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Pages
  • PDF


Event Planning Contract Template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Pages
  • PDF


Event Planning Proposal Template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Pages
  • PDF


Event Planning Business Plan Template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Pages
  • PDF


Event Management Plan and Guidance Notes Template

event management plan template and guidance notes

This event management planning cum guidance note is a template for various event organisers to help them develop a well detailed event management plan. It includes instructions as to how to use the template, so as to do away with complicacy in understanding. It also includes slots to note the names of events, their dates, locations, organizers and also a slot for noting the last update to the document.

Sample Event Planning Template


This event management plan sample template includes the following details, name of the event, address of venue for the event, contacts of the venue, contacts of the organizers, type of venue, capacity of venue, number of staff members needed for the event, number of volunteers at hand, date of the event, time of the event, required set up time, required pack up time, etc.

Event Planning Template in DOC


This event planning template includes a variety of details such as the name of the event, date of the event, time of the event, location of the event, name of the coordinator, the targeted audience of the event, the message of the event and lastly the objectives of the event.

Event Concept Planning Template

event planning template 1

This event concept planning template serves as an example to show or sample outline the underlying concept of any event. The example further goes on to show that the name of the event is Whitsunday Fun Day, it is to be held in the 14th and 15th of August, 2013, from 9 am in the morning to 10 pm at night, the venues being Bowen, Airlie Beach, Proserpine. The event is to be organized by Whitsunday Fun Day committee with the coordinator being Mary-sue Smith, her contact details are provided. That is followed by a short description of the event and a mention of the target audience of the event.

Sample Event Management Planning Template

event planning template 3

Event Planning Timeline Template

event planning timeline to download

What Are Event Planning Templates?

Event management is a branch of project management which deals with the sample application of management skills for the development and creation of large scale events which include, Conventions, concerts, formal parties, ceremonies, conferences, festivals, etc. Event management involves a variety of activities, for instance, analyzing the brand, deciding the target audience, conceptualizing the event, and arranging the various technical aspects of the event, before finally launching it. An event planning template does exactly that, it makes event management easier by providing a base for all the various aspects of event management.

What Are The Benefits Of Using Event Planning Templates?

Event planning comprises of a lot functions such as budgeting, site selection, scheduling, acquiring necessary permits, arranging for parking and transportation, arranging for entertainers or speakers, arranging decorations, catering, security, coordinating with vendors, and emergency exiting plans. An event management template helps with all of that. You May also See Event Plan Checklist

How To Prepare An Event Planning Template?

An event planning template is easy to prepare. All you need to do is jot down the various details of the event and then you need to execute it accordingly. The particulars should be having everything entailing to the event and that gives a clean shot of the sample schedule. This way the inputs are well managed within the stipulated time.

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