An exclusivity agreement template is for people who deal in buying and selling of commodities in the marketplace platform. The template acts as a helpful guide for new partners entering the forum. You can use the template sample, when you are offering an exclusive service while holding absolute domination in selling goods of bondage. You can also see Rental Agreement Templates.
Sample Restaurant Exclusivity Agreement Template

Exclusive Distribution Agreement Template
The agreement is made on behalf of a company, which acts as a developer and appoints a distributor for selling an exclusive product or products in a specified territory. It mentions that the sole distributor shall be promoting and selling the products to sellers in the territory. Prospective buyers from outside the territory are not entertained. Details like price, payment terms, licenses, packaging, and delivery are also mentioned.
Confidentiality Agreement Template
Such templates can serve as a contract (display of power) on the buying ability of a specific commodity by a buyer. During the period of agreement, the buyer cannot buy that particular commodity from any other seller. Print such a free template and have real power over your buyer.
The confidentiality agreement is mentioned between two parties, known as ‘seller party’ and ‘interested party’. Confidential details are explored for maintaining mutually favorable business relation. Important points mentioned are purpose of disclosure, nature of confidential information, restrictions, remedial measures in case of breach, and involvement of brokers and final notice of claim.
Exclusivity Agreement Template
Exclusivity agreement is made between buyer, vendor and any third party involved. Parties agree to the following points that are non-solicitation and non-hire, exclusive right to the market vendor product, indemnification (one party agrees to bear financial costs for the losses sustained by the second party), law as per the territory and amendment agreement clause and duly signed by witnesses.
Exclusivity Agreement for Submittal Template
In this agreement, a consultant firm is requesting permission to send a suitable candidate for a specific position in a company. It is further stated that the candidate has not agreed to any other position at that company within the next 30 days. It is duly signed by vendor and the candidate.
Exclusive License Agreement Template
This agreement states the execution date mentioned made between licensor (owner of intellectual property) and licensee (who intends to obtain a special license to that property). The licensor and licensee mutually agree to follow the terms and conditions mentioned in the agreement, which is duly signed by all parties concerned.
Extension of Exclusivity Agreement Template
This template provides an extension agreement of the old or previously made announcement. It is also known as second extension agreement. However no binding agreement is entered by the parties. It happens in a particular stage wherein no definite possible offer has been agreed upon by the parties. The terms and conditions are the same to the last prior agreement.
Exclusivity Agreement Template Example
This template is prepared when two companies (parties) agree on exclusive negotiations. They are partners in a particular project that benefits both the parties in their businesses. It involves completion of proposed transaction and existing letter of agreement. Contact details for investment enquiries are mentioned at the end of the agreement template.
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