Force Field analysis is a helpful basic leadership method. It helps you settle on a choice by breaking down the strengths for and against a change, and it helps you convey the thinking behind your choice. You can utilize it for two purposes i.e. to choose whether to proceed with the change and to build your odds of achievement, by reinforcing the strengths supporting change and debilitating those against it.
This Job Safety Analysis Template was made by Kurt Lewin in the 1940s. Lewin initially utilized the apparatus as a part of his work as a social analyst. Today, be that as it may, such an investigation is likewise utilized as a part of business, for making and conveying go/no-go decisions.You can utilize the device by posting the majority of the elements for and against your choice or change.
Sample Force Field Analysis

Blank Force Field Analysis Template
This layout is most delightful to use in a meeting to generate new ideas with associates, yet in the event that they are not accessible, you can fill it in alone. You can likewise utilize it to distinguish setting figures that you have to investigate in more will locate an unfilled format for your utilization. You can print it out and fill it in by hand, or fill it in on the screen.
Free Force Field Analysis Template
This layout distinguishes upsides and downsides of alternatives before decisioning to investigate what is going right and what it turning out badly. It likewise investigates any two oppositely restricted things.
Force Field Analysis Template
Force Field Analysis

Sample Force Field Analysis Template
Example of Force Field Analysis
Printable Force Field Analysis Template
Uses & Purpose of Force Field Analysis Template
Lewin’s power field investigation is utilized to recognize which variables inside a circumstance or association push a man towards or far from a coveted state, and which restrict the main thrusts. These can be dissected with a specific end goal to illuminate choices that will roll out improvement more adequate. "Powers" are more than states of mind to change. Kurt Lewin knew that there is a great deal of feeling basic individuals’ state of mind to change. To comprehend what rolls out individuals oppose or acknowledge improvement we have to comprehend the qualities and encounters of that individual or gathering. Creating mindfulness and enthusiastic insight can comprehend these strengths that work inside us and others. It’s the conduct of others that will alarm you to the nearness of driving and limiting strengths at work.
When do I need a Force Field Analysis Template
The accompanying strides are a manual for utilizing the power field examination:
- Characterize the change you need to see. Record the objective or vision of a future craved state. Then again you may want to comprehend the present the norm or harmony.
- Conceptualize or Mind Map the Driving Forces – those that are great to change. Record these on a power field graph.
- Conceptualize or Mind Map the Restraining Forces – those that are unfavorable to, or contradict change. Record these on the power field graph.
- Assess the Driving and Restraining strengths. You can do this by rating every power, from 1 (frail) to 5 (in number), and aggregate every side. On the other hand you can forget the numbers totally and concentrate comprehensively on the effect each has.
- Audit the strengths. Choose which of the powers have some adaptability for change or which can be affected.
- Organize activity steps. What move steps would you be able to make that will accomplish the best effect? Recognize the assets you will require and choose how to execute the activity steps
How to Create/Write Force Field Analysis Template
This particular one is a general apparatus for deliberately dissecting the variables found in complex issues. It Competitor’s Analysis Template outlines issues as far as components or weights that backing the present state of affairs and those weights that bolster alter in the sought course. A variable can be individuals, assets, dispositions, customs, controls, values, needs, covets, and so on.
Conclusion : As an apparatus for overseeing change, Force Field Analysis recognizes those variables that must be tended to and checked if change is to be fruitful.
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