When you are gauging activities of a group which can be any kind of group, like a medical students group, a sports team, a political group, a group of travelers etc, then you must keep a track of all events and things they are doing. Part of evaluation is to track everything, and write a comment about it, or write whatever is factual about some event or activity. It’s based on these parameters and records that the final conclusion or evaluation of a group’s activity is done. To make it easy for you, so that you just have to track the points and write, and do not have to think of other elements like forming the evaluation form or sketching the evaluation related points the templates for forms are made available. You May also See Peer Evaluation Templates

Group Activity Evaluation Form

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Size: 71 KB


The group activities can be evaluated easily by making use of this evaluation form. It can be about any kind of group, and type of group. But when you are evaluating, some format and universal fields are a must, and these are included in the templates to make it easy for the evaluator.

Student Activity Evaluation Form

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Tracking activity of students is tedious. However, the use of the tracking and evaluation template which you will get online will help you ease off much of the trouble. All student activities are listed into the template, and you don’t have to make any list or write any other details except the activity facts and results.

School Activity Evaluation Form

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Size: 29 KB


The school activity evaluation form makes it really easy to track all activities and thus evaluate the outcomes of them made by school activists or groups. School activities are of many types which relates to academics, sports and other quizzes and talent hunts etc. All such group activities can be evaluated with the help of the evaluation forms.

Quick Peer Evaluation Form

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Size: 420 KB


Student Peer Evaluation Sheet

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Size: 7 KB


Group Camp Evaluation Form

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Size: 230 KB


Group Training Observation Form

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Size: 80 KB


Why you Need the Evaluation Form

The evaluation form and the evaluating body are the two crucial parts of any evaluating process. While the evaluating body makes the decisions, and concludes the things, he should write down the same as a written record on the evaluation form as well. This is the way you can later keep track of all activities and their outcomes. Though it seems to be a much easy process, but often the evaluator is question later why such and such points were not recoded, and what happened to certain parameters which are not there. That means some points intentionally or unintentionally are missed to be mentioned on the evaluation report. The templates would not let that happen ever, as they are universally designed to include all important evaluating factors.

Importance of the Form

It’s really important that you use a format in any official activity. That lets you stay away from controversies, and later chances of show causing etc. That is why when you are evaluating something, whether it is a group activity or some other parameter you must adhere to a particular official style and format, thankfully such format and references are available online, and that is why the templates area great support. When you make use of the templates, you are sure that you are at least not compromising on the working method or the right parameters to be recorded. This is important, as later when you need to refer to the old evaluations, the proper format actually helps find and sort things very well.

How to Use the Evaluation Form

The evaluation formats and form templates are available online, and there are various helpful sites which features such forms. To download you will have to pay a small fee sometimes or you may get it free also from some resources. After you get a template study well, read and see that it works for you or not. If this format carries all the parameter and points which you will be recording while gauging and evaluating a group activity, then this is the right template for you. You can then go with this form style, and make use of the same in your institution’s group activities. You May also See Programme Evaluation Form

Use of templates always makes working easier and more organized. Tracking a group’s activities and evaluating them based on the many facts is a crucial and challenging task, and you would get the best results for this when you use the best format for the evaluation form of the group activities.

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