Whatever is the job type a quotation presentation is a must which makes the work simplified both for the person quoting, and also for the one demanding the service. If you are thinking about appointing an electrician for some major or minor fixes in your office, you will definitely ask for a quote from the servicemen. This will let you present a budget before your authorities, and will help filter between the technicians and decide whom to employ with the best quite and reputation. That is why these templates are made to help you develop amazing job quotes. You May also See Quote Sheet Templates

Graphic Design Job Quote Template

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  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


If you are asking for a graphic design job quote you may present this template to the graphic designer and ask to fill up. This will help you get the best pattern and layout of quote officially presentable. Even a designer may download and use such a template to make his quotes more noteworthy and presentable.

Cleaning Job Quote Template

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  • DOCX

Size: 11 KB


A janitor would often need this template to make a quote for his services. Any cleaning service agency can use this, and even you may present it or suggest using these templates to the service men for giving you a professional style, cleaning service job quote.

Construction Job Quote Template

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  • PDF

Size: 88 KB


If you are employing workers for construction work, you would first ask them the budget and there comes the requirement for the construction job estimate template. The construction company would best use this template style to make an official quote for you so that their services can be made to look presentable and affordable.

Job Quote Request Template

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  • PDF

Size: 763 KB


Job Quote Request Form

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  • PDF

Size: 262 KB


Sample Job Quote Template

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  • PDF

Size: 612 KB


General Job Quote Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 196 KB


Why You Need the Job Quote Template?

The need for the job estimate template is quite obvious to make a quotation for the job you are offering. The templates make things worth understanding and give you an accurate idea of where and how the expenses do come from and which part of the service is costing how much for what hours etc. These details can only be told about in writing in a sorted way when the quote is made using a well formatted professional template. The person preparing the quote would also be relieved for getting a nice format to present the things, and the person receiving it would also feel sorted with the composed format. You May also See Web Design Quote Templates

Who May Use the Job Quote Template?

Any person who needs the job quote may use the template. He may be a janitor, or a plumber, an electrician, a nurse, a construction agency, or laundry services, carpet cleaning services or anything else. Any person or agency or company offering services would need templates or formats to prepare their job quotes, and present it to the prospective customers and give an exact idea of expenses. Again these templates can be used by companies often requiring services from various service providers to maintain their own records of what quote they received from which service provider.

How to Use the Templates?

The templates can be used pretty normally. This involves a download and customization. Or you may straight start using it without personalization to write after you print it. These templates are available in many suitable job estimate forms from the online template banks. Use the free templates in PDF or word format to create quotes without any hitch. Much of your time and energy can be saved using templates, which you would have otherwise wasted on making a quotation form. Hence you should better try templates to make quotes for the professional and accurate looks. You May also See Service Quote Templates

As you now know where to get the templates, and how to use them, making a job quote would be the next easiest thing for you. And you will never again be in danger of making mistakes in style, presentation, and professionalism in a job quote.

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