Doing your personal budget is a hard enough task. What more if you need to do all the budgeting of an entire business? Things can really get tough, and budgeting for an entire business is at a different level of budgeting skills. Good thing there are tools that can help you both in managing and keeping track of your business’s budget on a monthly basis. Monthly business budgeting tools come in different types to ensure that you will be able to find one that exactly fits your needs. Here we have a collection of monthly budget samples that you can use as reference to help you create your own monthly budget for your business.
Monthly Business Budget Samples
1. Sample 12-Month Business Budget Template
This sample business budget template will help you organize and keep track of your business’s budget on a monthly basis for 12 months. Well, that’s a convenient tool you surely don’t ever want to miss. This is one of those budget samples in Excel that allows you to easily enter data into the different cells in the document that is already programmed with the appropriate formula. There are two main sections that make up this template: the income and expenses sections, which are both important factors in budgeting.
2. Sample Monthly Business Budget
If you want to do your budgeting one month at a time, then you will need a monthly budget sample that will fit your needs. You can use this sample to keep track of your business’s budgeting monthly. Not only that, since the template is made so simple, it can also be used to make a budget on other things, like college student budget or a project budget. The sample template is also customizable so you can easily and conveniently use it. Try using it now!
3. Sample Monthly Budget Narrative
What is a budget narrative? Compared to the usual budget samples that we often use in budgeting, a budget narrative provides a reason or purpose for every cost that has been listed as part of the budget. In other words, it justifies the entire budget to ensure that the allotted amount is used on reasonable and relevant things. Just like a regular budget plan, it also includes details like income, expenses, total net income, and their corresponding digits.
4. Monthly Budget Worksheet Sample
Another budgeting tool that you will surely love is this monthly budget worksheet sample. What makes this sample good? Aside from being a customizable sample, it is very simple yet detailed, so you can rest assured that you can cover everything that you need to cover while budgeting. In this sample, you will be able to compare your expected monthly budget amount to that of your actual monthly budget amount and get the different between the two. It’s a fine way to learn where you are at with your budgeting.
5. Free Monthly Business Budget Template
This free monthly business budget template will definitely become one of those templates that you will love using. Not only will you be able to easily add data onto the template but it will also automatically do the needed calculations for you. Just make sure that you have the Excel application on your device to be able to open the file and make the necessary changes. The template also includes a graph that shows the trend between your expenses and income.
6. Monthly Cash Flow Plan
Cash flow is very important in a business. It is defined as the amount of money that goes in and out of a business, and it is said to greatly affect the business’s liquidity. A monthly cash flow plan, just like the sample above, will greatly help in managing the budget of the business. Use this sample if you have similar needs as your reference to help you create a monthly budget that works.
7. Sample Business Plan and Budget Template
Where else can you get a business plan and a budget template at the same time? Well, you can get it from this sample. You can use it as reference to help you out with the planning and preparation for your business. And when you’re done, you can proceed with organizing the budget to get you started and to keep the business running. This sample looks more like a booklet complete with a title page, table of contents, appendices, etc. Your business budget will surely turn out reliable with this sample as your reference.
8. Business Budget Spreadsheet Sample
This business budget spreadsheet will surely bring a smile on your face because of its simple layout and format. With just two pages, you can cover everything that needs to be covered with your business’s budget and that includes your lease/loan payments, utilities, accounting/bookkeeping fees, taxes/licenses, automobile/mileage, client/customer expenses, banking fees, equipment, business development, etc. This is a convenient tool that your business needs. You will not regret checking out and using this sample budget spreadsheet.
9. Free Business Plan and Budget Sample
One sample is not enough. If you really want to make a good and well-written monthly budget for your business, then you will need all the samples that will be useful to you. This is one of the samples that you need to look into. It is detailed and comprehensive, and even includes a business plan where you can incorporate both planning for the business and budgeting.
10. Sample Monthly Budget Template
If you want a chic looking monthly budget planner, then this sample template is the perfect fit for you. It appears to be a personal budget planner but it is actually a standard budget planner that is great for all of your budgeting needs. Plus, you won’t get bored with the layout no matter how long you stare at it.
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