The NPP is an important document because it helps to ensure that patients are aware of how their PHI will be used and protected. The NPP typically includes a description of the types of PHI that will be collected and maintained by the provider or plan, as well as how that information will be used and disclosed. For example, the NPP may explain that the provider or plan will use the patient’s PHI to provide medical treatment, to obtain payment for services, or to conduct healthcare operations such as quality improvement activities or compliance with legal requirements.

FREE 10+ Notice of Privacy Practices Samples in PDF

1. Notice of Privacy Practices Template

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  • PDF

Size: 38 KB


2. Standard Notice of Privacy Practices

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Size: 164 KB


3. Notice of Privacy Practices Example

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  • PDF

Size: 189 KB


4. Partners HealthCare Notice of Privacy Practices

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  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


5. Notice of Privacy Practices in PDF

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  • PDF

Size: 178 KB


6. Health Notice of Privacy Practices

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  • PDF

Size: 537 KB


7. Joint Notice of Privacy Practices

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  • PDF

Size: 231 KB


8. Notice of Privacy Practice Distribution

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  • PDF

Size: 126 KB


9. Notice of Privacy Practices Patient Handout

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  • PDF

Size: 150 KB


10. Notice of Privacy Practices Format

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  • PDF

Size: 27 KB


11. Sample Notice of Privacy Practices

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 134 KB


What is Notice of Privacy Practices?

A Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP) is a legal document that healthcare providers and health plans are required to provide to patients and members. The purpose of the NPP is to inform patients of their rights related to their personal health information (PHI) and to explain how the healthcare provider or health plan will use, disclose, and protect that information.

How To Make Notice of Privacy Practices?

The NPP also describes the safeguards that the provider or plan has in place to protect patients’ PHI from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. For example, the NPP may describe how the provider or plan uses secure electronic systems to store and transmit PHI or how the provider or plan limits access to PHI to authorized personnel only. If you are a healthcare provider or health plan, you are required by law to create a Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP) and provide it to patients and members. Here are the steps to create an NPP:

Step 1- Review the Rule

The first step in creating an NPP is to review the requirements of the HIPAA Privacy Rule. This rule outlines the standards for the use and disclosure of PHI by healthcare providers and health plans. Based on the HIPAA Privacy Rule, determine what information you will need to include in your NPP. This may include the types of PHI you collect, how you use and disclose PHI, patients’ rights related to their PHI, and the steps you take to protect PHI.

Step 2- Write NPP

Once you have determined the content of the NPP, write the document in clear, concise language that patients can easily understand. It may be helpful to include examples of how you use and disclose PHI to provide context. The US Department of Health and Human Services provides a standardized NPP template that you can use as a starting point for your own NPP. Using this template can help ensure that you include all required information in a clear and organized manner.

Step 3- Review and Update

It is important to review and update your NPP regularly to ensure that it is accurate and up-to-date. You should also update your NPP any time there are changes to your policies or procedures related to PHI.

Step 4- Distribute NPP

Once you have created your NPP, distribute it to patients and members as required by law. You may provide a hard copy of the NPP during an initial visit or enrollment, or you may post the NPP on your website and make it available for download.

Why do healthcare providers and health plans need to provide an NPP?

The purpose of an NPP is to inform patients of their rights related to their PHI and to explain how the healthcare provider or health plan will use, disclose, and protect that information. The NPP helps to ensure that patients are aware of how their PHI will be used and protected and that providers and plans are transparent about their use and protection of that information.

Do patients need to sign the NPP?

While patients are not required to sign the NPP, providers and plans must make a good faith effort to obtain written acknowledgement that the patient received the NPP. This acknowledgement may be in the form of a signed acknowledgment form or a notation in the patient’s medical record indicating that the NPP was provided.

Can providers and plans make changes to the NPP?

Providers and plans can make changes to the NPP as needed, but they must distribute the revised NPP to patients and members and make the revised NPP available on their website, if applicable.

The NPP is an important tool for patients to understand how their health information is being used and protected by their healthcare provider or health plan. Patients should review the NPP carefully and ask any questions they may have before signing any agreements or consenting to the collection or use of their PHI.

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