What is a copyright? A copyright is a form of protection given by the government to protect the original work of people, just like the authors. A copyright notice is a legal notice used to tell the people or the public that such work is protected by copyright and should not be reproduced without permission from the owner. Unlike other notices, a copyright notice does not make use of a two weeks notice policy.

This article has the information you need to know why a copyright notice is important, its purpose and advantages, and the elements that make up a copyright notice.

The Importance of Copyright Notice

  • A copyright notice is important because it serves to protect the right of every author on the original work that they have so that whoever uses, reproduces, and distributes any part of their work shall be punished by the law, just like what is stated in copyright notice samples.
  • Assures the authors that their work will remain theirs and cannot be claimed by someone else.
  • An original work can only be reproduced and published with the consent of the author.
  • Protects the original work or intellectual property from being stolen and being plagiarized.

Purpose of the Notice of Copyright

  • To notify or tell the reader that the work they are reading is copyrighted or is protected by a copyright.
  • A copyright notice, if added to the original work, will give protection to it from any forms of fraud or theft.
  • Helps eliminate the possibility for the wok to be plagiarized because of the copyright notice attached to it.
  • Copyright notices include information, such as copyright date, published date and place, and the publishing house, which is shown in copyright notice form examples.

What Are the Three Elements of a Copyright Notice?

An element is an essential part or characteristic of something, just like what we see in a sample notice form. A copyright notice has three elements that are essential to the notice as they give proof that a work is copyrighted. The three elements are listed below.

  • The letter c inside a circle or this symbol ©, or the Copyright word or the abbreviation of the copyright word, which is “Copr.”
  • The year when the first publication of the work was done
  • The name of the author of the work that is being copyrighted

For example: © 2007 John Doe

  • If the work is unpublished, the term unpublished work should be included.

Here is an example: Unpublished Work © 2007 John Doe

Advantages of a Copyright Notice

  • If a copyright notice is registered, a public record about the author’s copyrighted work is established.
  • With an original work being protected by a copyright, the author has the right to sue any entity or individual for the infringement.
  • Protects ones work from theft and fraud.
  • Copyrighted works cannot be reproduced and distributed in any form, giving the author control of their own creation.
  • Authors can ask for a certain fee from anyone who wishes to use their original work.