Most construction schedules might begin after the signing of a contract while the actual and on-site construction work for each party involved often starts when they receive a notice to proceed from the company or organization that hired them. A subcontractor may be a distributor, supplier, or company, is granted a notice to proceed to inform them that the general contractor is ready to work on a new construction project and helps in easing their project management by avoiding miscommunications.

10+ Notice to Proceed Samples

1. Notice to Proceed

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  • PDF

Size: 169 KB


2. Notice to Proceed Checklist

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Size: 8 KB


3. Limited Notice to Proceed

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 86 KB


4. Sample Notice to Proceed

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 13 KB


5. Notice to Proceed Letter

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 19 KB


6. Notice to Proceed Process

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  • PDF

Size: 22 KB


7. Notice of Intent to Proceed

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 84 KB


8. Notice to Proceed Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 134 KB


9. Form of Notice to Proceed

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 168 KB


10. Construction Notice to Proceed

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 433 KB


11. Residential Notice to Proceed Application

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 106 KB


What is a Notice to Proceed?

A notice to proceed is a type of notice writing which indicates that production should start under a contract. It is also a legal letter that is sent by an owner or director of an organization to a contractor which notifies them of the date of when they can begin their work as outlined in their signed contract and also indicates the date of the official start of their contract.

How to Write a Notice to Proceed?

A construction or any construction-related project can start or proceed by a contractor unless their partner or hiring company issued them a notice to proceed. A notice to proceed is granted to a contractor after the signing and awarding of the contract document but it is also important for the contractor to ensure that all needed requirements are met and any other concerns, such as the schedule of the project or the construction contract payments, are determined.

1. Write the Title

The title which is the ‘Notice to Proceed’ must be placed on the top of the letter. This will attract the attention of the reader and identify it as an important notification or announcement regarding the production of a project.

2. Determine the Date When the Notice to Proceed was Sent

Next to the title is the exact date when the notice to proceed was sent to the contractor. This is also important as the document will be kept for reference or recording.

3. Include the Name of the Owner or Director of the Hiring Company

The name of the owner or the hiring company’s director must be also included in the notice to proceed. This adds value or credibility to the letter.

4. Write the Name of the Contractor

It is also important that the name of the contractor is included at the beginning of the notice to proceed. This will enable the reader to recognize who is the correct recipient of the letter.

5. Construct the Body

The body of the construction notice to proceed includes the date of when the contractor’s production should proceed and might indicate a given period that allows the contractor to prepare themselves for the construction as well as the date of when the project should be completed.

6. Include a space for the Signature of the Owner and the Contractor

At the bottom of the notice to proceed, the signature of both the hiring company and the contractor must be indicated. This also includes the date when they signed the notice.


What are the ways to determine the start of a project?

The start or commencement of construction can be determined by the Contract Date, the Date set or provided in the Notice to Proceed, when a date on a Notice of Commencement is filed and the date calculated based on details identified in the project contract or agreement.

Is a Notice to Proceed legally binding?

A Notice to Proceed includes the date when construction must begin with the contract performance date which establishes the connection between the Notice to Proceed and the legal contract signed by the hiring company and contractor, making it legally binding.

What are the benefits of using a Notice to Proceed?

Using or writing a Notice to Proceed prevents documents from running back and forth during construction projects, avoids he-said or she-said scenarios, and establishes a written link between the Notice to Proceed and the contract which can be legally enforced.

To proceed with the construction of the project, a contractor must be issued first a Notice to Proceed. This gives them the authority to work on their legal agreement as well as the permission to proceed with the acquisition of the needed materials which is often given to them when the contract is sent to them. While this letter determines the start of the construction work, it also indicates the period or project schedule when the project must be completed.