Adulting means having bills to pay, and there are really times when we get to the point when we get too many bills that are more than what we can handle. For some, this is most likely the result of spending too much, faulty budgeting, or trying to be someone you are really not. But there are a lot of people who seriously carry the heavy and hefty responsibility of paying bills, especially the breadwinner of the family. It’s no wonder at some time they have been faced with payment notices.

We will get to know more about payment notices in this article analysis. So together with some helpful and useful topics, we have included sample notice for payments. These samples will surely make your learning experience easy and convenient. These samples are available in PDF in a variety of styles and purposes so that you can find whatever notice sample that fits your needs. You can use them as a reference or simply use them as your own. They are available for free download only in this article. Check them out below!

Notice of Overdue Payment Template

File Format
  • Google Docs
  • MS Word
  • Apple Pages

Size: A4, US


Notice of Payment 60 Days Past Due Template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Outlook
  • Pages


Notice of Default in Payment Template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Pages


Notice to Bank to Stop Payment on Check Template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Pages


Sample Notice Regarding Failure to Pay Rent Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 110 KB


Payment and Collection Notice Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 37 KB


Final Payment Notice Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 452 KB


Sample Late Payment Notice Email Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 54 KB


Final Payment Notice Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 24 KB


Sample Payment Notice for Past Due Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 78 KB


Wage Payment Notice Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 7 KB


Payment Services Notice Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 4 KB


What Is a Payment Notice?

Managing a business is a tough job, but it gets even tougher if you have tenants or customers who keep on forgetting to pay their dues. Whether it is done intentionally or unintentionally, unpaid dues or payments that are not made on time are definitely bad for business analysis. It not only pulls your business down, but it also disrupts all of your business finances. This is where a payment notice becomes useful.

A payment notice is used to politely and professionally tell one’s clients or tenants that it’s that time again where they need to make payments for their dues or rent. It helps businesses in sending polite reminders about the amount that they need to pay, how they can make payments, and when the payment is due. Providing a payment notice is helpful as some clients or tenants usually forget about paying their bills even if they have already received it. This could be due to a number of things that they need to do, that is why they have ultimately forgotten to take care of some of their bills. A lot of things can happen for a lot of reasons, and just by being prepared will help you save your business from troubles due to unpaid bills.

There are three types of payment notices that are sent to clients or tenants with unpaid bills or balances. Each notice is sent separately and in order depending on how the client or tenant responds to the notice. They are as follows:

The First Payment Notice

The first payment notice is usually the one sent to the client or tenant after the billing statement has been sent to them, but they still forgot to make the required payment. It politely reminds the clients or tenants about the payment amount and due date of the said payment. This notice is the very first notice provided, and if the client or tenant responds to it accordingly, then this will be the last payment notice sent for that particular payment.

The Firm Reminders

If the client or tenant still refuses or maybe forgets to make the required payment for the services that they have used or for their rent, then another notice is sent. Unlike the first notice, which provides the due date and outstanding balance, the second notice is a firm reminder of the outstanding balance that needs to be taken cared of to clear their account. The notice will have a more businesslike approach than a friendly approach. Again, if the client or tenant takes action about the notice, then this will be the last one sent to them regarding the said payment.

The Final Notice or the Demand Notice

Well, you wouldn’t want to get this last notice, so you should take care of your dues on the first and second payment notices. Things get rough in this notice as clients and tenants are forced to make the payment for their outstanding balances. The owner of the business then demands the payment on a given date. If still the payment is not done as demanded, then it will be forwarded to collections and you will know that you are in so much trouble if that happens.

Aside from payment notices, there are also other kinds of notices that landlords and other businessmen can use to notify their tenants or customers. They are eviction notices, late rent notice, and final notice letter.

Sample Written Payment Notice for Past Due Rent Template

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  • PDF

Size: 28 KB


Ground Rent Payment Demand Notice Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 109 KB


Primary Payment Notice Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 186 KB


Sample 5-Day Notice to Pay Rent Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 28 KB


Printable Payment Notice Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 5 KB


Notice and Demand for Payment Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 57 KB


Sample Payment Notice for Past Due Rent Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 26 KB


Why Is a Payment Notice Used?

A payment notice is used to notify or remind clients, like tenants, store customers, or business partners, that they have unpaid balances or outstanding balances that they need to take care of to keep their accounts current. It simply serves as a polite reminder of a balance that needs to be paid. Other reasons why a payment notice is used is so that business owners can provide proof that they have provided enough notices or reminders emails to their clients before forwarding them to collections, which is usually a third-party contractor.

This means that they have followed the appropriate and the legal procedures on how to handle nonpayment. Payment notices are also used to demand payments in a peaceful and formal manner. Payment notices are also especially useful and convenient for large corporations. With a large number of clients that they have, they possibly can’t do a door-to-door transaction with them.

Who Can Write a Payment Notice?

Basically, anyone who needs a payment notice can write one. A payment notice can be written for business, for school projects, for business transaction with a construction company, for car sales, for mortgages, and for personal loans. If that still confuses you, then we have also listed some entities who can write payment notices. They are provided below.

  • Banking institutions that offer loans
  • Lending institutions
  • Landlords or owners who have their properties for rent or lease
  • Large corporations offering postpaid goods and services
  • Internet service providers
  • Telecommunications companies
  • Credit card companies
  • Car dealers
  • Real estate dealers or developers


What to Write in a Payment Notice?

Just like letters, contracts, and other important forms and documents, payment notices also have important requirements that make them complete and effective. To be able to serve its purpose, a payment notice should include the reason why the notice is sent, the exact amount to be paid, the date when the payment is due, the payment method or how payment can be made, and an explanation of the details of how the sum is calculated.

  • The reason why the notice is sent. What would be your initial reaction upon receiving a payment notice? Some people would just not mind, especially if they know that they have not paid their dues, while there are other people who would somehow overreact. The reason for the payment notice should be provided to avoid overreactions from customers. This way they will know why they have been sent the notice and for what service the notice is for.
  • The exact amount to be paid. A payment notice is also another way of knowing how much you owe a certain business agenda or how much you need to pay for a certain monthly service. Even if the customer already knows how much their dues are, the amount to be paid still needs to be stated in the notice. This makes sure that the customer and the sender of the notice are communicating and understanding the same thing.
  • The date when the payment is due. The payment due date should also be provided to let the customer or client know when they should have paid their outstanding balance and to further let them understand why they received a payment notice. This is also one of the details that customers or clients usually look for if they receive any kind of payment notices.
  • The payment method. There are times when rush payments need to be made in order to keep a certain postpaid service active. Providing options or ways on how a client or customer can pay their outstanding balance will make it convenient for them to make the payment and will also make it easy for you as the business owner to collect the money.
  • How the sum is calculated. The calculation and how you have come up with the total amount of money to be paid by the client or customer should be provided in detail. This is to avoid confusion and disclose whatever it is that must be disclosed to the client or customer.