Companies need to have a particular number of workforce present within the working environment to ensure the continuous operations of the business. The management needs to have employees who can provide their services within a specific time period, which is why people who would like to resign from their posts are asked to provide their resignation notice.

There are different ways on how a resignation notice may work depending on the regulation of the business with regards to this matter. As a responsible employee, you need to submit a comprehensive resignation notice so that the human resource department can do measures to ensure that they can hire another person to do your job. We have included a number of resignation notice samples so you can be knowledgeable on the things that you may put in this particular document.

Resignation Notice Examples

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 3 KB


Two Weeks Resignation Notice Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 14 KB


Resignation with Notice Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 63 KB


Resignation Notice with Reserved Job

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 3 KB


What Is a Resignation Notice?

A resignation notice is a formal document that is sent by an employee when he/she resigns from a particular company. It is used to notify their employer that they will be leaving their position or job in the company. It contains the reason why you are leaving the company, whether for professional or personal reasons. A resignation notice should be given at least a few weeks before you plan on leaving the company, depending on the agreement indicated in the employment contract. Although it can be done verbally, a written resignation notice should be sent for the purpose of documentation. Sending out a resignation notice or letter is a form of respect or courtesy especially if you have a good relationship with your employer.

Reasons Why Giving a Resignation Notice Is Important

When you plan on resigning or leaving your current employer, it is important to notify them beforehand to ensure a smooth exit. It is never a good idea to announce that you are leaving the company and then instantly walking out the door without going through the proper process. For example, you can send out a two weeks notice to your employer to help them prepare ahead of time. There are many reasons why giving a resignation notice is important.

The reasons are as follows:

  • Finishing your tasks
    • One of the many reasons why notifying your employer that you are leaving through a formal written document is because of some unfinished tasks that you may need to do. Leaving your tasks hanging without turning them over to the right individual/s can put a strain on your employer, as well as your colleagues. Even if you are not currently working on a big project, your daily and weekly tasks need to be transitioned properly.
  • The policies that the company has
    • It is common for most companies to have policies regarding the resignation of employees. It is important that you check your contract or your employee handbook for any of these policies. Although the company cannot legally penalize you for leaving immediately, the company may have policies that will allow you to get certain benefits. For example, if you have accumulated a number of sick leaves or vacation leaves, the company can reimburse you for it as long as you provide a resignation notice beforehand.
  • A transition for replacement
    • Providing a formal notice to your employer will also allow them to have enough time to find a new replacement for your position. This is especially important if the person replacing you is a new hire who may need to undergo training. By sending out a resignation notice as early as possible, you will be able to help out your employer in the transition, particularly in the hiring and training process. This ensures that you will have a smooth and easy transition.
  • To be professional
    • The reason why you need to create a resignation notice is for you to show your professionalism. Again, it is important for your employer to be aware of the following:
      • The reason why you have decided to resign
      • The factors that they can change or develop for you to not resign
      • Other information that may be necessary for documentation
    • More so, having a resignation notice will help you to stand your ground that you are aware of your responsibilities to the company and that you honor the resignation regulations being followed by the businesses
  • To have a possible reference
    • Even if you will already resign as an employee, you will still need the connections that you have made within your employment in the company where you will leave. Ensure that you will maintain a healthy and professional relationship especially with your immediate head and managers as they can serve as your references for your future job undertaking.


Four Weeks Resignation Notice

File Format
  • DOCX

Size: 9 KB


Resignation Letter with One Month Notice

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 38 KB


Relocation Resignation Notice

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 2 KB


Writing a Resignation Notice

Understanding the steps on how to write a resignation notice is important, especially if the time comes that you will have to write one yourself. To help you write your resignation notice, we have listed below the steps to guide you.

The steps for writing a resignation notice are as follows:

  • The first step that you need to do when writing your resignation notice is to create a header. In the header, write your employer’s contact information as well as your contact information. Write the name of the person you are addressing to from the company, his/her title, the name of the company, the address, phone number, and the email address. Below it, write your name, address, and your contact information.
  • Open your resignation notice with a salutation. Formally address your manager by writing “Dear Mr./Ms/Mrs.” followed by his/her name.
  • Write the body of the resignation notice. To start, write the purpose of the document by stating that you will be resigning from the company. Explain why and indicate the date when you plan on leaving or when the resignation will be effective. You can check the contract provided by the company during employment to determine how much time you need to provide notice before you can leave the company.
  • Close your resignation notice. Formally close the document by writing a closing line like “Sincerely,” “Yours Truly,” and so on.
  • Provide a signature. Sign the resignation notice and write your name below it. If you are sending one through email, you can type your name followed by your contact information.


Now that you have read the steps that you need to do to write your resignation notice, it will be easier for you to create one. If you need other guides, you can download the samples available in this article to help you format your letter.

Post-Maternity Resignation Notice

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 3 KB


Formal Resignation Notice Format

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 2 KB


Nurse Resignation Notice Template

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 6 KB


How to Give a Resignation Notice

Do you want to leave your job but you’re not sure how to do it? Here are some simple tips to help you with the resignation process.

First, it is important to tell your boss or your manager. Informing your boss in person that you will be leaving the company is the first thing that you need to do. Although it can be quite intimidating to do it personally, your boss will appreciate it for telling him/her of your plan.

Create a transition plan. Have a transition plan ready to make it easier for the company to transition to the next person who will be replacing you. This is to ensure that any unfinished tasks or projects are properly and smoothly handed over to the next person when you leave the company.

Be nice about it. When you resign from a company that you don’t want to work in anymore, it is important to avoid saying anything negative about the company or to certain coworkers or managers that you despise. After you have given notice, always say something good about the company, especially on how much you have learned from being in the company, how much you have enjoyed your work there, etc.

Keep in touch with the company. This will make it easier for you to communicate with your previous company especially if you need referrals or recommendations when you apply for a new job.

Essential Guidelines for Writing a Resignation Notice

Need help in formatting your resignation notice? Here are some important guidelines that you can use to help you when creating one.

  • Length of your resignation notice: When writing a resignation notice, it is important to limit it to one page. Keeping it concise is the best way to create a resignation notice.
  • Font style: When choosing a font style, always remember to use a traditional font since you are creating a formal letter. Some examples of traditional font style include Times New Roman, Calibri, or Arial.
  • Font size: The font size of your resignation notice should be between the sizes 10 to 12.
  • Format: When writing a resignation notice, it is always important to remember to write it with a single-spacing, a 1″ margin, and the alignment should always be on the left, just like any formal or business document.


Additionally, other than the samples we have available in this article, you can also browse through our other notice samples and templates available on our website. Some of these include a 30-day notice letter, notice cancellation letter, and an eviction notice.

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