A notice is defined as a letter or document that serves to give information regarding an upcoming important event or occurrence that requires the recipient’s attention, response, or action. A legal notice is one of the most common forms, and is often the most well-known out of all of them.

Of all the notices, the tenant notice is one of the most dreaded letters that a renter might receive. Since land lords and land ladies rarely give notices to talk about good news or the weather, notices often contain violations that need action, unpaid dues or, worse, forced eviction.

Eviction Notice Template Sample


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  • Pages

Size: A4 & US Letter Sizes


30 Days Eviction Notice Templates

30-Day Eviction to Tenant

30 day eviction to tenant2

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 14 KB


Residential 30-Days Eviction

residential 30 days eviction2

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 243 KB


Landlord 30 Day Eviction

landlord 30 day eviction2

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 146 KB


30 Day Eviction to Vacate

30 day eviction to vacate2

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 45 KB


Legal Eviction Notices

Legal Notice of Eviction Sample

legal eviction form2

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 136 KB


Legal 30 Days Notice of Eviction

legal 30 days notice of eviction2

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 48 KB


Writing a Notice

Some people find it difficult to write notices, especially those for eviction, so they employ the use of eviction notice samples. However, if you want to create an effective and personalized notice, here are a few tips:

Make sure the notice is served within the allowable time period.
As part of your planning, you have to make sure that you follow the legal and government-mandated leeway for notice letters.

Take note of all necessary information beforehand.
Since a notice is a legal document, you have to make sure that all the names, numbers (if applicable), dates, and other details are not misspelled.

Always use a formal tone.
Notices are formal and they need to be written with authority, otherwise the reader might not take it seriously.

Use layman’s terms.
Since notices can be served to everyone, even those without education, you have to be considerate and use terms that can easily be understood.

Provide all the necessary information.
More than your full name and contact information, you have to inform the reader what he or she needs to know, whether it is the effective date or the reason for the notice. Don’t assume that the recipient understands what isn’t written in the letter.

Property Eviction Notices

Property Management Eviction

property management eviction1

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 56 KB


Personal Property Eviction

personal property eviction1

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 255 KB


Notice of Property Eviction Sample

notice of eviction property sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 762 KB


Pregnancy Eviction Notices

30 Day Pregnancy Eviction

30 day pregnancy eviction1

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 10 KB


Pregnancy Baby Eviction

pregnancy baby eviction1

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 61 KB


Notice of Copyright

To further delve into the technicalities and nature of the different kinds of notices, it is important to understand that the notice is created to inform an individual or group that if disregarded, legal action will be taken. With that in mind, even with an Eviction Notice Template available, there is no easy way to tell someone that they should leave or else you will sue them. The warning is necessary so that the other party will have time to amend the issue.

However, it should be put into perspective that you are only legally trying to protect your business, welfare or property. Property is not limited to tangible and physical things. Intellectual property is also subject to protection through copyright, and, as such, a copyright notice is stated to inform the users of possible legal action when copyright rules are breached.

Even though the law doesn’t require authors or publishers to put copyright notice, it is beneficial for creative practitioners to write copyright for proper intellectual recognition.

Writing Copyright Notice

For copies of those that are considered “visually perceptible”, such as novels, scripts and other written literary works, the following elements should be in place:

  1. The Copyright symbol (©), the abbreviation “Copr.” or the word itself “Copyright”.
  2. The year of first publication; if it is based off of a derivative or compilation then the year of the source material is sufficient.
  3. Name of copyright owner, a pseudonym, an alternative designation or a well-known alias is acceptable.

Example: © 1989 John Doe

For copies that are “sound recordings”, the following elements are put in place:

  1. The symbol ?.
  2. The year of the recording’s first publication
  3. The copyright owner’s name, which can be an abbreviation of a name which can be recognized or a pseudonym, an alternative designation or well-known alias.

Example: ? 1989 Recording Records, Inc.

Commercial Eviction Notices

Notice for Commercial Lease Eviction

notice for commercial lease eviction2

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 30 KB


Notice for Commercial Property Eviction

notice for commercial property eviction2

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 11 KB


Notice for Commercial Rental Eviction

notice for commercial rental eviction2

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 77 KB


Council Eviction Notice

Eviction of Council Tenant Notice

eviction of council tenant notice2

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 160 KB


Landlord Eviction Notice

Landlord 30 Days Eviction

landlord 30 days eviction2

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 6 KB


Landlord Notice of Eviction to Tenant

landlord notice of eviction to tenant2

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 111 KB


Landlord Eviction Notice Sample

landlord eviction notice sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 92 KB


Apartment Eviction Notices

Notice of Eviction Apartment Rental

notice of eviction apartment rental3

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 35 KB


Apartment Eviction Sample

apartment eviction sample1

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 9 KB


Eviction Notice

A notice serves to create a balance and give the opposing party a chance to make amends. The assistance of Eviction Notice Forms help the letter stay objective and free from emotion, despite the purpose of the document being the eviction of a tenant from his apartment or space. Since a person has already been informed that he is to leave the premises, he can choose to walk away quietly or wait for the police or other authorities to forcefully take him out of the building.

Legal Notice

Some notices are served with the purpose of avoiding possible legal action; but a legal notice is a formal letter served to inform the recipient that the sender (whether individual or group) is intending to take legal action if he or she fails to comply with some or all of the stated conditions, which often include compensation in the form of payments or return of items. The legal notice is technically the first step before a person files a suit and it aims to be the last, since lawsuits drain a lot of time, effort, and money. If the recipient decides to ignore the legal notice then the sender has the option to go to court.

Rental Eviction Notice

Rental Property Notice

rental property notice3

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 78 KB


Rental 30 Days Eviction

rental 30 days eviction2

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 63 KB


House Rental Notice of Eviction

house rental notice of eviction2

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 8 KB


Eviction Notice Forms

3 Day Eviction Form

3 day eviction form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 17 KB


Tenant Eviction Form

tenant eviction form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 18 KB


Landlord Eviction Form

landlord eviction form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 643 KB


Roommate Eviction Notice

roommate eviction notice

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 48 KB


Notice of Eviction for Nonpayment

notice of eviction for nonpayment1

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 9 KB


7 Days Eviction

7 days eviction1

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 9 KB


Eviction Notice Cancellation Form

eviction cancellation notice form1

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 173 KB


Notice of Eviction to Quit

notice of eviction to quit2

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 13 KB


Tips to Make Best Eviction Notice

If you are a land lord or land lady that has a tenant who continuously disobeys the rules set on the lease agreement or contract, then he or she may be evicted. However, there are a few things you have to remember in order to write the best eviction letter even without the help of Eviction Notice Examples:

Address the notice to the name signed on the lease agreement.
Regardless of who is occupying the house or apartment, address the eviction notice to the person whose name was signed on the contract.

Be brief and straight to the point.
The first sentences should be able to tell them what the letter is all about and when they are getting evicted, with a minimum of 7 days to a maximum of 30 days, or as otherwise stated in the contract.

Give details as to why the tenant is being evicted.
If you plan to let the leaser remedy the situation, then clearly state why they are getting evicted and what they can possibly do to undo your decision.

Be clear and specific.
If you are talking about unpaid or late rental payments, then enumerate the amounts and dates they were due.

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