When it comes to quitting your job, there are certain steps that you need to follow in order to exit from your company in a graceful and smooth manner. One more thing that is pretty common when you have decided to quit your job is giving a two weeks notice to your employer. The notice period that is needed to be given when it comes to quitting your job will vary per company, so make sure you check your contract or the policies of the company first. However, if nothing is stated about notices, a two weeks notice will definitely be enough.

If you are in need of help with regards to these types of notices, we have a few quick tips that you can follow in order to come up with a two weeks notice that will easily be understood by your employer. We have also included 11+ two weeks notice samples for you to refer to once you start writing your very own two weeks notice. Keep reading for more information and to have a better idea about what a two weeks notice is.

Two Weeks Notice Letter Format

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Size: 168 KB


Simple Two Weeks Notice Letter

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Size: 15 KB


Basic Two-Week Notice Resignation Letter

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Size: 182 KB


Best Two-Week Notice Letter Sample

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  • DOCX

Size: 3 KB


How Do We Define a Two Weeks Notice?

Basically, a two weeks notice is a notification that an employee would send to his/her employer once he/she has decided to leave the company. This notice serves as the resignation letter of the employee that will also state that he/she is only willing to stay in the company for two more weeks. By the time the two-week period ends, it means that the employee will no longer be a part of the company’s workforce.

What Will Happen after You Give Your Two Weeks Notice?

Your last two weeks in the company will be considered as a transition period. You have to be prepared for a lot of meetings regarding any projects that might not be done yet. Your employer might also hire someone who will take over your position during the two-week period. So you should also expect that you will help to walk him through your daily tasks and routine. Prepare any documents that you might need to hand out to help your soon-to-be former colleagues with what they need to know about the tasks that need to be done and what needs to be taken cared of when you leave.

During these two weeks, you might start thinking that there’s no need for you to maintain a good performance since you are going to leave anyway. However, you should never ever slack off from work despite the fact that your departure from the company is coming soon. You want to make sure that the last impression you give your employer is as strong as your first impression. Remember, you will be needing a good employer recommendation letter, so just keep up the good work and you will be able to exit from the company with no problems.

Short Two Weeks Notice Letter Sample in PDF

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Size: 424 KB


Sample Two Weeks Notice Format in PDF

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Size: 75 KB


Formal Two Weeks Notice Letter Sample

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Size: 17 KB


Two Weeks Notice Example in DOC

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  • DOC

Size: 6 KB


Resignation Letter with Two Weeks Notice

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Size: 63 KB


Two Weeks Notice Letter Free Download

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Size: 172 KB


Giving Your Employer Your Two Weeks Notice

Leaving your company will never be an easy task. You may even come to a point where you might get be at a loss about what you must do and how you should tell your employer about your departure. We will give you a guideline about what you can do when it comes to handing your two-week resignation letter to your employer.

  • Let your boss be the first one to know. Before you start telling your closest colleague about your plans of leaving, tell your boss first. Gossip runs fast around the office and you never know who might be listening. Do not tell anyone about your plans of departing from the company just yet before you tell your boss.
  • Plan everything. There are cases where an employer can terminate your employment immediately. Plan everything ahead of time. A timeline and budget plan would be great to have during this period.
  • Be polite and nice. Keep your personal feelings to yourself. If you hate your boss, do not say it. If you hate your colleagues, never ever mention it. If you hate the company in general, keep it to yourself. This is not the time for you to express your negative feelings to your employer. Instead, remember the positive things you have experienced in the company and let your employer know how these have helped you out.
  • Keep connections open. After handing your two-week notice letter to your employer, remember to keep your connection open with your employer, colleagues, and the company by adding them on LinkedIn or other professional social media websites where you can connect with them. Keeping communication open with your colleagues can make it easier for you to ask for referral letters and recommendation letters. This way, you will not have to make a ton of research and do a lot of effort to find the right people to ask.


Now that you know just a little bit about how to resign the right way, we hope you will be able to come up with a good two weeks notice letter as soon as you can. With the help of our sample letters, we hope that it will also give you a better perspective about what the content of your notice should be. We wish you all the best on your new career adventures and we hope you find the job that best suits you! Good luck!