When you are planning to leave your job, then you must be perfectly aware of how unprofessional it is if you would simply leave your job position in an abrupt manner. The proper way of leaving one’s job is through the observation of a proper legal notice period.

To obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the importance of observing two weeks notice and other legal notice periods, read on below.

What Is a Notice Period?

A notice period is the duration of time between the moment a letter for dismissal is being issued and the moment when the dismissal would actually take effect.

A notice period starts when

  • an employee submits a resignation letter and
  • an employer or manager submits a job termination or dismissal letter.

How Can You Determine a Notice Period?

Should you encounter some problems in ascertaining the duration of the notice period required by your company, you may follow these tips to make things easier for you:

  • Check the terms and conditions of your employment contract regarding the observation of notice periods.
  • Read the company policies as delineated in your employee handbook.
  • Check the pertinent laws of your state that contains provisions regarding notice periods.


Speaking of notice periods, if you are in a position that requires you to issue notice forms to your subordinates or to other entities outside your organization, then it is best if you prepare a notice form that is in accordance with the proper format of a sample notice form. Download our website’s collections of varied notice form examples!

Importance of a Notice Period

Whether you are a new human resource manager of a firm or if you are the employee who is planning to resign, it is of utmost importance that you are able to observe the proper notice period that is being required by your firm or company. On the part of the human resource manager (or any manager), you must know the notice period so that you can demand from your employee the performance of his/her legal obligation to observe the notice period of your company. This amount of time can help your company to suffer zero hindrances in its operations on the day the dismissal or job termination would take effect.

On the other hand, it is vital for a resigning employee to observe the proper notice period. Otherwise, he/she may be held legally accountable for damages suffered by a company due to his/her abrupt take-off. This is especially applicable to those employees who are holding higher positions with important responsibilities.

The following is a precise outline of how the observation of a notice period can benefit both the employer and employee:


  • It gives them time to look for another candidate to fill in the job position once vacated.
  • It vests upon them the right to demand from the resigning employee the obligation to train the person who is going to take his/her place.


  • For most states are strict when it comes to observing notice periods, an employee is more likely to have the right to receive certain separation and dismissal benefits if he/she observes the proper notice period.


For more references, check out our website for informative collections of notice form in word, free notice form, and notice form in PDF templates.

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