A lot of times we often worry about our future, what direction we want to go, what we want, or who we want to be. Although we think about these thoughts, the best way of presenting them is by creating your own personal mindmap. It is a creative way in which you will be able to brainstorm ideas and make some suggestions in order to come up with remarkable decisions and become a much better person. Mind mapping may be an innovative way for you to let out your thoughts and properly organize all these into one compact material. To learn more about this, let us discuss this further below. And if you need any templates to help you prepare a mindmap, check out our free personal mindmap samples that are downloadable for free on this page.

5+ Personal Mindmap Samples

1. Personal Training and Development Mind Map

personal training and development mind map template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Google Slides
  • Apple Keynote
  • PowerPoint
  • Apple Pages
  • PDF


2. Personal Strategy Mind Map Template

personal strategy mind map template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Google Slides
  • Apple Keynote
  • PowerPoint
  • Apple Pages
  • PDF


3. Personal Development Mind Map Template

personal development mind map template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Google Slides
  • Apple Keynote
  • PowerPoint
  • Apple Pages
  • PDF


4. Personal Mindmap in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 546 KB


5. Personal Development Mindmap

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


6. Personal Mindmap Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 119 KB


What Is a Personal Mindmap?

A mindmap can be used in various activities when you need to conceptualize a product idea, develop ideas to increase your sales, or simply if you want to give your life a direction. Basically, it is a great tool to form a relationship between ideas or concepts. It can be quite useful whenever many of us find it difficult to present our thoughts to others. This would offer free reign on what you want to design yourself to be, focus your attention on one topic, and then sub-divide your ideas which should be related to the main topic. Mind mapping is easy to use, you just need to gather all your thoughts and organize these in a creative manner.

How To Create a Personal Mindmap?

There is no standard format for creating your own personal mindmap, you just need to be able to think of various topics on which you can focus your attention. We all have our own dreams, aspirations and goals we want to attain in the future. Sometimes we don’t know where to start, or how to organize our thoughts. This is why mind maps are one of the best ways for you to put these all together and help you recognize what you should need to prioritize in your life. So, to start we’ve got several tips below that may help you create a personal mindmap.

I. Think of a Topic

Think of a topic you want to focus your attention on, perhaps you want to create something to motivate yourself to attain certain goals. You can create a diagram that will provide a brilliant way to sort ideas, thoughts, and concepts.

II. General Associations

Once you’ve organized your main topic, you need to branch out into several categories which is associated with your main topic. For example, if you want to create a personal goal mindmap, in order to further organize your goals you need to branch out into more categories in terms of education, work, financially, socially and etc.

III. Selecting and Connecting All Ideas

The concept of a mindmap is to connect, select, and highlight which is most important to you. Which do you need to prioritize first, or what you can do next. This will give you an idea of what you need in your life, where you need to start, and what should develop further.

IV. Structuring Your Mindmap

Structuring your personal mindmap will make it more expandable, you may add more connections or associations that are applicable to your goals. This will help expand your thinking and create more valuable ideas along the way.

V. Concise and Direct Words

A mindmap does not need sentences, in most cases, all you need is to write down short and concise words. Something more direct to the point and easy to understand that can keep you motivated along the way.


What are SMART Goals?

This is a goal-setting technique that may help you organize your goals. It stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

Why Is Personal Development Important?

It is important because you are able to explore key ideas for self-improvement and improve the quality of your life.

Where can you create a Mind Map?

You can simply use paper and pen if you want to create a mind map, or if you are more comfortable using digital devices you can download our templates or open any software application to make it easier to edit and save.

Developing your own personal mindmap is vital because they keep you working on the right things. Mind mapping supports you in selecting the best smart goals by dividing them into small achievable parts. Monitoring progress will help you stay motivated because you may achieve this one step at a time.


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