Did you just miss an important business appointment or ran late for your family planning appointment? What a shame. That would be awful and inconvenient to the people who waited on you. You should try using an appointment planner. It will keep track of your busy schedule as well as remind you of an important appointment.

Making an appointment should be a commitment. Everybody’s time is valuable. With the 6+ Appointment Planner Samples that we have here, you will never miss or be late for an appointment ever again. It will help you to be organized and stay organized. What a great way to plan your day.

Weekly Appointment Example

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  • PDF

Size: 103 KB


Employee Vacation Request Planner

File Format
  • DOCX

Size: 17 KB


How Can I Use an Appointment Planner?

At first, using an appointment planner might not be easy. There are times when you don’t know what to put and you can’t keep up with your plans or appointments. Later on, once you get the hang of it, planning your appointments accordingly will be a breeze. Here are a few things to help you.

  • For the newbies in the planner thing, you might want to download and print our Weekly Planner Samples.
  • Organize your schedule.
  • Write down the first appointment that comes to mind until you have it filled in.
  • Double check if you have missed anything.

How to Cancel an Appointment Planner?

Here are a few things to know when cancelling a planned appointment.

  • Check the date, time, place and the person you’re supposed to have that appointment with.
  • Before you crush that from your planner, take time to give them a call to tell them how you need to cancel your appointment with them. Apologize for the inconvenience and thank them.
  • Offer to reschedule the appointment if needed.


You may also check Menu Planner Samples.

Free Weekly Appointment Sample Planner

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  • PDF

Size: 13 KB


Hourly Appointment Planner in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


Monthly Appointment Planner Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


Why Use a Paper Appointment Planner?

With the availability of technological advancements, why do some people still use paper appointment planners? Paper planners are still popular even today. They can be personalized and printed. You can easily write down things on it. Some people doodle on their planners or use them as part planner, part diary, and part portfolio. Stylish and effective planners are also sold complete with the latest designs and format. Some even come with stickers. Paper planners will never run out of style. That is why people still use them. You may also see Budget Planner Samples.

How Can I Schedule, Reschedule, or Cancel an Appointment?

  • You first need to check your appointment planner and see the dates that are still available or have not been taken.
  • If the date you have decided to schedule your appointment is available, you may write down your new appointment there.
  • If the date is already taken, then reschedule that appointment to the other available dates and then write down your new appointment on that date.
  • If you wish to cancel an appointment on your planner, you will just need to label or mark it as cancelled. We also have Monthly Bill Planner Samples.