Have you ever wondered what is a behavior intervention plan? According to Understood, a behavior intervention plan, or abbreviated as BIP, is a particular plan that is designed to teach and reward behaviors, since this is believed to prevent or put an end to problem behaviors in school.

Particularly, the behavioral intervention plan would determine the behavior, what causes or the reasons behind the occurred behavior, as well as the intervention strategies that will address the particular behavior that is identified as a problem.

Perhaps looking through these Sample Plans which can be useful for you with regards to the subject matter.

Sample Behavior Intervention Plan

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Positive Behavior Intervention Plan Sample

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Sample Behavior Intervention Plan for Autism in PDF

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Writing Behavioral Intervention Plan in PDF

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Benefits of Applying the Behavior Intervention Plan

You can also have a good look at these Teacher Lesson Plans in your own convenient time, which you might find helpful as well as useful. Behavioral intervention plans or BIP also has its benefits when applying it inside the classroom. Below are a handful of benefits when the BIP is being applied in the classroom.

  • It urges the students, the teachers, the support staff, as well as the parents to get involve actively.
  • It gives the needed support for the students.
  • It helps determine as well as identify the specific issues in a specific manner.
  • It also helps the teacher to determine, identify, and address the particular issues and behaviors through sessions, rooms, and subjects.
  • It also provides intervention as well as monitoring for the students.

Appropriate Time of Application the Behavioral Intervention Plan

  • When your students would often show constant issues inside the classroom that can affect the students’ learning such as anxiety, depression, fear, and the like.
  • When you have a parent in one of your students who causes the child to be continuously late, or who does not encourage the student or the child to do homework.
  • When you have students who show any difficulties whatsoever with motivation, organization, as well as with the completion of work.
  • When you have students who would show as well as display significant as well as continuous issues that affects their learning as well as their school experience.

Functional Behavioral Assessment in PDF

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Blank Behavior Intervention Plan Forms

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Child Behavior Intervention Plan Example

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Different Ways on How to Apply the BIP

  • Schedule and have a meeting with the teachers, the students, the parents, as well as the support staff in order to assess the behavioral intervention plan with them. It is also important to give everyone in the meeting copies of the behavioral plan as well as having them sign the plan.
  • Implement or execute the behavioral plan for 2–4 weeks. Also, do not forget to keep a record and track the progress of the behavioral plan. After that, meet the parties involved again and report or review alongside with them the progress of the implementation of the behavioral intervention plan as well as making any important changes.
  • Constant reviews of the behavioral plan’s adjustments as well as the students’ progress with the implemented behavioral plan should be on a monthly basis.


Furthermore, you can also check out this page’s Behavior Management Plans, which you might find relevant and useful.