Creating and planning marketing campaign projects takes a village to execute them properly, however, everyone’s effort will all be futile if your marketing campaigns are not strategically timed with the fluctuating trends on the market and shift of your customers’ needs and wants. By establishing brand recognition, you need to be constantly promoting your business throughout the year and the next; and that is why you need a marketing calendar to aid you in placing appropriate marketing strategies that will surely bring in customers and profit, and raising more awareness to your brand. Read the article to know how to make a calendar marketing plan.
10+ Calendar Marketing Plan Samples
1. Calendar Marketing Plan Template

2. Marketing Plan Calendar Template

3. Marketing Plan Desk Calendar Template

4. Digital Calendar Marketing Plan
5. Activity Calendar Marketing Plan
6. Industry Calendar Marketing Plan
7. Course Calendar Marketing Plan
8. Sample Calendar Marketing Plan
9. Follow-Up Calendar Marketing Plan
10. Calendar Marketing Action Plan
11. Standard Calendar Marketing Plan
What is a Marketing Calendar?
A marketing calendar is a useful tool for anyone handling any marketing project because it organizes everything in one place. It serves as a roadmap for all the marketing activities in a project. It guides you on what specific marketing project you will focus on working, identify on who will be the people in charge of doing tasks to complete the project, and determine when is your project’s deadline.
How to Make a Calendar Marketing Plan
1. Identify Your Goals
Before starting on making your calendar for your plan, set some goals first. This will help you be aware of what you’re working towards and what you want to achieve with your campaigns. Some examples that you can base your goals on are gaining new leads, earning sales, or increasing awareness of your brand. Your goals will be your guide on what strategies you will do and include them in your calendar.
2. Identify What Marketing Strategies You Will Do
The next thing to do is to determine what marketing strategies you’re going to do. These strategies must correlate with the project that you will be working on. These strategies are what you will be putting on your calendar. Some common examples of marketing strategies that appear on marketing calendars are email marketing, social media marketing, and content marketing.
3. Know Your Target Audience
Now that you’ve established your strategies, it’s time to determine your target audience. Your target audience is what you hope to connect with and patronize with the products or goods you’re selling or the services you’re offering. They will be your main customers. When describing your target audience, you need to be very specific. Look at their common characteristics such as age, gender, hobbies, interests, occupation, socioeconomic status, and even their buying habits. Knowing your target audience will help you adjust your strategies in a way that they will react and respond to.
4. Chart your selling cycle
It’s time to start developing your marketing calendar for real. Begin by charting your selling cycle. Using a blank 12-month calendar, document the seasons where your sales are high and your sales are stagnant. By doing this, you can correspond your marketing strategies that fit the fluctuating seasons of the year.
5. Note the Important Dates
Don’t forget to include all the important dates in your marketing calendar. Knowing these dates can help you create marketing campaigns that coincide with these dates. Some of the important dates to include are holidays, milestones of your company, the launch of a new product or service, and company events.
6. Identify the Duration of Your Campaign Projects
At this point, you’re almost done creating your campaign projects. By referring to the strategies that you will be doing, you can now gather ideas and tasks to do for your campaign. List them down and chart them in your calendar. Don’t forget to take note of how long the projects will take. Note the date when the project begins and the date when it will end.
What is the importance of making a marketing calendar plan?
A marketing plan can help one stay organized with their marketing campaigns, it helps their brand stay consistent, and it helps them create more cohesive campaigns.
Why is a calendar so important?
Calendars are used to help people manage their schedules, time, and activities for work, school, business, and family commitments.
What are the three main types of calendars?
The three main types of calendars are solar, lunar, and solunar calendars.
To create an efficient marketing calendar, you need to plan your projects properly. It may take some time to do it since you need to plan every step, task, strategy, and date that will coincide perfectly with each other. Note that even if you made your marketing calendar, you need to track its progress regularly, so expect that there will be changes that will be made as you go through the year. This will make your marketing calendar more useful for your productivity. To help you get started making the calendar, download our free sample templates above to use as your guide!
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