Nothing is ever constant in life or in a workplace for that matter. Employees and executives come and go, and so does a re-organization of an entire business management system. But not everyone is acceptable to change, so business organizations must anticipate resistance amongst its employees and come up with contingency plan called a change resistance management plan. Read more about this in our article for today and don’t forget to check our free change resistance management plan samples below:

6+ Change Resistance Management Plan Samples

1. Change Resistance Management Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 892 KB


2. Technical Change Resistance Management Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 731 KB


3. Change Resistance Development Management Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


4. Change Resistance Implementation Management Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


5. Change Resistance Project Management Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 637 KB


6. Change Resistance Management Process Plan

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 337 KB


7. Organizational Resistance Change Management Plan

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 191 KB


What Is A Change Resistance Management Plan?

It may be quite understandable why some people are resistant to change. There is that sense of uncertainty of the future, which a lot of people may fear. In addition workwise, employees are concerned with the manner in which these initiatives will influence their work, salary, and personal life. Companies who undergo such change in management or an implementation of new procedures have to anticipate the negative reactions of its employees, stakeholders or even at times their customers.

One way to help counter this is through a change resistance management plan which is a method that consist of steps or strategies that can be utilized if employees encounters resistance to its change management efforts. This can be use identify, evaluate, manage and resolve any resistance to change.

How To Write a Change Resistance Management Plan?

When it comes to implementing an organizational change reluctance to do things in a new way is inevitable. Assessing and identifying resistance, and then applying proactive and reactive plans are proven strategies to overcoming resistance to change in an organization. An effective change management plan will minimize the impact a change can have on the business, employees, customers, and other important stakeholders. To get started here are some pointers to go through as you come up with your change resistance management plan.

I. Identify Points of Resistance

Conduct an evaluation to identify which individuals or groups who are unsatisfied of the change. Determine their level of the resistance impact from highest to lowest. Include key personnel in your assessment such as managers and stakeholders. Aside from those who resistant, gather employees who support the change, brainstorm and gather their input on potential or existing points of resistance.

II. Preparing the Approach

Now that you have identified who in the organization are heavily impacted, it is time to come up with actions that can help mitigate anticipated points of resistance, special tactics can be developed early in the change process. These tactics are informed by an understanding of what the change means to people. Suitable tactics could take many forms, depending on the people and roles impacted, the nature of the change, your unique organization, and other relevant issues such as budget and resources.

III. Implementation

As you and the team implement your activities for dealing with resistance to change, you should continuously document information in order to track your progress. You can include the following details in your resistance management plan:

  • Status : define the progress of your report
  • Resistance Management Task: list of task and tactics that should be carried out
  • Current state: level of resistance per task
  • Comments and notes on the identified resistance
  • Resistance Mitigation Approach: these are the tactics or strategies you have devised to address the change resistance concerns.
  • Mitigation owner: identify who in the team are suitable to carry out these task

IV. Ongoing Progress and Sustain Outcomes

To ensure that you continue to overcome and address the sources of resistance to a change, it is essential that there is an ongoing dialogue with employees, managers and stakeholders. Meeting up on a regular basis, to communicate the benefits of the change, as well as to emphasize what’s in for them. Everyone should be kept informed on the progress being made address their concerns, and issues with the change. With this performance can be now reviewed to understand the initiative progress and status of the change management activities.


Why Does Change Happen in Business?

Change in business can happen for a number of reasons due to internal or external factors that can affect a company’s way of running things. Such as economic fluctuations, advanced technologies, products and innovation lead to change in a business environment as can population shifts.

Why Are People Resistant to Change?

People are often comfortable of the usual way they have been doing things. Despite its redundancy, as long as its stable and secured, people are satisfied with the traditional approaches with life and situation. Should something disrupt this pace, people tend to fear the uncertainty about the impact of change, especially the impact on job security.

What Is the Best Way to Overcoming Resistance to Change?

Communication is the key in helping people understand the situation. People want to be heard, and giving them a chance to voice their opinions will help alleviate the frustration they feel over the situation.

Change can affect people in different ways, emotionally, mentally and physically. To the expense that their working performance gets compromised. Should a company decide to make changes in their company be in the management, protocols or policies it is important to always think of the one important company asset, which are the employees. By working with a change resistance management plan this can help lessen the resistance to change and ensuring the continuous momentum of a harmonious working environment.