Configuration Management Plan is a document which explains the scope of configuration management within the organization. It is used to describe the overall policy and method for configuration management to be used during a system life cycle of a product. The plan identifies the items to be managed, the methods they are managed and control processes as deemed necessary. The configuration management plan, Classroom Management Plan Template is widely used across industries.
Software Configuration Management Plan Template
Software configuration management plan is a document which describes the process to manage the configuration of a software product which is being developed. A software product will have various components within it based on the architecture of the product. The configuration items have to be base lined and then any changes need to be tracked through proper approval processes. It has proper controls in place to highlight issues.
Project Configuration Management Plan Template
Project configuration management plan is a document which baselines the project plan and defines the process for changes in the project phase. Any change within the project will have impact on time, resource and money or on all. The control process defined in the plan allows to highlight this to the stakeholders to make the necessary decision. The configuration management plan is one of the key documents and process to run projects.
Configuration Management Plan Checklist
Use and Purpose of Configuration Management Plan Template
Configuration Management is very critical to engineering and managing the lifecycle of a product. It maintains consistency of the functioning of a product. The Configuration Management plan, Change Management Plan Template is a document which sets these standards within the organization. The plan describes what are the configuration items, how to baseline it, what happens when there is a change i. e who evaluates the change and the controls in place. The configuration management plan helps to implement the configuration management process which saves a lot of money for the organization at a later time.
How To Create/Write Configuration Management Plan Template
You can download a configuration management template from the internet. There are standard bodies like the IEEE and also ITIL which have templates available for further use. They are very generic templates and need to be customized for your own use.
One can write a configuration management plan and then can make a template for others to use the same. A configuration management plan consists of the following
1) Purpose Purpose of this document.
2) Scope Scope of configuration management
3) Disclosure – Any disclosures
4) Audience For whom the document is intended
5) Approach – Approach to Configuration Management
6) Organization – Configuration Management Organization
7) Configuration Management Activities Configuration Items, Identification, Lifecycle, Audit and Reporting
8) Appendix Processes
The above sections will help in making a implementable configuration management plan template
Configuration Management is a critical activity within an organization. Users who want to make a configuration management plan can contact us for standard configuration management templates. It is available in word and pdf formats. You can customize it as per your needs or contact us for further customization.
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