Companies with a high turnover rate can only mean several problems, this could be because of poor management, low wages, lack of employee development training or plainly unsatisfied employees. In order to encourage employee retention, some companies are prompting employee coaching plans. This is to help employees increase performance and fulfill their need of a mentor for guidance of a career development. To know more about this, please do continue reading this article and check out below our free Employee Coaching Plan Samples.

6+ Employee Coaching Plan Samples

1. Employee Coaching Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


2. Employee Success Coaching Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 415 KB


3. Employee Coaching Plan Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 14 KB


4. Employee Personal Coaching Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 62 KB


5. Employee Benefits Coaching Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 708 KB


6. Employee Coaching Planning Worksheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 71 KB


7. Employee Performance Improvement Coaching Plan

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 247 KB


What Is an Employee Coaching Plan?

A Coaching Plan is a tool or method used to assists in creating a foundation for consistent coaching efforts. In a business organization, an Employee Coaching Plan is used to develop the employee’s skills, guide them towards a specific outcome, and complete goals faster, easier, and more efficiently. There is also a coaching plan intended for executives or those in managerial level called Executive Coaching Plan. This is to improve their leadership capabilities or become more effective as leaders.


How Do You Write an Employee Coaching Plan?

It has been proven that coaching an employee can improve their work performance and help in advancement. But all these will depend on the abilities of manager or an Human Resources personnel  to impart his or her knowledge and skills to their subordinates. The goal of performance coaching is not to make the employee feel bad, nor is it provided to show how much the HR professional or manager knows. Its main goal is to work with the employee to solve performance problems and to improve the work of the employee, the team, and the department. To be able to do this effectively, here are several steps to follow:

I. Employee Information

To start off, determine which employee needs improvement. Write down their basic information such as their name, job description and which department they belong.

II. Employee Assessment

Before you can start with the actual coaching process check which areas need improvement or further enhancement through an in-depth employee assessment. Jot down the employee’s strength and weakness, behaviors, objectives and goals you want to achieve as you and your employee embark on the coaching process.

III. Create Action Plans

After determining what needs improvement, there must be a corresponding action plans or programs in order to accomplish the goal and objectives you have set out. These must include the following:

  • A specific timeframe for each specific goal to be met
  • Back up plan in case of failure
  • Incentives for reaching a specific goals
  • Regular follow up to ensure goals are met

IV. Resources

You may need some coaching materials or resources that can be of help as you embark on the coaching process. Some of these are workbooks, notes, slides, trainer guides among others.

V. Review and Feedback

To check if the coaching process has been successful or not, feedback and reviews are important. This is to determine if the employee was able to achieve the goal or should there be any recommendations needed. Make sure to focus entirely on the behavior not just on the person as not to create any biases. Never use judgement as a feedback and continue to remain neutral as possible.


What Is a Performance Improvement Plan?

A Performance Improvement Plan or PIP is a formal program set to provide employees with clear objectives to meet to avoid dismissal, demotion, or transfer. It may be used to address failures to meet specific job goals or to alleviate behavior related concerns.

What Is Employee Counseling?

Employee Counseling is a psychological technique of understanding and helping individuals who have technical, personal and emotional adjustment problems interfering with their work performance.

What is Mentorship?

This is the guidance or direction given by a mentor. In organizational setting, a mentor influences the personal and professional growth of a mentee.

The entire coaching process can only be a success with the proper coordination between the coach and the employee. They must work harmoniously and with clear communication for both parties to obtain and achieve their goals. With a proper employee coaching plan, this can lead to numerous benefits for the whole organization.