Every business establishment has its fair share of problematic employees, aside from their work performance they may have certain issues like tardiness, absenteeism, insubordination, rude comments, intimidation, harassments and many more. Generally, employee misconduct does not directly lead to automatic termination, as an workplace investigation may take place to be fair to the employee but it does not mean that no corrective action would be implemented. Having to deal with workplace misconduct calls for an employee corrective action plan. This is to ensure the company that they have a disciplinary approach to guide the employee to correct performance or behavior by identifying the problems, causes and solutions, not to punish the employee. Read more about this in our article below and to get you started you may want to check out our free employee corrective action plan samples as well.

10+ Employee Corrective Action Plan Samples

1. Employee Corrective Action Plan

employee corrective action plan

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2. Sample Employee Corrective Action Plan

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Size: 16 KB


3. Student Employee Corrective Action Plan

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Size: 151 KB


4. Staff Employees Corrective Action Plan

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  • PDF

Size: 243 KB


5. Employee Corrective and Management Action Plan

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Size: 297 KB


6. Simple Employee Corrective Action Plan

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Size: 413 KB


7. Employee Corrective Action Plan Example

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Size: 334 KB


8. Basic Employee Corrective Action Plan

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Size: 4 MB


9. Formal Employee Corrective Action Plan

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Size: 478 KB


10. Company Employee Corrective Action Plan

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  • PDF

Size: 9 MB


11. Printable Employee Corrective Action Plan

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  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


What Is an Employee Corrective Action Plan?

Once a new employee on-boards with a company, they are normally informed of the the different HR policies and procedures that govern the company. All these are accessible through an employee handbook, so it is a given that employees are aware of the different employee misconduct and its corresponding implications. And these are in the form of an employee corrective action plan. These are simply a set of action plans a management, implements to correct an problem, issues or non-compliance. Helping employees improve their behavior and performance in the workplace. The objective of this action plan is to retain the employee as a productive staff member. When left unattended, this could lead to chaotic working environment and serious legal matters.

How To Create an Employee Corrective Action Plan?

As mentioned, a lot of factors can give way to an employee corrective action. This is why it is imperative for companies to set up a list of corrective action plans in order to deal with problematic employees. If possible this should not be initially regarded as a sort of punishment but a collaboration between employee and management as a form of assistance to help them improve. Take note that the main objectives of an employee corrective action plan is to make fair and equitable decisions regarding corrective action and to apply the corrective action approach when addressing employee performance concerns. So creating an corrective action plan needs careful planning in order for it not to fail and ensuring its effectivity towards the employee concern. To guide you, here are several key factors that can help you create an employee corrective action plan:

I. Identifying the Problem

In order to effectively create your corrective action plan, your need to first determine the problem. By doing so, you are able to come up with potential solutions that can help your employee. Whether this is performance or behavior wise. Also, it is best to include any appropriate proof of the misconduct or poor performance executed by the employee concerned.

II. Risk Assessment

An employee’s problem must undergo risk assessment, this is to help companies estimate the level of risk for particular actions. When creating a corrective action plan, organizations use their risk assessment to determine the amount of risk so they can remove high-risk actions.

III. Root Cause

Like most problems, another way of adding to the solution is to find the root cause of the employee’s misconduct or poor performance. Performing a root cause analysis may help you determine this.

IV. Action Items

Like every corrective action plan, this should includes action items on how the management plans to correct the defined problem. Include details to help explain what to do, such as outlining the selected correction plan.

V. Monitor Progress

It is important to monitor the progress of your employees, whether or not they have been positive changes with his or her work performance or behavioral changes. During this review, you may find there was a better way to reach your resolution. Here you can adjust and improve your plan by organizing and restarting the process.


Why Are Corrective Action Plans Important in Companies?

Corrective action plans are important because this outline steps to take in order to resolve an action interfering with their business operations. When organizations use these, they can begin to streamline their workflow and correct errors.

What Is Workplace Misconduct?

This is an improper employee behavior breaching company policies or basically a generally unaccepted behavior that creates negative impact on the workplace.

What Is an Employee Conduct?

An employee code of conduct are the policies and rules both employees and employers must adhere to. This defines acceptable behavior and social norms that individuals in an organization should adopt on a daily basis.

It’s hard to totally avoid misbehaving employees, so it is crucial for companies to constantly emphasize the importance of the proper employee code of conduct. An employee corrective action plan will see to it that all company policies are strictly implemented ensuring a safe and productive working environment for all.

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