To pass all the subjects in school, a student must study regularly to help them remember their material especially when exams loom closer. However, some students cruise their way throughout the school year and then cram and pull an all-nighter study session before an exam. Unfortunately, that practice doesn’t totally work since the student will be too tired to focus on their exams, furthermore, some exams will let students think critically instead of recalling information. The secret to doing well on exams is to begin studying early in short and regular sessions since the student is more likely to learn and understand the material faster. By knowing what to prioritize and plan your study material improves your focus, confidence, and stress levels. One of the effective study plans is a five-day study plan. Read the article to know more about it and learn how to make your own study plan.
10+ Five Day Study Plan Samples
1. Five Day Study Plan
2. Sample Five Day Study Plan
3. Standard Five Day Study Plan
4. Printable Five Day Study Plan
5. Five Day Exam Study Plan
6. Five Day Early Study Plan
7. Basic Five Day Study Plan
8. Personal Five Day Study Plan
9. Formal Five Day Study Plan
10. Test Taking Five Day Study Plan
11. Five Day Study Plan Worksheet
What is a Five Day Study Plan?
The five-day study plan is a studying strategy to helps students prioritize and plan in studying their material in advance for their exams. It mainly uses two study approaches preparation and review. They stimulate learning and memory, which is essential to recall information better during their exams. This will help students learn their material faster instead of cramming for exams.
How to Make a Five Day Study Plan
1. Prepare for Your Exams at Least Five Days From the Exam
The first thing you need to do is to plan out your exam preparation for at least five days from the day of your exam and devoting an average of 2-3 hours each day to studying. Teachers usually provide a reviewer before the exam so use it to review your lessons and pay attention to the format of questioning of the reviewer. Whether it will be an essay, multiple-choice, enumeration, that will be your clue to know what will be the type of exam you’ll be taking.
Next is to organize all the materials (such as lecture notes, books, etc.) you need to study so you can create a study guide to help you remember your lessons for the exams and gives you time to identify some of your lessons. You can make flashcards, quizlets, concept maps, practice test questions as your study guide.
2. Divide Your Materials
Now that you’re done preparing, divide your material into chunks (either by topic or lecture) and organize it into two sections: decide if they will be in the preparing section or reviewing section for your daily study session.
3. Plan How Many Hours You’ll Study
As mentioned above, in each study session each day, decide how many hours you’ll dedicate to studying your material. Make sure that in each study session, you will cover a new section of your study material. The best number of hours to study is around 1.5 to 3 hours. This will keep you interested enough to focus on your material and you don’t get tired of cramming everything.
4. Mix Up Your Studying Strategies
Remember it was mentioned before that you need to categorize your materials in preparing or reviewing? Preparing refers to active studying while reviewing refers to passive studying. Well, you can mix these two up in each study session to stimulate your brain to learn your materials and at the same time remember them for your exam. Use your study guide to help you in this.
What is the best time to study?
According to some studies, it has been indicated that learning new information is most effective between 10 am to 2 pm and from 4 pm to 10 pm when the brain is actively in acquisition mode. However, it might depend on some individuals since some are nocturnal learners.
What are some effective study strategies?
Some effective strategies are the SQ3R method, retrieval practice, spaced practice, PQ4R Method, Feynman technique, Leitner system, color coding notes, and mind mapping.
How can I improve my memory?
Even if a student studies diligently, sometimes they suffer short-term memory loss resulting in forgetting what they learned. To help combat this, students maintain a healthy lifestyle; they should eat well, exercise regularly, get enough sleep, and take supplements that boost memory and brain health.
Keep in mind that a five-day plan will be at its most efficient and beneficial if you’re actively participating in your class since the beginning of your semester. If you still have time, you need to catch up right away on your course materials before you begin your five-day study plan. To help you create your own study plan, download our free sample templates provided above to serve as your guide!