In marketing, there is no room for confusion. It may seem easy to share anything about the industry where you belong instead of showing to your potential customers your confidence and consistency. Marketing communications plan is there to help you in allowing you to be in line with your products and in carving out space in the industry. Having this type of plan, you will be able to learn how to speak to your customer’s pain point, to align with your messaging to each of the channel, and to build a marketing communications document. In this article, you will be able to learn more information about what is it all about and how to create one.

Marketing communications plan are set of strategies and tools that can be used for a lot of processes. It will even help you in delivering the right marketing message to the right channel. This also serves as a key benefit that will support your marketing goals and business goals including to the aspect of product launching, promotions, hiring, partnerships, etc. Is social media a need? How are you going to introduce a new website? How are you going to introduce your new product or service? These are the commonly asked questions when you are going to enter into marketing and communications.

10+ Integrated Marketing Communications Plan Samples

1. Integrated Marketing Communications Plan Template

integrated marketing communications plan template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Pages
  • PDF


2. Integrated Marketing Communications Program Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 605 KB


3. Integrated Marketing Communications Strategy Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 412 KB


4. Research Integrated Marketing Communications Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


5. Sample Integrated Marketing Communications Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 29 KB


6. Standard Integrated Marketing Communications Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 7 MB


7. Integrated Marketing Communications Project Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


8. Integrated Marketing Online Communications Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


9. Integrated Marketing Communications Plan Outline

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 11 KB


10. Agency Integrated Marketing Communications Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 164 KB


11. Integrated Marketing Communications Review Plan

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 36 KB


Marketing communications planning has to undergo a step-by-step development in which you have to take consideration of the elements that are included in other types of plans. It can be from a strategic plan, business plan, communication plan, or marketing plan. All the activities that take part in an organization usually starts by the use of a business plan, followed by a marketing plan, then a marketing and communications plan, and a communications plan or media plan.

  • A business plan is responsible for setting out the goals and objectives of the organization through a specific time frame. These so-called objectives can be both quantitative and qualitative. It includes efficiency targets, social responsibilities, return on investment, etc. In order to make a business plan work out, you should be able to prepare multiple execution plans like marketing, human resources, etc.
  • A marketing plan usually contains the marketing goals and strategies to which you can use to achieve a specific goal. This can contribute to gaining your market share, distribution channels, etc.
  • Your marketing communication plan helps in determining the process, tools and resources to achieve your marketing goals.
  • You should consider making use of a communication plan to present how you are going to communicate to the stakeholders or interest groups.
  • The business plan and marketing plan belong to the strategic perspective in the hierarchy, while the marketing communication plan and communication plan belong to the operation perspective in the hierarchy. Strategic perspective captures the implementation of all the aspects. The operation perspective is the one who makes it distinct. Take note that business plans can last up to ten (10) years, marketing plan can last up to six (6) years, and a communication plan is only up to the coming year.


    What are the four parts that needs to be fulfilled in order to make your marketing communication plan work?

    It includes the audience, what you are saying or selling, timing, and the channel that you choose.

    What are the steps in planning for you marketing communication strategy?

    You have to identify your market, identify your target customers, identify your unique selling proposition, match your audience problems to your product solutions, match your messaging to channels you choose, set your goals, and identify a specific way to measure them.

    What is included in the criteria in defining your target market?

    It includes the industry, income or revenue, business size, level of expertise, location, and educational level, age, and gender.

    If you want to see more samples and format, check out some marketing communications plan samples and templates provided in the article for your reference.