Teachers or instructors teach different lessons every day. The lessons that they teach in a class are arranged in the order that prepares the students for the next or future lessons. The order of the lessons being provided in a class is well thought of and planned accordingly. This makes it possible for any educator to teach in a systematic and organized way. You may also free planner samples & templates
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Lesson planners have been used for a very long time and have proved to be a very reliable and effective tool. That is why even with the technological advancement we are experiencing and enjoying right now, lesson planners are still being used and utilized. Different educational institutions use different lesson planner formats. The lesson plan samples below will give you an idea of how one lesson plan differ from another.
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What Is a Lesson Plan?
Before we move further to discussing about lesson plans, let us first get to know what a lesson plan really is and why is it important. A lesson plan is a detailed plan for a specific lesson that is given in a class. It is very detailed and it describes what should happen in a class and where the class is heading to with the lesson being discussed. Every educator, no matter what level or what institution they teach in, should have a lesson plan. This is not only a school requirement but also a government requirement. This is one way that schools and education heads are able to ensure and evaluate how an educator is doing and what they are teaching their students.
Essential Elements of a Lesson Plan
An effective lesson planner has to be be complete and should include all of the essential elements to be able to produce a lesson plan that works. Because every lesson planner varies per institution, there are chances that some items present in one lesson planner may not be included in another. The contents or elements included in a lesson planner largely depends on the institution using it.
1. Lesson number and title of the lesson
In every lesson plan, there should always be a lesson number together with the title of the specific lesson. This allows the teacher to easily remember what lesson number they are at and helps to easily determine the topic to be discussed. You may also like lesson plan samples
2. Grade level and subject
For easy identification of the particular lesson, the grade level as well as the subject for that lesson should be included. This is done so that the particular lesson will not be mistaken for another lesson. You can check out elementary lesson plan, middle school lesson plan, and high school lesson plan samples should you need them.
3. The time need to have the lesson completed or the time limit
Educators or teachers don’t have all day to teach one lesson alone. They need to budget and manage their time so that they can teach multiple lessons in a day. That is why a time frame or time limit is necessary. This time frame is based on a given standard, either by the school or higher management. The time limit also depends on the specific lesson to be discussed and may vary depending on the teacher. A daily lesson plan might come in handy in this situation.
4. The list of lesson objectives or focus
The list of objectives in a specific lesson plan will help determine what an educator or teacher aims to achieve with the lesson they are doing, as well as the activities that they will be including in the said lesson.
5. General & specific learning objectives
This is where the relationship between the specific learning objectives in a lesson are compared to the general or specific learning objectives of an institution. The general and specific learning objectives serve as a basis for what should be and what should not be included in a particular lesson. You can also check out sample blank lesson plans
6. Materials and resources
The materials and resources refer to the other tools that educators use when they actually teach the lesson in a class. The materials could be photocopies handed to the class, visual aids, whiteboard, laptop, and projector. The resources could refer to textbooks, thesis studies, online articles, or specific websites. You may also see action plan templates
7. Step-by-step procedure
This is where the activities involved in the lesson will be provided as well as the list of things that will take place when teaching the particular lesson. This will contain the detailed method on how the teacher will teach the lesson to the students. You can check out some sample teacher lesson plan templates as a guide.
8. Summary of the lesson
This is the part where the educator wraps up the discussion in the lesson and asks questions to the students or answer the questions asked by the students.
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Reasons on Why You Need to Make a Lesson Plan
A lesson plan is a tool that is widely used all over the world, regardless if it is in a private or public institution. The method of writing or presentation may differ, but the reasons for making one are the same. Below are some of the reasons why you need to make a lesson plan.
1. A lesson plan allows you to become focused with teaching. When talking in front of students, questions and small talks will easily make you become out of focus and move away from your topic. Having a lesson planned on hand and written down will help you get back to the topic that you are supposed to be teaching. You may also like sample marketing plan templates
2. A lesson plan will help you become organized and stay organized while teaching. The method on how a lesson is to be taught is carefully planned and written in a lesson planner. Educators or teachers make and study the steps so that they will be prepared when they start to teach the lesson. Following theses desired steps will definitely make any educator organized and stay organized all throughout the teaching session. Make use of a lesson plan outline to help keep you organized.
3. Having a lesson plan ensures that you are able to contribute or you are going toward the ideas that you have in mind that are beneficial to the class that you are teaching. When planning for a lesson, you always make sure that you have your personal objectives as well as general and specific objectives in mind. You simply write down these objectives that will serve as your guide to reaching your goal. You may also see strategic plan templates
4. A lesson plan is a useful tool that serves as a reminder for you to be able to consider and differentiate the needs and capabilities of every student or learner in your class. This is so that every student or learner will get the best out of the lesson and so that they will be able to understand the lesson based on their learning style. You may also like growth plan templates
5. A lesson plan helps you keep track of the lessons that you have been working on and serves as a record of what you have already done with your students. The record will help you determine what lessons you need to teach to your students next. You can also check out project plan templates
6. A lesson plan allows you to have an orderly and systematic way of teaching. The topics in a lesson plan are arranged in a way that the previous lessons help the students understand the next and future lessons. This prevents getting the students or learners from being confused with the lessons given to them. You may also see samples of communication plan templates