Are you currently having a hard time studying efficiently? There is a wide array of learning techniques that exist around the world. Some tend to be less effective. But there are also other studying methods which appear to be optimal. If you want to be more productive and organized  in your studies, we recommend that you create a simple yet effective monthly study planner.  In this article, we provide you some helpful steps and a wide array of free monthly student planner printable examples so that you can monitor your improvement and stay organized while studying in less time and maximizing your memory retention which will make a huge difference to your grades. Keep on reading!

FREE 9+ Monthly Study Planner Samples

1. Monthly Planner Template

monthly planner template

File Format
  • PSD
  • Illustrator
  • InDesign


2. Exam Monthly Study Planner

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 63 KB


3. Monthly Academic Study Planner

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 168 KB


4. Monthly Assignment Study Planner

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 113 KB


5. Monthly Course Study Planner

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 130 KB


6. Monthly Timetable Study Planner

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 101 KB


7. Monthly Holiday Study Planner

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 53 KB


8. Monthly Goals Study Planner

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 726 KB


9. Academic Semester Monthly Study Planner

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 25 MB


10. Monthly Study Schedule Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 637 KB


What is a Monthly Study Planner?

A monthly study planner is an effective organizing tool which can greatly assist the students, professionals, and other people in creating a structured schedule and plan of their study on a monthly basis. This is useful in keeping track and monitoring the progress of a person’s studies every month as well. Plus, it can also facilitate better productivity, maximum, achievement, self-management, and self-discipline.

How to Create a Monthly Study Planner

Steve Golin wrote in his book “Successful Study Methods” that each person has a limit on the amount of information they can absorb in a given time. So you need to consider the right duration of time that you will use on each subject area that you will study. We recommend that you use our study planner templates above that you can use conveniently. Here are the steps that you should perform after you download your selected free monthly study planner template:

1. Use a study planner template  

To simplify your planning, you must use a study planner template. You have two choices: Choose a planner template in various websites like our sample monthly study planner templates in this article or design your own monthly study planner. A template is a ready-made format or outline of a specific document. Well, you are allowed to do what you want to your study planner so make sure that you will use a simple yet effective planner template which will greatly assist you in organizing and personalizing your study schedule.

2. Fill up the dates 

After selecting your preferred monthly study planner template, you need to fill in the dates to set up your monthly planner or you can simply write a number which corresponds to the week you started. Work on which particular month you began and use that as the starting number. Remember to plan ahead on the weekend prior to starting the upcoming month.

3. Set up your goals and priorities for the month

The next step is setting up your goals and priorities for the whole month in your planner. Consider how much work that is necessary for you to accomplish in your studies in a month. What are the specific subject areas that you want to excel this month? Calculate the total hours per week and in a month. Also, check the number of study sessions that you will be doing. Then, fill in the spaces provided the number of study sessions you aim to complete in one week and in the overall month. 

4. Create your monthly timetable 

You must create your monthly timetable based on each of your study sessions. We recommend that you include 25-45 minutes of study time and 15-20 minutes break intervals on each of your study sessions. Studies have shown that better productivity means learning 80% of the work in 20% of a study time. So, you should know how to work smarter, not harder. In this way, you are able to complete your work on time.

5. Revise your study sessions if needed 

If you notice that you are having difficulties in your current study sessions, you need to look for new effective studying methods and incorporate these study techniques in your planner. Some examples of study methods that actually work are the SQ3R method, color-coded sample notes, Leitner system, The PQ4R method, min-mapping, retrieval practice and many more.


How to make a monthly study plan?

When you make a sample plan for your monthly study, create a schedule which contains your balanced activities. Allow adequate time for studying each subject area and lesson. Then, you need to study consistently at a specific time and place that you want and you’re comfortable with. Your study time should limit to no more than 2 hours on any subject at a time and let yourself have several 15-20 minute break intervals. 

How to write a self-study plan?

Identify your specific goals and objectives of your self-study plan, knowing your purpose in learning a new skill or subject. Then, organize your time and project schedule of your study sessions. Try to look for your study partner or join an online study group to motivate yourself in studying. 

What is the best time for effective studying?

Scientific research studies have shown that studying is most effective between 10 am to 2pm and from 4pm to 10pm because these are the times when our brain is in an acquisition or receiving mode.

Many experts recommend that spending 2-3 hours of study per day can help you in effective learning and sample application of what you’ve learned. You also need to have short study sessions which can assist the synapses of your brain in order to process information much better than loads of information in a very long period of time. 

Despite experiencing some typical boring and tiring moments while studying, you need to consider planning things accordingly so that you are able to fight tons of distractions in your studies. Therefore, if you want to be motivated in gaining significant improvement in your studies, you need to make use of an effective monthly study planner to boost your efficiency and productivity in studying. Be inspired from Malcolm Gladwell’s words: “If you work hard enough and assert yourself, and use your mind and imagination, you can shape the world to your desires.” Please get your monthly study planner sample today!