It is important for companies, businesses, and organizations worldwide to be able to come up with a comprehensive action plan for the strategies that they plan to put in place in and around their companies. A layout like so keeps the entire company on track for every possibility that might cause issues during the development and implementation of the strategies to be put in place. A comprehensive plan is important to make sure that the management do not waste valuable time and resources by making completely avoidable mistakes along the way. This is called an action plan. And a well written action plan does so well in bringing the idea on the table together really well, leading to the fulfillment of the project and providing tangible results. The document can go massive lengths for your company, especially when you want to implement certain strategies that can affect the operations within your business.
Being able to come up and operate with an action plan helps you prepare for anything that may happen during the duration of your work. It helps keep track of the progress, making sure that everyone who is set to work on the task is on the same page as you. Understand that being implementing certain strategies may be really urgent for the sake of your company, so you have to make sure that you are doing it right. If the strategies that you aim to put in place doesn’t work, or if your progress stops in the middle of development, then that may have severe repercussions for your business. To get the best of the document that you are about to write, take a look at these one page strategic action plan samples that we have listed for you down below. These sample documents will help you get to know the document more, what it looks like and how it works. Once you’re done trying to get to know the document, feel free to use these samples as guides or templates for when you write your own action plan.
10+ One Page Strategic Action Plan Samples
1. One Page Strategic Action Plan

2. Sample One Page Strategic Action Plan
3. Simple One Page Strategic Action Plan
4. Company One Page Strategic Action Plan
5. University One Page Strategic Action Plan
6. Project One Page Strategic Action Plan
7. One Page Strategic Action Plan Example
8. Organization One Page Strategic Action Plan
9. Formal One Page Strategic Action Plan
10. Diversity One Page Strategic Action Plan
11. One Page Personal Strategic Action Plan
What Is a One Page Strategic Action Plan?
It’s already in the name, it’s an action plan compressed within a single page. Now, you might think, isn’t one page a little too little for a document like an action plan? Well, yes and no. You see, one page documents are typically summarizations of the real full blown thing. The main purpose of these is to convey the message or the agenda of the company in the least number of words possible. One page documents save time and resources, especially if there are a lot of people within your organization that needs to be aware of the action plan. Though it only works well if written well.
Now let’s turn to the action plan component of your one page action plan. Strategic action plans are documents that highlight and present the specific details, strategies, and outlines for both the development and implementation of your strategies in your company. Though action plans can be used for just about any purpose. As long as you have a venture that you want to work on and succeed, then writing an action plan is the best initial step that you can take. It’s essentially like a checklist that enumerates the steps and the actions that the company needs to take to implement the strategies that they want to implement or put in place. Action plans are typically composed of more than a couple pages, but in this case it will only be presented on a single page for reasons listed above. The contents within your action plan needs to be detailed and straight to the point, enough that the members of your organization knows exactly what they are to do once they have read your action plan. Clarity is the most important quality of a business plan, even more now that you aim to compress all the details in a single document. Clarity and comprehensibility.
How to Write a One Page Strategic Action Plan
Writing an action plan is more than just jotting down a list of tasks and activities on a piece of paper. You have to actually start with identifying your goals, and then the steps you need to achieve those goals, and finally explain and present it comprehensibly to make sure that everybody within your company are on the same page as you. There are several steps that you need to remember and keep in mind to ensure this. These steps will be listed and discussed in more detail down below.
- Define your goal
It’s important that before you actually develop your action plan, you already have a proper idea of your goals and just what you want to achieve with this venture. Blindly diving into something without a proper objective in place is only setting yourself up for failure. Analyze the situation first and understand the circumstances that you are working with. You can also apply certain strategic criteria like SMART to make sure that the goals that you have identified are completely feasible and achievable. - List down the steps
Try to enumerate the steps that you are planning to take to reach the objectives that you have identified initially. Don’t bother with the order just yet, we just want to make sure that you are perfectly clear with the things that you plan to do. No sudden tasks from out of nowhere, no tangents during development. You’re writing a plan, so everything that needs to be taken care of must be present in the plan. Provide enough details and parameters to make sure that when the tasks that you have identified are done, they are done exactly the way they are supposed to be done. - Prioritize tasks and deadlines
Once you have identified the necessary steps to take, organize the list depending on the chronological order of these tasks. Prioritize the steps that are more labor and resource intensive than the others, and try to look out for the prerequisite tasks that you need to take care before you can move forward. - Set milestones
Small victories slowly stack up over time, eventually turning into bigger achievements. Setting milestones along the way will give your team something that they can look forward to even if the deadline is still quite a ways away. It’s also just good to pat yourselves on the back once in a while, boost your team’s morale and motivate them to move forward. - Identify the resources that you need
It is important that before you begin project development, you have already gathered the resources that you need. Supplies, materials, anything that you need to use for the implementation and development of your project, secure all of that ahead of time. You need to keep your focus on working on the project in order to meet your deadline if you have set any. So avoid getting sidetracked in the middle of development just because you are short on materials and supplies. - Visualize your plan
Aside from setting the parameters for the implementation of your strategies, your action plan should also be able to communicate the elements that you have identified in a clear and comprehensive manner. Try to visualize the plan if it does what it needs to do. Gauge the plan better, and decide whether or not your task is possible to pull off. - Monitor, Evaluate, Update
The writing process of an action plan does not stop when every component is put into paper. Action plans work best as a live document, it is supposed to change and adapt over time. You can update the document whenever need be, according to how the business has grown and evolved.
What are action steps?
Action steps refer to the efforts or tasks that the management of a company does in order to reach any objective that they have set and are often found inside an action plan.
What are examples of strategic actions?
- Planning
- Ordinance
- Community practices
- Incentive
What makes a good action plan?
A well written action plan is a document that is able to outline the necessary steps needed to achieve the goals that the organization has previously set.
Action plans go massive lengths for the fulfillment and realization of any project that you are working on. It gives your idea a fighting chance. With the steps and the templates that we have provided you in this article, we are quite positive that you should now be able to write a winning action plan yourself.
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