Everyone strives to grow and become a person with an evolved set of objectives, those that are different from the one they’ve had before. A person’s pursuit for progress never stops as they go on to achieve one after the other. A personal development plan aids individuals determine their path towards accomplishing their academic, career, and personal goals. It provides them with an opportunity to discover their skills and potentials, which they can use to seize opportunities and conquer incoming threats.

Personal Development Plan Template

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Personal Development Plan Mind Map Template

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Medical Personal Development Plan Template

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Sample Career Personal Development Plan Template

career personal development plan template

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Student Personal Development Plan Template

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Employee Personal Development Plan Template

employee personal development plan template

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Free Sports Personal Development Plan Template

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5-Year Personal Development Plan Template

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Free Sample Personal Development Plan Template

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Personal Leadership Development Plan Template

personal leadership development plan template

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Sample Personal Financial Development Plan Template

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Personal Professional Development Plan Template

personal professional development plan template

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Personal Development Action Plan Template

personal development action plan template

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Free Personal Growth Development Plan Template

free personal growth development plan template

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Personal Career Development Plan Template

personal career development template

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Sample Personal Development Plan Template

personal development plan template

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Individual Development Plan Template

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Editable Personal Development Plan Template

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Basic Personal Development Plan Template

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Weekly Personal Development Plan Template

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Simple Personal Development Plan Template

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Coach Personal Development Plan Template

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One Page Personal Development Plan Template

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Personal and Career Development Plan Template

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Sample Personal Development Plan Guide and Template

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Medical School Individual Development Plan Template

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Size: 388 KB


What Is a Personal Development Plan?

A personal development plan is an action plan of goals oriented towards fulfilling aspirations in career, education, relationships, and other areas to personally and professionally grow. This helps individuals evaluate their performance, determine their strengths and weaknesses, and assess what skills and knowledge they need to acquire. This will then result in a structured plan that can help actualize their vision. 

While development plans have the best intentions at hand, they are vulnerable to failure. According to Forbes, the prime reason why personal development plans in workplaces fail is that they’re not individual-oriented. For companies who make it a practice to seek their employees’ self-evaluation and goals, it’s no more than a regular routine and another document to submit. Managers undermine its importance and expect their subordinates to improve their skills to take on more tasks inherently. Little do they know the significance of self-initiation and motivation in accomplishing significant objectives. 

How to Make a Personal Development Plan

Why have a personal development plan sample? Unless you’re treading a firm career path or you have no desire to pursue personal progress and achieve greater things in life, you need a blueprint to help you assess your current standing and direct you towards greater success. A personal development plan can help you achieve that. Here are some expert tips on how to develop yours:

Step 1: Know Where Do You Want to Go and Why

The first step to establishing any plan is to have a clear goal in mind. Why do you need to do this? What are you trying to achieve? Where will all your plans lead to? Knowing the “where” and “why” of your personal or professional development plan allows you to construct its details towards achieving its purpose. You’ll be able to customize your action steps, so it accommodates the actualization of your objectives.

Step 2: Engage in an In-Depth Self Assessment

It’s important to understand who it will be for before you can establish a comprehensive business plan outline. That’s right, you need to know your audience—you. Launch an in-depth self-assessment. You can employ the SWOT analysis technique to go over your skills and assets and compare them against your vulnerabilities. Determine which areas you can use to your advantage and what factors might be risky for you. Knowing all of these allows you to identify opportunities for learning and growth. You’ll also be able to set counter-response to overcome your weaknesses and previous shortcomings.

Step 3: Develop Action Steps to Pursue

Pair up your objectives and your self-assessment. From your findings, determine what appropriate action steps you can pursue to develop a more personalized approach. For example, if you’re making an employee development plan intending to advance in your position and be a part of the management team after a year, you can assess what skills do you need to develop and what qualifications you need to fulfill to assume the role. 

Step 4: Set a Progress Tracker

You need to have the means to help you monitor your performance as you pursue your professional or personal growth goals. It will help you find out if your growth action plans are serving the results you need, or they’re not helping you reap improvements. For example, if you’re adopting a new role training plan, determine whether it’s helping you carry out your recent responsibilities. A progress tracker also allows you to see where you are in the process and how far you’ve come.


What are some things that should be in your personal development plan?

While every plan is unique to each individual needs, here’s an outline of things that should be in your personal development plan:

  • Goal statement
  • Strengths
  • Areas of development
  • List of opportunities
  • Possible risks
  • To-do lists
  • Task deadlines
  • Monitoring standards

Is career growth the same as career development?

No. Career growth refers to a company’s organizational structure movement of moving their employees between different rules, whether vertically or horizontally. On the other hand, career development plan is the process that details what the employees need to do to enhance their careers.

What are the different categories of personal development?

The different categories of personal development are:

  • Objective
  • Analysis
  • Growth
  • Improvement
  • Skills
  • Personal empowerment

While it’s true that your future remains unpredictable, having the assurance that you know what you want to achieve and how to get there makes the burden of treading the unknown less daunting. Make use of our premium-quality personal development plans action to your advantage. Download now!

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