To ensure that your company is in the right direction as your work your way towards that target sales revenue, it is important that sales planning should not be a mere one-time event, but must be done as frequently if time permits. While working on an annual company sales plan is done normally, there are some companies that break that numbers down into quarterly sales targets. Most of the time, a company will have 4 quarters throughout the year thus producing a quarterly sales plan. And this often comes with a quarterly sales meeting where sales data results such as the sales rep’s performance are analyzed and scrutinized. In a way when you talk about sales planning, it is a series of activities that does not only involve mainly trying to convert a customer’s interest into a sale but you need to be able to examine previous data that drives better decisions, compare and work with other departments in the business organization to help reach that target sales goals. Read more about this in our article below, and if you need any help with that sales plan go check out our free quarterly sales plan samples made available for download.
5+ Quarterly Sales Plan Samples
1. Quarterly Sales Plan Template

2. Quarterly Sales Plan
3. Quarterly Business Sales Plan
4. Annual Quarterly Sales Plan
5. Agency Quarterly Sales Plan
6. Quarterly Sales Incentive Plan
What Is A Quarterly Sales Plan?
A sales plan is developed by the sales department as they develop various strategies and tactics to meet their sales goals. This may be in the volume of sales or infiltrating a particular market or demographic. The sales plan should list what’s needed to meet those goals as well as hurdles or pain points that the team expects to encounter. As well as identifying objectives, target audiences, and ways to work around the challenges the sales team might encounter. While an annual sales plan looks toward the upcoming year and its forecasted outcome, with a quarterly sales plan the sales team is able to evaluate what is currently working, which is not, and what should be the expected results whenever a change is implemented. Quarterly planning is a way to break annual planning into smaller parts, meeting once every three months to set goals, establish metrics, and review the previous quarter’s achievements and points of growth.
How To Develop A Quarterly Sales Plan?
Between an annual sales plan, quarterly sales plan it is much easier to track your long-term sales goals in a shorter period of time and it gives you an opportunity to update and monitor this in a regular basis. Problems and challenges are quickly identified, and the sales team will be able to revise their goals in a shorter time frame. Now to start working on that quarterly sales plan, here are several tips that may help you.
I. Review Sales Targets
Take time to review the sales team’s quota and individual targets and determine how far has it been going. If it’s not even halfway there, create sales strategies that can help further motivate the team.
II. Previous Quarter
You may also want to take a good look at the data from the previous quarter to help your team forecast the present or the next quarter and predict the needs and requirements of the sales department.
III. Obstacles and Challenges
Aside from just working on those sales goals and objectives, you have set for the entire team, remember to look at the obstacles and challenges you may be facing in the upcoming quarter. For example, a hotel may experience high and low seasons with their guest bookings. And seasonality is often associated with different months of the year. Although those who have been in the hotel industry long enough would know how the usual trends would go about, it is still important to consider these challenges that would affect how sales would pan out during that certain period. And with that new sales strategies can be developed.
IV. Continue To Focus On Prospects and Solutions
Surely within the quarter, your sales rep has been able to get some leads, prioritize your efforts with those people with whom you have the greatest likelihood of converting high-value deals. Reinforce training with your team on product/service knowledge and demonstrations.
V. Compare Customer Feedback
As mentioned, sales planning would consist of data comparison, so it is important to check on a customer’s feedback to get a full understanding of what a customer wants or needs. Businesses who devote their time going through their customer’s testimonials, comments, and feedback are able to come up with better strategies that can increase their sales and productivity.
What Is Sales Strategy?
A sales strategy is a method used by the sales department to position and sell products or services to potential customers in different ways from the competitors.
What Is a Business Development?
This is the process for developing and implementing growth opportunities for an organization from its customers, the market, and other business relationships.
Who Are Sales Representatives?
Sales representatives or sales rep, in short, are individuals whose is responsible for selling products or services of a company. They use various documents and pieces of collateral to communicate value and move prospects through the funnel.
A quarterly sales plan is equally as important as an annual sales plan, which can help the sales team analyze their long-term performance during a four-month period. Start developing your sales plan now and don’t forget to check out our sample templates you can use and download.
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