Every organization must conduct a safety and health training program to ensure safety in the workplace. As a health and safety officer, it is your job to hold trainings for employees to be aware of the safety issues surrounding the workplace. To help you smooth out your training program, you need a plan to help you decide on which topics to tackle and help you save money and time in the long run. To know how to plan a safety and health program, refer to the following tips and sample health and safety training plan templates provided below.

8+ Safety and Health Training Plan Samples

1. Safety and Health Training Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 324 KB


2. Work Health and Safety Management Training Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 246 KB


3. Environmental Health and Safety Training Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 821 KB


4. Employee Health and Safety Training Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 157 KB


5. Safety and Health Evaluation Training Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 39 KB


6. Human Resources Health and Safety Training Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 332 KB


7. Occupational Safety and Health Training Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 69 KB


8. Safety and Health Program Training Plan

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 4 KB


9. Health and Safety Orientation Training Plan

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 498 KB


What is a Health and Safety Training Plan?

A workplace safety training program is an activity for employees in any workforce to educate them with knowledge and skills to do their respective responsibilities safely. In order to do properly execute the training, the health and safety officer, who is responsible for this duty, must have a safety plan that includes guidelines that identify hazards, dealing with emergencies and scary incidents, and reporting these to the authorities.

How to Create a Health and Safety Training Plan

Do Some Assessment First 

Before creating your plan for the health and safety training for all employees, evaluate every aspect of the training and all that encompasses it. Assess which training method works for your colleagues by asking for feedback. Gather their answers and base your decision on the answers of the majority. Assess also how much your colleagues can understand and learn from your method by getting some feedback too.

Other aspects you also need to assess are the internal and external factors that might affect your training. Check if you recently purchased and used new tools, equipment, or machines, change some procedures and processes that might affect the safety of employees, financial matters, expansion of the organization, and many more. Assessing these factors will give you an idea of how you will carry out your training.

Choose the Training Topics You Want to Tackle

After your assessment, it’s time to put together a list of training topics you want to cover in your discussion. You can decide which topics to cover by risk assessment, such as prioritizing the frequency of hazard exposure of the employees and potential harm that are likely to happen in the workplace. Review previous injury or disaster investigation findings, observe employees’ behaviors in the workplace, consult supervisors, managers, employees, and most especially the maintenance and security department to give you insights for your training topics.

If you’re not sure what to discuss, there are also some workplace safety program topics on which your organization can tackle since these topics are applicable to any nature of the workplace. Some of these topics are workplace ergonomics injuries, fire hazards, workplace violence, physical and mental health resources, environmental and equipment safety, and cybersecurity.

Once you’ve decided on the list of topics for your training, consult all your employees and colleagues for their opinion and feedback. Their feedback can help improve and add some insights, instances, and topics that are fit for your organization. This will also help them to be aware of the health and safety training they are going to undergo.

Set Your Objectives

Once you have your official list of topics for your safety and health training program and its protocols, it’s time to set your objectives. Objectives are a way to motivate you and your employees in partaking in the training program. Your objectives could be lowering the injury rate of employees, raising awareness of a health concern, or addressing the lack of employee engagement.

Master Your Delivery Format

Part of your training plan is to consider how you will deliver the training. This might not be an issue if you’ve done the training in the past and your employees reacted positively to it, but if you’re a first-timer or want to try something new, you can look up different delivery methods you can use to shake up your training and make it more interesting for your employees. Some training methods can include the use of technology such as 3D graphics or animation. You can also increase employee engagement through simulation.

Whatever delivery format you decide to do, don’t forget to research your material and master how to deliver it. This will help you from forgetting your topics or getting too nervous to do your training in front of everyone. Lastly, make sure your materials are complete and efficient to aid you in the training.


What are the benefits of safety training?

By having a safety training program, an organization can save up a lot of money by preventing potential hazards to happen. Furthermore, it can also increase awareness for employees to comply with safety laws, reduce mental anxiety and stress, reduce accidents and injuries, and boosts productivity.

What qualifications do you need to be a health and safety officer?

The minimum qualifications of a health and safety officer are a diploma in environmental health or occupational safety, a master’s degree in occupational health and related courses, and other standards under the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA).

Committing in your responsibility to keeping your fellow employees safe is no easy task but it is very rewarding to see that all your hard work can be seen when your employees are more cautious in doing their work safely. Safety trainings are also mandatory to do to be compliant with the OSHA regulations. When you’re compliant with these trainings, it can help lessen the likelihood of hazards and injuries happening in your workplace.