Is your school struggling to effectively communicate with your students, their parents, and your own staff? Have you encountered troubles on addressing your message and are met with backlash or more questions about it? Is your inefficiency in communicating well with your audience is making your school’s brand and reputation to suffer? Maybe you need to sit it down and create a communication plan to remedy these concerns. A communication plan defines who needs to be aware of what information they need to know and how and how often that specific information will be distributed, and who will be responsible for the distribution. Making it is not as complicated as it sounds as long you understand the fundamentals of how communication works. Read the article to know how to make a school communication plan.

10+ School Communication Plan Samples

1. School Communication Plan Template

school communication plan template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Pages
  • PDF


2. School Communication Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


3. Sample School Communication Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 289 KB


4. School Communication Implementation Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 337 KB


5. Primary School Communication Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 311 KB


6. School System Communication Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 4 MB


7. School District Communication Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 950 KB


8. Standard School Communication Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 335 KB


9. Community School Communication Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 196 KB


10. High School Communication Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 27 KB


11. School Communication Action Plan

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 6 KB


What is a Communication Plan?

A communication plan is an approach done by institutions, businesses, and organization to provide their stakeholders with information regarding how to effectively connect through messages to their key audience. It also outlines who should be given the specific information (usually confidential or sensitive information), when that information will be delivered, what channels will be used to deliver the information (is it communicated with the use of emails, websites, or printed reports?), what channels will the stakeholders use to give their feedback, and how the communication is documented.

How to Create a School Communication Plan

1. Know your mission

Examine the strengths and disadvantages of your school. What factors will influence the students’ parents’ decisions to send their children to your school? Create a school mission based on well-researched information from school administrators as well as what you know about your school and your goals of where you envision it to be.

2. Know Your Target Audiences

You should also think about how you communicate with your staff, parents, and students right now. Are there any gaps that need to be filled? Have there been any miscommunications between staff and parents because the information isn’t being communicated as effectively as it could be? How can you improve staff, parent, and student engagement in your school?

Surveys are a wonderful approach to collect information on the concerns from school staff, parents, and students for you to address them. This will help you create your communications plan around your target groups with whom you need to communicate more effectively.

3. Use Key Communication Channels to Reach Your Audiences

It all boils down to picking the appropriate medium to communicate with your target audience. Know first your target audience’s location, and how you can get in touch with them. A school website and social media accounts are excellent tools to communicate with staff, parents, and students.

These are the must-have communication channels to include in your plan:

  • District and school websites
  • Mobile applications
  • Notifications and alerts
  • Email
  • Social media
  • Blog
  • Video
  • Podcasts

These are crucial for reaching out to all of your stakeholders. Combining all of these channels might be difficult, but they must be integrated for maximum reach.

3. Plan and Gather the Correct Content with the Help of a Team and Technology

Once you’ve made your decision, it’s time to develop your message when you’ve decided how you’ll engage your target audiences. What do you want your audience to take away from this? How can you best use these channels to engage them and encourage them to return to them? Who will do all of the legwork in terms of locating and creating all of the content?

Surround yourself with communications lieutenants who can act as eyes and ears for the huge ‘field’ of building-level communication possibilities. Principals, administrators, teachers, or any other staff member who can serve as an advocate for school communications can be named as designees.

The four most important subject areas to cover are:


What are the seven C’s of communication?

The seven C’s  of communications are: clarity, correctness, conciseness, courtesy, concreteness, consideration, and completeness.

What are the four S’s of communication?

The four S’s of making a good and effective communication are shortness, simplicity, strength, and sincerity.

The steps mentioned aboveon how to make an efficient communication plan will hopefully will get you on the right direction of effectively communicating with your target audience by improving your engagement with them and put your school’s best on going forward.  should get you pointed in the right direction. To help you get started making the plan, download our free sample templates above to use as your guide!