Every school wants to give quality education and the best development to their students. A strategic plan helps a school identify what it wants to do to its priorities and operational goals for student success. It helps develop and improve your school’s system that plays a vital role in your students’ behavior and success. As a school employee, how would you create an effective school development plan? Scroll our school development plan template and learn more about this topic below.

FREE 10+ School Development Plan Samples

1. School Development Plan Template

school development plan template

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  • Google Docs

Size: A4 & US


2. School Development Plan Template

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  • MS Word

Size: 239 KB


3. Virtual School Development Plan

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  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


4. School Development Planning Template

File Format
  • MS Word

Size: 17 KB


5. School Development Plan Overview

File Format
  • MS Word

Size: 997 KB


6. Basic School Development Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 204 KB


7. School Development & Implementation Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 387 KB


8. Professional School Development Plan Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 123 KB


9. Sample School Staff Development Plan

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  • PDF

Size: 524 KB


10. School Development Plan Process

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 253 KB


11. Infant School Development Plan Sample

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  • PDF

Size: 584 KB


What Is a School Development Plan?

Every school has a School Development Plan (SDP). A School Development Plan is a strategic improvement plan.  As a strategic device, SDP is concerned with long-term goals to be translated into planned and prioritized short-term objectives and improvement action after a thorough analysis of the school’s strengths and weaknesses. When a school develops a culture of aspiration and a dedication to promoting frequent and robust self-evaluation, school improvement is more likely to be maintained. Self-evaluation must be an important part of the preparation process for school growth with the subsequent actions and goals defined in school development plans.

What Is the Purpose of a School Development Plan?

As a strategic improvement plan, a school development plan’s purpose is to plan and blend the school’s priorities, the main measures it will take to raise standards, the resources dedicated to these, and the key outcomes and targets it intends to achieve.

How to Create an Effective School Development Plan?

Creating an effective school development plan is not easy. It needs proper knowledge and time to craft and make it. Also, thorough research can help you make it more credible and presentable. Here are some key elements that can help you make a great strategic plan for your school’s development:

1. Start With a Vision

What does your vision of improvement look like? It will be different for every school or district, but you’ll need to create a general definition that will direct your efforts to change. In other words, what do you want to accomplish, and how do you define success?

2. Conduct an Assessment

To get to the main point, you need to know where you are going and where you are starting from. That needs an honest assessment of your established practices and outcomes. Start with a thorough needs assessment that evaluates your strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement accurately. Resources that can help you evaluate your needs include data on student achievement, details on classroom walkthroughs, and student, parent, instructor, and administrator surveys.

3. Identify Your School’s Objective

Once you understand where you are now, you should start planning to advance to where you want to be. Your approach should include simple, measurable, and achievable objectives and goals that will lead you on the road to achievement.

4. Outline Definite Action Steps

The most common hindrance that prevents districts from achieving success is the fact that their plans are not actionable. A clear vision and a list of priorities and goals are not enough. You just not only need a plan but also a strategy. A plan is just an account of who is going to do when and what. A strategy, on the contrary, is a tight cogent collection of ideas on how best to accomplish the organization’s goal and purpose. To fulfill those objectives, you will need to outline what you will do. Your strategy will falter without particular action measures to guide your progress. Successful school districts set out plans for each worker, ensuring that each worker understands their position in executing the strategy.

5. Involve All the Stakeholders In the Process

Studies show that collaboratively designed policies are more commonly accepted and implemented and that the most successful representatives know how to respond to their constituents. Develop a mechanism in which all stakeholders, teachers, staff, students, parents, and community leaders are active in developing a vision, setting priorities, and identifying steps for action.


What does a development plan mean?

The development plan is a document that guides for planners to adopt throughout the process of assessing development. A variety of social, environmental, and economic concerns may be covered by such policies. Development plans for various parts of the area they cover may also spell out the desired character.

What are the basic elements of a strategic plan?

There are five key elements of a strategic plan. These are the following:

  • Vision
  • Values
  • Clear defined outcomes
  • Accountability
  • Key performance indicator

How will a teacher contribute to a development plan for students and schools?

Teachers help learners take charge of their education and cultivate critical thinking. To improve student participation and make students take more responsibility for their learning, teachers follow a wide variety of teaching methods. Support for competent and less-able students is given.

Why is it important to have a quality education?

Access to education is vital but acquiring fundamental knowledge and skills in the classroom is also important. Despite attending school for many years, several kids around the world are unable to learn. For learning and human growth, high-quality education is a prerequisite.

In order to deal with uncertainty and transition, schools need a comprehensive approach to planning. To incorporate all of their planning activities into the cohesive form of an overall plan, they need a process. That process is the school development planning. However, creating an effective strategic plan is not an easy process. The next time you create a plan for your school’s development, you can visit our page. Our school development plan templates are downloadable. Download now!

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