Crafting the perfect price tag goes beyond just numbers; it’s about creating a first impression that speaks to value and quality. A well-designed price tag not only informs customers about the cost but also conveys the brand’s identity and the product’s worth. In today’s competitive market, the art of pricing and sample presentation can make a significant difference in consumer perception and can influence purchasing decisions. Hence, a price tag is not just a sample label, but a strategic tool for businesses.

8+ Price Tag Samples

1. Sample Price Tag Template

sample price tag template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Ilustrator
  • PSD
  • Publisher
  • Apple Pages


2. Sample Retro Label Price Tag Template

sample retro label price tag template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Ilustrator
  • PSD
  • Publisher
  • Apple Pages


3. Sample Christmas Price Tag Template

sample christmas price tag template

File Format
  • Ilustrator
  • PSD


4. Sample Detailed Price Tag Template

5. Sample Editable Price Tag Template

What is Price Tag?

Price tags are more than just stickers on merchandise; they are a critical component of the shopping experience and a vital tool for businesses. They serve several essential functions, from providing price transparency to aiding sample inventory control. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the nuances of price tags, exploring their importance, types, and best practices for design and use.

The Importance of Price Tags in Retail

Price tags play a pivotal role in the retail environment. They communicate the cost of an item to the customer, which is fundamental for making informed purchasing decisions. Beyond pricing, they often contain additional information such as product codes, barcodes, and sometimes even QR codes that can be scanned for more details. This transparency builds trust between the retailer and the customer, which is crucial for customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Moreover, price tags are indispensable for the retailer for inventory management. They help in tracking sales, managing stock levels, and simplifying the checkout process. In the age of omnichannel retailing, price tags can also integrate with digital systems to provide a seamless shopping experience.

Types of Price Tags

Price tags come in various forms, each suited to different retail environments and products:

  • Adhesive Labels: These are the most common type of price tags, easily sticking to most product surfaces.
  • Hang Tags: Typically used for clothing or accessories, these tags are attached to the product via a string or plastic fastener.
  • Shelf Tags: Found on the edge of shelves, they display the price of products placed on the shelf above or below the tag.
  • Electronic Shelf Labels (ESLs): A digital version of shelf tags, ESLs can be updated remotely, making them ideal for stores with frequently changing prices. You can also see more templates like Sample Hang Tags.

Designing Effective Price Tags

Creating an effective price tag involves more than just listing a price. The design should be clear, legible, and aligned with the brand’s identity. Here are some elements to consider:

  • Font and Size: Choose a font that is easy to read and a size that is visible without being overwhelming.
  • Color Scheme: Use colors that reflect the brand and enhance readability. Contrasting colors can make the price stand out.
  • Information Hierarchy: The most critical information, typically the price, should be the most prominent. Other details like product name, size, or SKU should be secondary.
  • Material: The material of the price tag should be durable enough to withstand handling and environmental factors like humidity or temperature changes. You can also see more templates like Name Tag Samples.

Best Practices for Using Price Tags

To maximize the effectiveness of price tags, retailers should adhere to the following best practices:

  • Accuracy: Ensure that the price on the tag matches the price in the inventory system to avoid customer confusion and frustration.
  • Consistency: Use a consistent design and layout for price tags throughout the store to maintain a professional appearance and make it easier for customers to locate pricing information.
  • Legibility: Price tags should be easily readable at a glance. This means clear fonts, adequate sizing, and no overcrowding with too much information.
  • Placement: Position price tags where they are easily seen without customers having to search for them. For clothing, this might mean placing the tag on the sleeve or near the collar. You can also see more templates like Sample Sale Tags.

Essential Elements of a Price Tag

A price tag, while small in size, carries significant weight in the retail shopping experience. It is a crucial piece of information for customers and a key operational tool for businesses. To be effective, a price tag must include certain elements that inform and guide the consumer. Here’s what needs to be on a price tag:


The most obvious and essential element is the price itself. It should be displayed prominently so that it’s the first thing a customer sees. The font size should be large enough to read easily, and the figures should be clear and unambiguous.

Product Description

A sample brief description of the product can be extremely helpful, especially for stores with multiple varieties of similar items. This might include the product name, size, color, flavor, or other distinguishing features.

Unit Price

For items sold in quantities or bulk, the unit price can help customers understand how much they are paying per unit of measure, such as per ounce, liter, pound, or kilogram. This is particularly useful in grocery stores and helps customers compare the value of similar products.

Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) or Item Number

This is a unique identifier for the product that helps the store manage inventory. It’s also useful for employees to quickly find the product in the system, especially if a price check or inventory search is needed.


A barcode allows for quick scanning at the checkout. It streamlines the purchasing process and reduces the chance of human error in typing prices manually.

Discounts or Promotional Information

If the product is on sale or part of a promotion, this should be clearly indicated. The original price can be included alongside the discounted price to highlight the savings.


The type of currency should be clear, which is particularly important in tourist areas or stores near borders where multiple currencies might be in circulation.

Additional Information

Depending on the product and the store, additional information may be included:

  • Expiration Date: For perishable goods, the expiration date is critical.
  • Care Instructions: For clothing or durable goods, care instructions or symbols can be included.
  • QR Code: A QR code can link to more detailed information online, such as product origins, user manuals, or related products.
  • Environmental Claims: If the product has environmental benefits, such as being organic or recyclable, this can be noted. You can also see more templates like Luggage Tag Samples.

Design Considerations

While the information is important, the design of the price tag also plays a role in its effectiveness:

  • Readability: The tag should be easy to read, with a clear font and adequate contrast between the text and the background.
  • Branding: The price tag should reflect the store’s branding, with consistent use of colors, logos, and typography.
  • Durability: The material used for the price tag should withstand handling and environmental factors. You can also see more templates like Awesome Gift Tags.

6. Sample Transparent Price Tag Template

7. Sample Product Price Tag Template

8. Sample Discount Price Tag Template

9. Sample Jewelry Price Tag Template

How do you Create a Price Tag?

Creating a price tag is an essential task for any retail business. It’s not just about slapping a sticker on an item; it’s about providing clear and necessary information to the customer while also ensuring the tag serves its purpose for inventory and plan of sales management. Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating a price tag that is both informative and effective.

Step 1: Design Selection

Start by choosing a design for your price tag. This could be a simple template provided by a printable label maker or a custom design that aligns with your brand’s visual identity. The design should be clean and uncluttered, allowing the price to stand out. If you’re designing from scratch, consider using design software that offers flexibility and professional templates.

Step 2: Information Inclusion

The most crucial information on a price tag is, of course, the price itself. It should be the most prominent feature on the tag. In addition to the price, you may want to include:

  • Product Name: Helps customers identify the product easily.
  • SKU or Barcode: Necessary for inventory management and expedites the checkout process.
  • Discount Information: If the product is on sale, show the original price crossed out with the sale price clearly visible.
  • Additional Details: Depending on the product, you might include size, color, weight, or other relevant specifications.

Step 3: Readability

Your price tag must be easily readable. Choose a font that stands out against the background of your design. The font size for the price should be large enough to be seen from a reasonable distance. For the rest of the information, ensure that it is legible but does not compete with the price for attention.

Step 4: Printing

Once your design is complete, print a sample to test the look and feel of the price tag. You’ll want to use a printer that can produce high-quality images if your design includes a barcode or QR code to ensure they can be scanned easily. The material you print on should be durable and suitable for the product; for example, waterproof labels for items that might be exposed to moisture.

Step 5: Attachment

The method of attaching the price tag will depend on the product. For clothing or textiles, a tag gun can affix the tag securely without damaging the item. For packaged goods, an adhesive label might be more appropriate. Ensure that the tag is placed where it can be easily seen and does not interfere with the customer’s ability to inspect the product.

Step 6: Accuracy Check

Before the product hits the shelf, double-check the price tag for accuracy. Confirm that the price matches the one in your inventory system, and scan the barcode to ensure it registers correctly. This step is crucial to prevent customer service issues at the point of sale.

Step 7: Legal Compliance

In some jurisdictions, there may be legal requirements for what must be included on a price tag. This can include the unit price, country of origin, or compliance with local consumer protection laws. Ensure that your tags meet all regulatory requirements. You can also see more templates like Shipping Label Templates.

What Needs to be on a Price Tag?

A price tag typically needs to include the product’s price, a brief description, and may also feature a barcode or SKU for inventory management.

What is the Purpose of a Price Tag?

The purpose of a price tag is to provide customers with the product’s price and to assist retailers with inventory tracking and management.

What is Price Tag in Marketing?

In marketing, a price tag is a label or sticker placed on a product that indicates its cost to the consumer. It serves as a key piece of communication in the purchasing process, informing customers of the price they need to pay and often including additional details like discounts or product information. Price tags can influence purchasing decisions and are used strategically in marketing to attract customers through pricing tactics and promotions.

In Conclusion, price tags are a fundamental element of the retail experience. They serve as a silent salesperson, providing customers with essential information and helping retailers manage their operations efficiently. By understanding the different types of price tags and adhering to best practices in their design and use, businesses can enhance customer satisfaction, streamline their processes, and ultimately drive sales. You can also see more templates like Water Bottle Labels.

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