Marketing your products and services isn’t the only way to get more clients. Agencies must put themselves out there and approach clients if they want to win them over. And one effective way to do that is by preparing and submitting business proposals. Proposals are power tools if written effectively that can drive new business opportunities, get you lots of clients, and advertise your experiences and success. A great agency proposal should not only cover the company’s perspective but prepare something in which they could offer to the client, a solution and answers to their needs. Continue reading more about this below and if you need any help preparing an agency proposal check out our free agency proposal to client samples that are available for download on this page.

10+ Agency Proposal to Client Samples

1. Agency Proposal to Client Template

agency proposal to client template

File Format
  • MS Word


2. Advertising Agency Proposal to Client Template

advertising agency proposal to client template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Pages


3. Agency Selection Proposal to Client

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


4. Agency Design Proposal to Client

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 278 KB


5. Social Media Agency Proposal to Client

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 486 KB


6. Agency Promotion Proposal to Client

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


7. Advertising Agency Proposal to Client

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 279 KB


8. Agency Development Proposal to Client

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 978 KB


9. Agency Fund Proposal to Client

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 10 KB


10. Agency Leadership Proposal to Client

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 250 KB


11. Agency Insurance Proposal to Client

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 170 KB


What Is an Agency Proposal for a Client?

An agency proposal is a document that informs potential clients about your agency and the services or products you offer. Like most business proposals, this document explains what you are offering and should be able to convince your client why your company is the best choice amongst other competitors. The proposal should be concise and persuasive enough to help the client choose your agency. This is why proposals are often required by clients so they are able to fully assess and choose the right company for the job. Proposals often contain complete information most of the time based on the requirements incorporated by the clients so it is easier for the agency and the client to go through.

How To Create an Agency Proposal?

There is no formal way to create an agency proposal, you may check out templates or try creating one from scratch. Basically, though, this type of proposal typically has the same kind of common elements as most business proposals, you just need to personalize this document to fit your requirements.

I. Cover Letter

This section will include a personal introduction to your company, basically what your company does and the industry your serve, the reason why you are submitting the proposal, and express how you can help your client.

II. Summary / Overview

Identify your client’s key business needs, the solutions you can offer, and the strategies you have come up with that will be beneficial to your client. Keep this brief, since this is just a summary to get your clients interested so they may want to read more.

III. Providing Solutions

Outline your recommended solutions and designed approach to the problem. Whether your product can increase the client’s income or the services you are offering can help them reach their target sales. Whichever it may be, discuss how your solutions can benefit your client in the long run.

IV. Strategies and Timeline

Define the strategies you will be using and the timeline so your client will understand how your company works. If this is a project then you will need to provide a breakdown of the steps and timeline for the client, so they will know what to expect.

V. Scope of Work/Service

Describe the work or goods you will be providing your client. Make sure to keep this brief but comprehensive.

VI. Cost and Budget

If your client has a preferred budget, try to match the cost with the budget provided. If the prices end up higher than expected, although this may raise second thoughts, make sure to justify the costs by explaining this to your client.

VII. Company Overview

Lastly, your client would pretty much want to know more about your agency as well so include a company overview regarding the agency’s history, the way the agency works, and the team members. You may want to include clients you previously serve and the awards your agency has attained.


What Is a Business Proposal?

A business proposal is a document that you send to your prospective clients as a means to convince them to choose your company, purchase products, or acquire your services.

What Is a Bid Proposal?

A bid proposal is a document that explains the services or products offered at an estimated cost to a company.

What Are Agencies?

These are organizations that are engaged particularly in servicing and typically one that involves organizing transactions between two other parties.

Preparing a proposal can be quite a challenge since you need to convince a client to choose your company. But remember to take your time, do your research and understand your client’s perspective then you will be able to create that winning agency proposal.

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