Anything with video animation can easily catch anyone’s attention. Captivating and high quality animation are used nowadays for almost anything. For marketing promotion, in the medical field, entertainment purposes, the creative arts, education and many more to speak. In this day and age with the rapid development of technology, animation has also took a step forward with this progress. Take for instance, Japan which draws a portion of its revenue thanks to its Japanese animation industry or anime. As animation is on the rise of being a lucrative business, animators, digital artist, cartoonist and the likes start off by showcasing their portfolio or ideas through what is called an animation project proposal. Learn more about this in our article and don’t forget to check our free animation project proposal samples below:

6+ Animation Project Proposal Samples

1. Animation Pre-Production Project Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 3 MB


2. Computer Animation Final Project Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 3 KB


3. Animation Project Request for Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 64 KB


4. Animation Workflow Project Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 21 KB


5. Animation Services Project Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 386 KB


6. Animation Senior Project Proposal

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 7 KB


7. Sample Animation Project Proposal

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 619 KB


What Is an Animation Project Proposal?

Animation which has been around for decades, is a process in which figures are manipulated to appear as moving images. In traditional animation, images are drawn or painted by hand on transparent celluloid sheets to be photographed and exhibited on film. In the modern age, most animations are made with computer-generated imagery or CGI. And animation has been used in a lot of areas as mentioned making it a big business, with consumers increasingly expecting higher quality graphics in gaming, better visual effects in movies and a more immersive consumption experience wherever they go. So everyday companies engaged in the animation industry are in a constant search for new ideas. An animation project proposal is the first step to present a potential idea or concept to a client. This a project plan that should outline the purpose and scope of a project. This is helpful before a project takes place since it ensures both parties agree about what the project itself will include.

How to Write an Animation Project Proposal?

With an animation project proposal you present a solution to a problem your potential client has defined, the budget for the project, the ideal timeline, and other relevant information. A comprehensive animation project proposal can help you narrow down what goals and aims you want to achieve while trying to convince a potential client to invest in your project. Or for those studying animation, project proposal are a way of testing your skills in the field and how well can you present them. When writing an animation proposal, this will serve as your guide and provide you with structure as you work on the project. Make your proposal stand out an include everything your client wants to know and things they never knew they needed for their video. To start, here are tips to help you get started with your animation project proposal:

1 Executive Summary

In this introductory section, called the executive summary this is where you should summarize your project. Just like the introduction of an essay, this section should aim to catch your recipient’s attention and encourage them to read on. Include other brief details about who you are, what you do, and what you specialize in.

2. Project Background

Define the problem and explain how your animation skills and your video will solve the problem. Focus on how and why you came to think of the project in the first place.

3. Approach and Solution

State the goals and objectives for the animation project and how you plan to execute it. Make sure you know what goals and objectives your client aims to reach. Explain to your client ways you can help them reach their business goals and discuss who will take ownership of the project. Also tell them what results they should expect from your animation project.

4. Project Timeline and Deliverables

Discuss the process and procedure of the project with the corelated timeline. Set estimates and any back up plans.

5. Financial Information

Clearly set the budget and payment methods. Provide an itemized budget for your project and the predicted financial of your completed project. Do some intensive research in order to carefully  ensure your calculations are as accurate as possible. Accurate calculations give investors and clients the best idea of how much the project will cost and whether it can fit into their own budgets.

6. Additional Information

Gather any relevant documents for the final section of your proposal. Show them your portfolio and feedbacks or testimonials from your previous clients if applicable.


What Is Multimedia Project?

Multimedia Project is combination of text, graphic art, sound, animation, and video later to be and integrated.

What Is a 3D Animation?

3D Animation is the is the art of using motion to bring characters, vehicles, props, and more to life. In 3D animation, objects can be moved and rotated following the same principles as in real life.

Is There a Demand of Animators?

There is a projected growth for employment of special effects artists and animators. This is due to the due to increased demand for animation and visual effects in video games, movies, and television.

So how will you choose to write your animation project proposal? You can create the layout, write all the copy, and add images by yourself. Make sure you have a good grasp on the basics of what potential clients expect for proposal’s formatting and copy. Or download our sample templates above, whichever fits the main purpose of your proposal. Regardless of how you chose to write your project proposal always remember to incorporate the key components in order to seal the deal with your client or convince your professor in that matter, how efficient and beneficial your project may be.