For an artist to get some exposure to a variety of people who loves and appreciates art, they need to showcase their artworks and art pieces in exhibitions done in an art gallery, coffeehouses, or museums and even sell some pieces. It’s also one way to educate and show people different types of art that individual artists can create from scratch and open up to a deeper understanding of the different forms of art. If you’re an artist and are thinking that it’s time to exhibit your work, you need to approach organizers of galleries or museums to give you the chance to hold your exhibition in their spaces. To do that, a proposal is what you need to send them first to open up this discussion. Read the article to know how to make an artist exhibition proposal.
10+ Artist Exhibition Proposal Samples
1. Artist Exhibition Proposal Template

2. Artist Gallery Exhibition Proposal
3. Artist Exhibition Summary Proposal
4. Artist Call for Exhibition Proposal
5. Artist Exhibition Proposal
6. Artist Statement Exhibition Proposal
7. Artist Group Exhibition Proposal
8. Artist Exhibition Program Proposal
9. Artist Artwork Exhibition Proposal
10. Artist Exhibition Proposal Form
11. Artist Exhibition Review Proposal
What is an Art Exhibition?
An art exhibition is an event where a gallery, or art museum, or art hall displays and presents an artist’s artwork and art pieces (such as paintings, sculptures, drawings, images, photography, video, performance, or audio) to an audience to present the artist’s ideas, statements or talent.
How to Make an Artist Exhibition Proposal
1. Do Some Research
Before you go to a gallery or a museum, make sure to look up and read some background about them. Check out the previous shows they’ve done and observe what type of art do they exhibit and what type of artist do they work with. Does your art relate to their vision or mission? Knowing this in advance will help you decide if this gallery or museum is the right location where you can showcase your artworks and if they are the right people to help you organize your exhibition. This will save you time creating proposals for the wrong galleries.
2. Follow the Gallery’s Rules
Don’t forget to check out any rules or processes for exhibitions in every gallery or museum you plan to show your work. Make sure you read all the instructions carefully and follow their procedure to make sure your proposal will not get rejected before they even read it.
3. Create Your Proposal
Now it’s time to get cracking and start writing your proposal. The contents of your proposal must have the following details:
- Executive Summary: This is where you briefly describe your artwork, the importance of the exhibition to you and the rest of the community, the medium you’re using to showcase your art, the number of pieces present in the exhibition, and the size of the work.
- Artist Statement: Here is where you explain further your artworks and their unifying themes, ideas, or questions that link each other together. Furthermore, you can also give an explanation where you draw inspiration for the exhibition.
- High-Quality Photos of Your Work: Provide around 10 – 15 photos of your artwork that you plan to show in your exhibition. Make sure the images you include show your work nicely so use a good camera to make sure its quality is nice. You also need to include information on each image such as its filename, title of the piece in the photo, the medium you used, the dimension of the medium, and the date you created the artwork.
- Biography: You must Include a short biography of yourself where you will describe your background, interests, experiences, and accomplishments. Write your biography in the 3rd person point of view.
- Curriculum Vitae: This is just a more detailed description of your experience as an artist, and shows how active you are in creating your pieces and participating in the arts community.
What are the different types of artist exhibitions?
The different types of artist exhibitions are solo, collective, temporary, itinerant, online, anthological, and retrospective.
What is the purpose of an art exhibition?
There are many purposes why art exhibitions are done. The first purpose is to generate sales from auctions to set prices on art pieces. The second purpose is that the artists want to connect their art pieces to the public to send a message, share ideas, make a point, or just simply display their masterpieces and demonstrate their talent. The third purpose is to provide the audience with the learning opportunity to appreciate and respect art and culture.
Conclude your proposal by thanking the gallery or museum director for their time and include your contact details and address for them to know how to reach you if they want to invite you to do an exhibit with them. Make sure to do the necessary revisions such as proofreading your proposal and asking help from someone to read your application to know if your proposal is clear and understandable. To help you get started on making your sponsorship proposal, download the free sample templates above to use as your guide.
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