Before you complete your chosen degree of bachelor’s program in college, it’s important to take into account the possibility that you may be required to write a thesis. Although a thesis in undergraduate programs is not too much of a norm, some practices may still require their students to write one before completing the course, especially those who want to move on and take a master’s degree.

A thesis or a bachelor thesis is a complex work that undergraduate students have to accomplish before getting their bachelor’s degree, Students are required to select a topic of their own that is aligned with the program that they are currently in, and make a research around the particular subject that they chose. They can being their study once the topic that they have chosen has been approved by their advisors or panelists. To do that, a researcher must first write a bachelor’s thesis proposal to present to the panelists and convince them that the study that they have chosen to take is relevant and more importantly, feasible.

When you are interested in a certain topic or study for your thesis, then it would be right for you to draft a thesis proposal to defend your choice. Although, a thesis proposal might still be a requirement especially if the thesis is mandatory. The document is fully aimed to convince the panel and the advisors that your idea for your project and thesis is important and relevant for the field. A well written thesis proposal can easily do that for your, assist you with presenting all the components of your idea to get the approval of your advisors, Make sure that your document is well drafted by checking out these bachelor thesis samples that we have listed for you down below. Once you’ve familiarized yourself with the document, feel free to use these samples as guides or even as templates for your thesis proposal.

10+ Bachelor Thesis Proposal Samples

1. Bachelor Thesis Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 156 KB


2. Bachelor Thesis Project Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 400 KB


3. Bachelor Thesis Research Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 51 KB


4. Bachelor Undergraduate Thesis Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 264 KB


5. Bachelor Thesis Proposal Outline

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 147 KB


6. Strategic Marketing Bachelor Thesis Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 19 KB


7. Bachelor Medication Thesis Research Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 89 KB


8. Sample Bachelor Thesis Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 339 KB


9. Bachelor Thesis Proposal Format

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 5 MB


10. Bachelor Thesis Proposal Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 620 KB


11. Bachelor of Honours Thesis Proposal

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 8 KB


What Is a Bachelor Thesis Proposal?

Bachelor proposals are documents that aim to convince academic boards and advisors that your idea and the thesis overall is relevant and important. The document explains how you can effectively write and complete the project. It typically includes a description of the topic that explains the larger purpose of the thesis, a literature review that highlights the most relevant readings and discourses that are related to your topic, a section for the methodology, and the list of your references. For other academic programs however, the structure of a thesis may vary. It can be drafted in chapters that define and specify the concepts of the paper, with a conclusion in the end that ties all the ideas and loose ends together.

A thesis proposal should be able to let these people know why the project or the topic for the thesis is good and relevant, and that you understand all the pieces of information and the studies that are already out there that relates back to your topic. It would  also be best to remember that the way you write your proposal will also leave an impression to the advisors. The grammar, the structure, and its contents can make a very significant difference in whether or not your proposal will be approved or rejected.

How To Write a Bachelor Thesis Proposal

You can think of thesis proposals as elaborate marketing documents used to promote and present all the ideas of your project to the panel or board of advisors so that they can approve the research and development of your paper. We want them to approve your study, so it would be very best to write the thesis proposal specific to the topic that you chose. You can speak to them through this proposal, and make them realize that what you want to happen is aligned with their own goals. Listed below are the elements that your bachelor thesis proposal should be able to contain.

  • Title page
    • The document should begin with a title page containing the author of the paper, institution, department, the research mentor if there is, and the date of when the document was presented.
  • Abstract
    • The abstract is your brief summary of the proposal with only less than 200 words. It should present a brief introduction of the issue that your thesis works around with, and the key statement of the thesis. It should also present a summary of how you plan to address this issue that you have identified.
  • Introduction
    • The introductory section of your proposal should present the overall context of your study and capture the interest of your readers. It has to explain the background of your paper starting from a broad picture to a much narrower point of view. Write the introduction in a level that is easy to read and comprehend, even by readers that have the same educational level as you have.
  • Thesis statement
    • Write your thesis statement in just a couple words. It should be able to capture the essence of your study with the scope and the limitations of your topic.
  • Approach
    • You should be able to present the overall approach that you are planning to take for the development and research of your thesis. Present the strategies that you are planning to take, the materials that you need, procedures, methods that will be put in place, calculations, equipment, etc. Basically just the internal components of your thesis.
  • Preliminary results and discussion
    • Present the initial results that you have gathered during the early researches of your study. Explain how they fit into the bigger framework of your thesis.
  • Work plan and timetable
    • List down the stages of your project in a tabulated format. Include the deadlines that you will set for the completion and note the initial progress that you have made.
  • Implications of the study
    • State why the research is important and what new knowledge will be uncovered by the study.
  • References
    • Lastly, always remember to cite the ideas, concepts, texts, and dates that you have extracted from related literature. The las thing you need is plagiarizing other’s works. And follow a uniform and assigned citation format.


What is the structure of a thesis?

A thesis is usually composed of an abstract, introduction, literature review, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion.

How hard is a thesis?

The difficulty in the writing process of a thesis heavily depends on how an individual might tackle the task. Writing a 100-page thesis might be overwhelming, but you can easily mitigate the fatigue by having a proper and well organized time and resource management. Remember that the single best thing you can do is to not make it even harder for yourself.

What are some good topics for thesis?

  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Architecture
  • Human resources
  • Business
  • Education

Writing a thesis might be the most challenging assignment that a student has to accomplish before they can finally move on to being a part of the profession that they chose. That is why we’re here, and trying our best to help you out. For more tips and templates, be sure to browse around our website.